TrailFinderWolf 01

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Cub Scout Booklet

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including illustrations and cover designs,
without the prior written authorisation
of the Interamerican Scout Office,
which represents the owners of the copyright.

Reservation of rights applies equally

to the national scout associations which are members of the
World Organization of the Scout Movement.

Copyright registration: 133.001

ISBN: 956-8057-12-9

This first edition of 3,000 copies

was printed in June 2003.

Interamerican Scout Office

Av. Lyon 1085, 6650426,
Providencia, Santiago, Chile
tel. (56 2) 225 75 61
fax (56 2) 225 65 51

World Organization of the Scout Movement

Cub Scout
You are already at the
Trail-Finder Wolf stage!

Now you
and you think
can walk and
a little before
run faster and
acting, too.
more freely

you must
be asking a
lot more about
the things you
don't know

You will learn

a lot of new
things with us You are going
to have some
good times.
We promise.

You are also able to help
your smaller sisters
and brothers in the Pack,
who will be beginning
to follow in your footsteps.

This Booklet belongs to




Scout Group

I joined the Pack on

This Booklet is private property.

Please do not read it without permission.

Thank you!

the adventure
of the
cold lairs

Near the hills of Seonnee, the home of Akela's

Free People of the Wolves, were the Cold Lairs. These
were the ruins of an old abandoned city which was
home to the Bandar-log, hundreds of monkeys who
were the people with no law.

The Bandar-log were very chaotic, always talking
about things they knew nothing about and leaving
things half-finished. For that reason, they envied the
wolves, because the wolves did know how to organise
themselves. They listened to each other, they had a leader
and assembled at the Council Rock to talk about really
important business.

Baloo, the bear, was responsible for teaching the

law of the jungle to the wolf-cubs of Seeonee. He had
told them not to play with the monkeys because nothing
good could be learned from them, but not everyone paid
attention to Baloo's advice.

Mowgli -who was a member of the Free People in

spite of being a human and who sometimes thought he
knew everything- said to himself, "How the old bear likes
to exaggerate, the monkeys
can't be that bad". And
so he did play with
the Bandar-log and
he learned some
of their bad habits,
like annoying other
people and throwing
rubbish at other animals
to make fun of them.
But the monkeys'
friendship was false:
they had a plan. What
they really wanted was
to kidnap Mowgli
to get him to teach
them how to weave
branches to build
roofs to protect them
from the rain.
One day Mowgli was sleeping on the branch of a
tree when some monkeys leapt on top of him and swept
him off towards the Cold Lairs.

"Why are you taking me away?" protested Mowgli as he

was swung at dizzying speed among the tree tops. "We
are taking you to our hideout and you will never be able
to come back," was the only reply the monkeys gave him
between bursts of shrieking laughter.

Mowgli was too frightened to ask any more

questions until he could work out what to do. Suddenly,
as he thought frantically, he saw a kite, which is a bird
like a falcon but larger. He asked the kite to tell his
friends in the Seeonee Pack what was happening to him
and the kite flew away at high speed to look for them.

From up on high, among the tangle of the jungle

below, the kite could make out Baloo and Bagheera, the
panther, Mowgli's best friends. He swooped down and
in his kite's voice, as he continued to beat his wings, he

"An urgent message I bring from the man-cub who
with the Seeonee Pack lives, and Mowgli they call!

"Speak, then. It must be important if it is about our

Mowgli," replied Baloo, worried and a little annoyed
by the kite's habit of speaking backwards.

"Kidnapped is he by the monkeys of the people

without a law. To the Cold Lairs they have taken him.
Hurry and rescue him, because what the monkeys are
planning no-one can tell."

Bagheera's fur stood up on his back at the news

and a shudder ran through Baloo's tremendous body.

"Let's look for Kaa, the python. She too is a friend

of Mowgli's," said Baloo. He added, "She will be a
great help. Monkeys are afraid of snakes because
only snakes can climb as high up the trees as they.
And snakes can hypnotise monkeys with their eyes
and the swaying of their bodies until the monkeys are

Bagheera and Baloo walked a long way looking

for Kaa in the grass and peering up to the highest tree-
tops. They looked for her in abandoned storks' nests
and in the holes where hedgehogs had once lived.
Finally they found her preparing to hunt a morsel to
eat, hiding behind some rocks on the river bank.

