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Course Handbook
1. Introduction

Innovation is a key determinant of competitive advantage. Innovation is about newness, growth,

transformation, and organisations moving forward and operating more efficiently and better than
yesterday. Innovation brings new products, new processes, refreshes old industries, provides new business
opportunities and helps to shape up the future. Innovation affects businesses, government, and society in

Having an awareness of the emergence of innovation and the quest for organisational response is a
prerequisite. Understanding its nature, its process from invention to commercialisation, strategic
management approach to stay abreast of competition is vital. Strategic Innovation Management delivers
exactly this goal. This course provides an introduction to the nature of innovation and how innovation can
be fostered, organised and managed within the organisation. Students will gain an understanding of the
concepts of innovation and the characteristics of technology, its life cycles, the organisational process of
creating, delivering, and capturing innovation values.

With the purpose of bridging theories and practise to prepare students for employability, the course is
grounded in innovation theories to examine the latest industry trends and case studies. The course
provides students with current innovation management knowledge, methodology and conceptual tools to
analyse the innovation challenges that organisations are facing with, and how to innovate and how to
capture innovation value.


a. To provide students with a sound understanding of theoretical and practical issues involved
in Innovation.
b. To allow students to apply and understand in detail several widely used conceptual
frameworks, which will be of immediate and real value in future careers.

2. Learning Outcomes

 Define and explain the concepts, types and patterns of innovation

 Understand the complexities of the innovation process
 Describe and explain how innovation management concepts can be used to support management
decision making
 Understand and explain the financial implications of innovation
 Demonstrate an interest and awareness of current developments in Innovation Management

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Personal abilities

1. Apply the core concepts, frameworks, and techniques of innovation to real-life organisations.
2. Promote a professional approach towards the performance of written work and oral presentations.
3. Demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills appropriate to a variety of subject and non-
subject specific contexts.
4. Demonstrate an ability to act as both an interdependent as well as an independent learner.
5. Work independently
6. Develop time and project management skills
7. Communicate and present ideas effectively by written and verbal means

3. The Global Teaching Team

Edinburgh Business School operates across three of Heriot-Watt University’s five campus locations. You
therefore have the unique opportunity via our online learning platform to access some sessions offered
by academics in each location to suit your circumstances. Contact details for the course leader in each
location are provided below.

Campus Role Name Email

Edinburg Global Course Dr Stephan Gerschewski

h Leader

Malaysia Course Leader Dr Praveen Nair

Alberto Andrés Peralta

Course Leader
Jorge Castellote

For office hours, please see the ‘Your Course Team’ section of the Canvas site. Please ensure that you
contact the course leader on your campus of registration in the first instance.

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4. Course Structure
This course is divided into 11 Learning Units. Each Unit is accompanied by one face-to-face lecture and
supporting seminars and will address a specific subject area. In each Unit folder on Canvas, you will find a
range of online learning materials and instructions to guide your progress through several tasks and
activities to support your learning and to prepare you for lectures and /or seminars.

All lectures and seminars will be delivered face-to-face on the Edinburgh campus of Heriot-Watt University.

Reading Week: Week 6 is reserved as a Reading Week free of any timetabled sessions across all EBS
courses. You could use this time to catch up with learning materials and wider reading.

5. Teaching Schedule
Lectures. There will be timetabled face-to-face, in-person lectures of two hours each - please see Section 8
in the Course Handbook for a detailed overview for each week. There will be no recordings of the lectures.

Seminars: There are several timetabled seminars delivered as per the detailed schedule provided in Section
8. These will be live interactive sessions lasting one hour. You will work as a class or in break-out groups to
explore the theories and concepts introduced in that week’s lecture or in materials you will be directed to
on Canvas. There will be no recordings of the seminars.

6. Course Assessment
Assessment on this course is designed to test your achievement of the learning outcomes listed above.
100% course work consisting of two individual business reports. Assessment information is provided in a
separate document.

 Formative Assessment Due: Week 7, Friday 28 October, 5pm (Local Time) (assessed 30%)
 Summative Assessment Due: Week 12, Friday 2 December, 5pm (Local Time) (assessed 70%)

Assessment marking criteria are available in the Assessment area of the Canvas course. Support to
complete the course assessment is provided during lectures, seminars, and in the assessment
documentation, which is uploaded on Canvas.

Submission of Coursework. An electronic PDF or Word file of your coursework MUST be submitted to the
correct Turnitin link for your campus of registration (via the Assessment area on Canvas). Turnitin will be
used as the actual date stamp of submission. No hard copy of your work is required even if you are based
on campus.

Will I get feedback on my coursework? Yes, you will receive general class feedback and individual or group
feedback. Class feedback on the assessment, highlighting general strengths and weaknesses, will be

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provided in a Word file that will be uploaded to the Assessment area on Vision, while individual or group
feedback will be available when the marks are released (up to 3 weeks after the assessment is due, as per
School policy- please note this only applies for the Formative Assessment).