"Good hunting, Kaa!" called Baloo in greeting, "we have
come to ask for your help to rescue Mowgli. He has been
carried off by the Bandar-log and we are afraid that they
may soon kill him through sheer carelessness."

"Of course I will help!" replied Kaa. "Mowgli is my friend

too. But first we must plan what we are going to do very
carefully. Remember that there are only three of us,
against hundreds of monkeys."

They planned the rescue together and set off on the

long hike to the Cold Lairs.

Bagheera led the way. He was so physically fit that

the trek was nothing to him. Kaa was close on Bagheera's
heels, her long body slithering along with great, powerful
concertina movements. But big, heavy Baloo tired quickly
and had to sit down every few moments to get his breath

"Hurry up, old Baloo," grumbled Bagheera without

breaking his loping gallop, "if we take very much longer
we might be too late."
"My bones are heavy and I have eaten too much honey.
Now I know by the weight of my stomach that it's true,"
said Baloo a little sadly. "You two go ahead, don't wait for
me. I'll catch up with you as soon as I can."

Bagheera and Kaa managed to reach their

destination and, although it was very dark, they saw that
the stupid monkeys still had Mowgli, which was one
good sign at least.

So they put their plan into action. Bagheera would

slip up to the top of the old abandoned palace to reach
the terrace, where the largest group of monkeys were
holding Mowgli. Kaa would take up her position on the
west wall. She would use the extra height to throw herself
down onto the monkeys at full speed at just the right

As a cloud came over the moon, Kaa made her

way to her chosen spot, so silently that not even a blind
person with very clean ears could have heard him.
Bagheera padded to his position, treading carefully
among the dry leaves to make no sound. Suddenly,
Bagheera threw himself furiously among the monkeys to
begin the first part of the rescue.

As soon as the monkeys realised they were being

attacked, they threw Mowgli through the roof into a
doorless room full of poisonous snakes. But the snakes
did not harm Mowgli, because he quickly said the magic
words that Baloo had taught him to ask for protection,
"You and I are of the same blood". From his pit, Mowgli
could hear Bagheera's ferocious roar and the deafening
screeches of the monkeys.

The battle raging out there was tremendous and,
just as Baloo was about to give up, floundering under a
mass of monkeys who were biting and pulling his paws,
Baloo finally appeared running as fast as he could to the

But the most amazing part was when Kaa

appeared, dancing on the earth and hypnotising the
monkeys with his swaying movements. Then total silence
fell and all the monkeys froze, filled with fear, moving
just enough to make way for the snake.

When Mowgli realised what was happening, he
began to shout to be let out of his prison, and Kaa broke
down the walls with mightly blows of her head.

This was how Mowgli was saved and reunited with

the friends who had rescued him. They had risked their
lives to save him.

"I am so grateful to you, my friends," were the first words

Mowgli could say once he was free again. "I am sorry for
making you risk your lives in such a dangerous adventure.
I promise that I will never ignore advice that people who
really love me give me for my own good.

Mowgli's friends accepted the apologies and thanks,

and they all set off together, back to the hills of Seeonee.

This was how Mowgli returned safe and sound to

the wolves' cave, where his family was waiting for him.

Now you can wear
the badge for the
Wolf Stage
Paint your shirt and scarf the colours
that you wear. Then, on the lines below,
write the different badges that cubs wear
in our country and draw arrows showing
where they go on the uniform:

The colours of my scout scarf stand for:

I received my scout scarf on

These are the symbols
we have in our Pack!
Our flag Our totem

Cubs salute like this

Our salute means:

The Hunt Book

The Hunt Book or Gold Book tells the

history of your Pack since it was created.
Both cubs and leaders can write in
it. Look through it and choose an
experience or story from it that
you think is interesting. You
can tell that story here,
with writing and drawings.

The story I am going to tell happened in the

year and this is what happened:

this drawing will help show what happened

Does your Pack have a Hunt Book?

Do you all keep it up to date?
Your six could offer
to write up your last outing in it.
You can illustrate it with photos, souvenirs and messages.

This is my pack!

Stick a photo
of the whole
pack here.

this is what my friends in the Pack wrote

when I received my badge for the
Trail-Finder Wolf stage

can I draw
please write
you a heart?

I'm still

Strong and healthy like
I am Bagheera, the black panther,
with eyes golden like the sun.
We already know each other quite well, so you know quite a
bit about me. So, put a circle round the words that you think
describe me, then colour me however you like!






Now you are at the Trail-Finder Wolf stage,

let me tell you a story that no-one in the jungle knows.
It's my secret.

Go go!

¡HA, ha,

what's this I bet it's

scar, my from a
friend? great fight!

no-one in little
all the jungle frog... it is
knows that the mark
I have of the
this mark... chain...

I will tell
you my secret
- I was born
among men...

20 the
Royal Palace Come
to the patio
where the
cages are!
the panther
cub is being

My poor, beautiful
little cub!
You will have to
go on alone...
my strength is
leaving me...

panther cub! That is how I spent my
Here you are childhood: eating left-overs
and bearing the taunts of men...
- try to make
it last because
there's no more.
There are few
scraps and
many animals
to feed.

Captivity is
One night, when I
was grown, I decided
not fair.
to change things... In spite of
I am strong...
my claws are
How I would powerful and
love to my will is great!
run and climb!
To hunt my
own food and
live among my
own kind!

at last...


And that is my story. Was that why

Little by little, I became you paid the
strong and all the price agreed
animals in the jungle for me at
respected me. the Council

Little Frog. You're the
That is why. greatest,

Your body is really amazing
No-one can take better care of it than you. But to do that,
you have to know your body and how it works.

Did you know ...?

The longest and strongest
bone in our body is the The human body has


and the smallest is the To walk, we have to move

. muscles.
(Answers on page 42)

If you joined all the

blood vessels of a
grown adult, you
could make a rope
160,000 kilometres
(99,000 miles) long.
Starting from where
you live, where
would that
stretch to?

Nerve impulses are really fast!

They travel at 320 km/h
(200 miles/hr).

We can taste the flavours of

things thanks to our taste buds,
which are located on different
parts of our tongue. Those on
the tip of our tongue taste sweet
and savoury flavours; those at the side of the tongue taste acid
flavours and those at the back, bitter flavours.
On the pages to come, you will find many challenges
to help you take care of your body as it deserves.
We care for our body and
try to avoid situations
that could harm it

I have learned to work out the

risks of the games I play and
the things that I do
Find the
6 risky situations
in this drawing
Answer on page 42

Why doesn't
the whole Pack
make a list of
all the risks
there could be
on an outing?

If you know about your body
you can take
better care of it
I know what
the main systems
in my body are for
All our organs work in combination with others. Those that work
on the same function form part of a system or apparatus.
Our body has different systems
that enable it to carry out many functions.
Guess... guess...
I am the whole body's I am the
control centre and
your nerves carry and I belong to the system.
my messages.
Of course, I am the
My beating makes
the blood ciruculate and I belong to the system.
round the whole body.

We hold all the muscles

in place, otherwise the
body would be a soft
shapeless mass. We are the
We are strong because
we have a lot of and we form the
We are the .
We are like baloons
and we give oxygen We form part of the system.
to your whole body.
I am a
I am like a filter that
eliminates waste and I belong to the system.
and excess water.
Answers on page 42

I have habits which protect my health,
like washing my hands
after going to the toilet
A habit is a way of doing things.
We learn habits by carrying out
the same action over and over
again. Some habits are good
for our health, but others do not
help us to keep healthy and we
should try to get rid of them.
An example of a bad habit is
eating too many sweets, which
causes tooth decay.
These are the habits I have
for taking care of my health

and these are habits I must try to get rid of

What about writing all the habits that cubs

want to get rid of up on the wall?
You will see that many others are trying to do
the same as you and you can help one another.
I can control my arms, legs, hands and
feet better all the time
Do a drawing of anything you like
in this space.

Look among your stuff for things that you wrote or drew when
you were younger, and compare them to what you can do now.
You could do the same thing all together in the

There's no doubt that you've grown and made progress!

I sort out problems with my
friends without using force

When you get angry you can't think

properly. So sometimes the first
thing that occurs to you is to sort
things out using violence. This
hurts the other person and
you too. And it doesn't solve
anything! It's better to wait
until the anger dies down and
speak to the person calmly.