Late Submissions. In line with University Policy, any work submitted after the set date and time will
automatically have a penalty applied. The penalty is a reduction by 30% of the mark awarded. Submission
will be accepted up to five working days after the submission deadline - your work will be marked, the late
penalty applied, and you will receive feedback. Coursework submitted after five working days will be
awarded NO grade and you will not be entitled to feedback.

Extensions. No extensions for coursework are permitted unless an extension is given to the whole class (in
exceptional circumstances). The course leader cannot grant individual extensions. If you foresee having
issues submitting by the deadline, please contact your Personal Tutor and apply for Mitigating
Circumstances (MC).

7. Reading, Preparation, and Additional Resources

Within each Unit/week folder in the Canvas you will find what will be covered in each seminar and how you
can best prepare for these sessions. Each Unit/week folder details the unit learning outcomes and topics to
be covered. Please read through these carefully before each seminar. There are clear instructions for the
activities, exercises, and tasks you need to complete before each seminar. The Detailed Course Outline in
section 8 of this handbook provides a good overview of what to expect each week.

Any required pre-work involves selected aspects of the course and readings; if pre-work is indicated for a
seminar, this should be considered a minimum required level of preparation. If you have time and would
like to do more work beforehand or after a seminar, you could work through the additional activities and
readings indicated in the unit/week folder.

The digital library is available giving access to a full range of resources, including e-books, databases and
journals. Resource lists, subject guides, skills development and online tutorials will also be available to
support your study. If you have any questions, our specialist Librarian (Marion Kennedy, EBS and
Psychology, +44 131 451 3583, will be ready to help with one-to-one advice.

Core Textbook. The core textbook for this course is available via the HWU library and as an eBook:

 Tidd, J. and Bessant, J. (2020). Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and
Organizational Change, 7th Edition, Chichester: Wiley.

Additional reading:
 Schilling, M. A. (2022). Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 7 th edition, Boston:
McGraw Hill.

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Great Online Resources for Latest Thinking on Innovation and Sector Analysis (See ‘Company Data, Financial Data, Market


In all academic writing Referencing is essential. Citing sources is the key mechanism used to demonstrate
the quality of arguments and evidence. It also allows you to demonstrate that you are not stealing other
people's work. Taking other peoples’ work and implying it is yours by not citing it correctly is plagiarism.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. See
The School of Management & Languages Social Sciences (SoSS) uses the Harvard Referencing system. The
library has some excellent information on how and where to cite using the Harvard Referencing system. See
in particular:

The link provided above and the presentation available at Cite-Ref-Harvard-Style.ppt provide many more
examples of referencing different types of material. The library also runs several useful sessions on
academic practice and plagiarism.

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8. Detailed Course Outline and Schedule*
Session times are all local time

Unit Unit Lecture and related Seminar Edinburgh Malaysia Dubai Required Pre-Work

14th September 12th Sep Chapter 1 of core text (Tidd & Bessant, 2020)
1. Introduction
to Strategic
Management Seminar
No Seminar No Seminar

21st September 19th Sep Chapter 2 of core text (Tidd & Bessant, 2020)

2. Innovation
Process Seminar
21st September 19th Sep

3. Building an Lecture:
Innovation 28th September 26th Sep Chapter 3 of core text (Tidd & Bessant, 2020)

Seminar 28th September 26th Sep

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5th October 3rd Oct Chapter 4 of core text (Tidd & Bessant, 2020)
4. Innovation

5th October 3rd Oct

Chapters 5 and 6 of core text (Tidd & Bessant,
12th October 10th Oct
5. Sources of
12th October 10th Oct

17th – 23rd October: Reading Week (no lecture and seminar)

6. Innovating Lecture 26th October 24th Oct Chapter 10 of core text (Tidd & Bessant, 2020)
New Products
and Services Deadline: Formative Assessment (30%), Friday

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28 October, 5pm

No Seminar 24th Oct

Chapters 7 and 11 of core text (Tidd & Bessant,
2nd November 31st Oct
7. Collaboration
and Open
Innovation Seminar
2nd November 31st Oct

Chapters 8 and 9 of core text (Tidd & Bessant,
9th November 7th Nov
8. Decision
Making for
Innovation Seminar
9th November 7th Nov

9. Capturing Lecture
Chapters 13 and 14 of core text (Tidd &
Business and 16th November 14th Nov
Bessant, 2020)
Social Value

Seminar 16th November 14th Nov

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Chapter 12 (Tidd & Bessant, 2020) plus one
Lecture 23rd November 21st Nov
reading (available on Canvas)
10. Innovation
23rd November 21st Nov

Deadline: Summative Assessment (70%),

Lecture 30th November 28th Nov
11. Recap of the Friday 2nd December, 5pm
Seminar No Seminar No Seminar

*Schedule is subject to change.

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