I remember that I got angry with


And this is how I sorted it out

When you have a problem with a friend

do you talk about it first with him or her?
In the Pack
do you all talk together to solve your problems?
You could do an activity
using newspaper cuttings
to help you learn about
violent situations that
can happen between adults.
It is important for our health to
keep ourselves and the places
we use clean

I am always clean and it shows,

for example my hair,
ears, teeth and nails
Like our hair, our nails are always growing.
But only the roots are actually alive,
the rest is just dead cells. They have
no blood vessels or nerves.
That is why they do not bleed
or hurt when they are cut.

This is what I mean to do

to keep myself clean

Every time we eat,

bacteria are left on our teeth.
These damage the protective
enamel and cause tooth decay.
When we brush our teeth properly,
we eliminate those bacteria
and protect our health.
The toothbrush is really
a great invention.

I keep my room and the other
places where I live and work
clean and tidy
Keep and use again!
There are loads of little objects that we can use more than once,
but we can never find a place to keep them. So they often end
up in the garbage. For example,
paper clips, pieces of rope,
rubber, paint brushes, pencils,
buttons, containers, etc. What
about keeping a box or drawer
for these things? That way you
keep them tidy and when you
need something, your drawer
will always save the day. That is
recycling, keeping things to use
them again.
Has your Pack ever done
a recycling project?
If you have, write about it here. If you haven't, find out
what you could do and write your ideas here.

You have to eat well
to stay healthy

I know I have to eat the

right kind of food to help me grow
Solve this crossword!
1. Used as a condiment in 1. A liquid meal with peas,
many countries. vegetables and sometimes
2. Sometimes used as a meat.
preservative. 2. Another name for a pear.
3. A flavouring for hot 3. Leguminous plant rich in
or cold beverages. proteins.
4. Used for frying and 4. Appliance used in one form
in some salads. of food preparation.
5. A tropical fruit with a white 5. Tasty kernel of the stone-fruit.
kernel that can be eaten.
6. A round fleshy fruit from 3
temperate lands with
a red or green skin. 1
7. The name given to 2
a type of cake. 2 5
8. A food item rich in
protein and minerals. 3
9. A large 4
fruit inside that 5
grows on a vine, 6
used for making pies. 1
10. Provides eggs
and meat. 7 4

Answer on page 42

When I eat or help prepare food,
I take care to wash my hands
and have everything clean

When you cook, always do it with an

adult. And when everyone has tasted
that wonderful meal you prepared,
don't forget to clean and put away
everything you used.

What meals have you

prepared with your parents?

Write the recipe of a dish you have helped

to prepare in your house and that you can prepare
with your leaders in the Pack.
Ask your parents to help you.

Work and rest
help to keep us fit

I know how to
divide my time between
the different things that I do
Now that you are bigger, you are interested in more and more
things and you would like to have time to do them all. So it is
important to organise yourself. That means dividing up your time
among all your activities.
Enlarge this timetable onto a big sheet
and put it up where you can see it in your room.
This is how I divide my time

sun. mon. tue. wed. thu. fri. sat.


What is important is that you write down the time

you spend in school, the Pack, doing homework,
helping at home and your other activities.

I sleep long enough to
wake up properly rested
The child is asleep,
and what a dream he is dreaming!
What dream? He dreams he is flying.
How easy to fly in a dream!

He opens his arms, moves like

a bird and flies, flies away...
What dream? That it isn't a dream.
How easy to fly in a dream!

In the crib he is still.

But he smiles as he dreams.
What dream? That he flies, flies...
How easy to fly in a dream!
José Sebastián Tallón, Argentine poet

What are the things you dream about


In your six, you can tell each other about

your dreams. You could choose
the funniest one to act out for the rest
of the Pack. The other sixes can do the same.
Activities in the outdoors
are great fun and help
you learn to be organised
I help to make
preparations for Pack outings
Before an outing there are lots of preparations to make to ensure
that everything goes well. It will be less work if, every time you
come back from an outing or camp, everyone helps to clean,
repair and put away all the equipment you used together.
Then it will be ready for the next outing.
Do the same with your own kit!
In my personal kit for outings and camps
there are 3 bags that I never go without

In this one I keep


In this one I keep



And this one is for the dirty laundry

that I will wash at home afterwards
I play sports, I know the
rules and don't mind losing
Choose 3 sportspeople from our country and tell us:
His/her name is he/she plays

I chose him/her because

His/her name is he/she plays

I chose him/her because

His/her name is he/she plays

I chose him/her because

Who's correct?
The Olympic
The Olympic Games
Games got their
were named in honour
name because they
of their creator, Mr.
were played in the
Johann Olimper
city of Olympia.

Answers on
page 42

I like to play with other boys
and girls and I stick
to the rules of the game

if someone
touches your
head you have to
freeze and only you musn't step
your captain can on the lines!
rescue you

I know!

each team has

to chose a
captain. That
depends on...
not allowed!

What about inventing a new game? You could play it
with your six and then suggest it to the pack.

I've got
an idea!

Here I write down
other things I mean to do
to keep my body strong and healthy

Page 24
The longest bone in the human body is the femur,
which goes from the hip to the knee; and the smallest
is the stapes, or stirrup, which is in the ear.
The human body has 639 muscles and to walk
you have to move about 200 muscles.

160,000 kilometres or 99,000 miles of blood vessels

would go 4 times around the world.

The 6 risky situations on page 25 are shown

in the circles. Ask your leaders
to explain why.

Puzzle on page 32
Page 26
The organs and systems are:
Brain/nervous system
Heart/circulatory system
Lungs/respiratory system
Kidney/excretory system
L E O On page 37 the boy is correct.
D N The Olympic Games got their names
S P O N G E D because they were held in the city of
O O Olympia in Ancient Greece, in honour of
U F I S H V the god Zeus. The first Olympics on record
P U M P K I N E were held in the year 776 B.C.


sneaky a person who captivity deprivation of

hides what they are
freedom at the hands of an
irascible blood vessels tubes
a person who gets
through which blood
angry easily
flows. Blood vessels
can be divided into:
arteries, veins and

sumptuous bacteria are a kind

luxurious, of microbe. Types of
ostentatious, microbe are: bacteria, virus
pompous, something which and rickettsia.
makes a show of grandeur.

Here I write the meaning of other

words I have discovered

If I know more words I can express myself better

the adventure that came
to life on Brownsea
As you already know, Robert Baden-Powell -the
founder of Scouting- was born in Britain. He was a soldier
and took part in the defence of the city of Mafeking, in South
Africa, which spent 217 days under siege. He won that
battle thanks to his ingenuity and bravery and the help of
his companions. You also know that during the siege of the
city many children
helped with different
jobs. They proved
that they were
perfectly able to do
what was asked of
them; they could be
responsible, and felt
happy to help.

After that battle Baden-Powell returned to Britain and

was warmly welcomed by his countrypeople.

Some time afterwards, Baden-

Powell remembered how the young
people had helped so bravely and
enthusiastically, taking all the jobs
they were given almost as a game.
He thought that, even though they
weren't at war, children could learn
many things given the chance. And
so it occurred to him to write a book
and put his ideas into practice, to see
if they really worked.

That was how the first scout camp was organised
on the island of Brownsea. Just over 20 young people
were invited to carry out various fun activities, like getting
up early to swim in the sea, learning songs to sing when
they assembled at night, doing sports, learning to tie knots
and build things with the
wood they found, tracking
animal prints, learning
to survive with little
equipment... and much

The adventure was a complete

success. The youngsters who took part
told their families and friends about
it and the enthusiasm quickly spread.
Just a year later there were 50,000
scouts in England.

That's how Scouting began!

lord robert
His mother and sisters called him Ste.

At school he was called “Bowels”.

The companions of a club he formed when he was a

schoolboy gave him the nickname “Lord Bathing-Towel”.

His wife, Lady Olave, affectionately called him Robin.

The Matabales called him “Impeesa”, which means

"the wolf that never sleeps".

The Ashanti called him “Kantakye”, or "big hat".

And the Kaffir gave him the name “M’hlalapanzi”,

which means "he who lies down to shoot and lays his
plans carefully before putting them into practice".

What are your nicknames?

What nicknames do your friends in the six have?

Don't forget that a nickname is an expression

of affection and should never be hurtful
Ingenious like
Kaa is my name
and I am silky smooth.
I am astute when
my prey comes near,
and although I am not
a poisonous snake,
others respect me for
I am wise and sincere.

In the jungle everyone

follows the ideas
that are born
in my head,
but they also fear
the hiss that
sometimes slips
from my tongue.

Not for nothing everyone says I am

the one who knows most in the jungle.
Do you remember the time Baloo, Bagheera
and I rescued Mowgli from the Cold Lairs?
That time, my friends' strength began to fail during
the hard fight. Poor Baloo was really struggling- to tell the
truth, he is not very fit, since he tends to eat too much. It
looked as if the monkeys, fighting in their hundreds, were
winning ground. Despite all our efforts, we still couldn't
rescue Mowgli, and that's what we were there for!

It was clear that strength alone would get us

nowhere, and since I was the only one not being
overwhelmed by monkeys, I had to think quickly to solve
the problem. A difficult task, as I am not used to throwing
myself into adventures without carefully thinking out my
plan of action first.
I decided not to do anything desperate, because I
know only too well that a cool head thinks better. Then
I remembered that if I gazed steadily into the eyes of
the monkeys as I swayed before them, they would be

As soon as I began my dance, the monkeys - who,

as you know, are terribly curious and are always imitating
others - began to copy my movements, got distracted,
forgot to fight and, little by little, fell prey to my trance.
Just as I thought, my plan had worked! You may think it
incredible, but I knew that, once again, the Bandar-logs'
curiosity would do them no favours. My gaze is what
they fear most, and still they fell into my trap. They never
see the lesson in anything that happens to them, and so
they never learn from their experience.

With the monkeys paralysed it was easy to rescue

Mowgli. You must already know the story of that part,
becuase we told it at the beginning of this Booklet and in
the Tender Pad Booklet too.

A few days later, Mowgli asked me why I had
hypnotised the monkeys instead of squeezing them with
my body. “You are strong enough to have beaten them
easily”, I remember him saying. “My dear friend," I
answered, " life has taught me that you can achieve a lot
more if you know how to use your head instead of your
muscles”. "You know, Kaa," said Mowgli, leaning on my
coils, "they are so right when they say that you are the
wisest in the jungle. I'm going to use my head more often
- starting today."

Like Mowgli, cubs should know that to learn you

have to be patient and plan carefully what you want to
do. That's why now I want to help you to set yourself
challenges and do your best to meet them.
If you can think of others as well as the ones I suggest...
great! Write them down too.

I will show you that, as well as your body, you

have a head to take care of and cultivate. Your mind
has to set to creating, remembering, inventing, solving,
discovering, deducing, producing.... oof! in a word,

So, to work!
Who are we
talking about?

He was born in 1451. He was a great

navigator and cartographer.
Thanks to his travels and maps,
he discovered that the lands
Christopher Columbus
reached were not the
Indies, but
a new continent...
which was later called America.

Say it quickly without

making a mistake! Guess... guess...

Peter Piper The bull

promised Paul carries it uphill,
to pick a pail it is hidden in a trunk.
of pickled peppers. I never have it,
But you always do.

The planets are celestial bodies that revolve around a star.

Around the Sun, which is our star, revolve nine planets which
form the solar system. One of these is the Earth, on which we
all live. What are the others called?
Answers on page 71

To grow, we have to be aware
of what is going on
around us

I like to learn new things

This is considered to be the first musical

instrument because it appears in a painting
on stone from the year 3,000 before Christ.

It is called

and it is a

instrument because it
sounds when its strings
are made to vibrate.
Other types of musical intsruments are

, such as

and , like

Answer on page 71

"You must not depend completely on what you

are taught at school. A teacher cannot teach
you everything, but when he or she has shown
you how to acquire useful knowledge, it is up
to you to continue learning things for yourself."
Robert Baden-Powell

I investigate and find out
how things work
Let's experiment!
1. Paint some fish on a
piece of card, then 2. Stick a paper
colour them in and clip to each
cut them out. fish with
adhesive tape.
3. Tie a piece of
string to a cane
or stick and tie
a magnet to
the end of the
4. Put your fishes
in a tub and
go fishing!

Just think...
Why does your stick attract the fish? What is the magnet?
Find out who Thales of Miletus was
and what he had to do with your experiment.

You could use this experiment as a game for the

whole Pack. Which six can catch most fish ?
I am able to tell other people
what I read and learn

One way of learning and finding out what is going on

in our country and in the world is from the news. You can
listen to the news on the radio, see it on television or read
about it in the newspaper.
I read a newspaper called
and I chose this article

Cut out your article

and paste it here
(If it is very long,
stick down one end of the paper
and fold the rest)

I was interested in this article because

Our imagination helps us
to think and invent!

I relate imaginary
things to things that really happen
Do you know about Jules Verne?
He was a French novelist who lived in the
19th century. He wrote about fascinating
adventures and travels. It is said that he
was a great futurologist because, with
his amazing imagination, he predicted
inventions that would become real in
the 20th century. In his novel "Twenty
Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" he
speaks about "Nautilus", a ship that
could sail along the bottom of the sea,
that had lights and electric clocks and
submarine guns. In homage to him, the
first atomic submarine built 80 years
later was called "Nautilus".
These are all the things I have found out
about Jules Verne and the books he wrote

I can draw my own conclusions
from the books I read

The way you feel and interpret the things you read has
to do with what you like and don't like, with your family life
and where you live, with what you know and what you would
like to learn about. In summary, it has to do with your own
life, with your experience.

That is why you have your own opinions about the

stories and tales you read. Your opinions might be similar or
different to those of your friends.
in my six we read

and afterwards we talked about it.

these are some of the things we said

"The Little Prince" is a wonderful

book written by a French aviator and
novelist, called Antoine de Saint-
Exupéry. Highly recommended!
I like games in which
I have to think quickly

A person has stolen a valuable object and

-to loose us- has mixed with the visitors.
You have to find that person and the only clues you have are:

he or she is not hurt

he or she is wearing a tie or necklace
he or she does not eat outside the house
he or she is dumb
he or she does not like reading
Answer on page 71

You can do hundreds
of things with your hands

I use my manual skills

all the time
A spectacular lamp!
It is made by recycling egg cartons, which are usually thrown in
the garbage.
1. With a knife, cut out the
bottom of both cartons, that 2. Draw decorative shapes
is the part where the eggs go. on the smooth lids and
cut them out.

3. Paint the outside

of the boxes. 4. Then, paste
transparent paper
5. Make a rectangle with the two on the inside of
boxes and join them along the the smooth lids.
long sides with adhesive tape.

6. If you are going to use your lamp

as a shade for a light bulb that
hangs from the roof, you have to 7. You can also
make a small hole in the upper use it as a
part of two opposite sides of your shade for a
rectangle. Then, knot a piece of candelabra or
string or wire to hang your lamp table lamp.

Why not decorate the den with these multicoloured

lamps for the next party you have at night.
Suggest it to your leaders and the rest of the Pack!
such as origami, pottery, papier maché, weaving, basket making, macramé, etc
or ideas for things to do with my hands,

here I write other fun skills I would like to learn
The work I do with my hands
is getting better all the time
You have probably made some kind of object.

I made a
This is a drawing of it

Now, tell us how to do it.

This is how I did it

The most difficult part was

and the easiest part was

I would like to learn to make

Having a vocation means having the interest
and ability to do something in particular. You
have a long time ahead of you to
discover your vocation, and
the best thing for now is to
try out different alternatives

I show the
different things that I can do

Many interesting activities appear here.

Put a circle round the ones that interest you most.

On this page you can paste pictures
of other professions or jobs that interest you

When I am grown up I would like to be


I take part in sketches and other kinds of
drama about professions and jobs


Beatriz Ferro, Argentine poetess
There was once a monkey journalist;
an ace at making up stories.
If an ant chanced to bite him,
he'd write: "Terrible enemy
poisons innocent citizens:
time to hide in your gardens".
The sun shone red on the river?
He was sure to kick up a stink:
"Sensational fire in the water!
Red flames shoot up to the sky!"
And the people would call for the firemen,
and the firemen would call for the doctors;
stampedes, frights and fainting cats…
All because of the monkey's exaggeration.
Until a lion crossed his path…
That was sure to be big news!
"Loose beast. Terror. This is serious:
he could devour a neighbourhood or two!",
thought the monkey journalist out loud,
and the lion said, "How can there be such
journalistic rumpus and fuss
just because I came out to shake my ruff?
"Respect for the press!" shrieked the monkey.
And the lion answered, full of disdain:
"I never could bring myself to eat a journalist!"
(And ate him for being a sensationalist)

There are many ways of expressing
yourself. You can find your own way,
by trying out different possibilities

You can tell what I think and feel

from the activities I carry out

This space is for you. You can draw, write a poem,

tell a story or invent a song.
I try to speak clearly
and learn new words

I realise when other people

speak well, and I like it

This song is great fun and

has lots of different words.
Do you know what they mean?
Since you may know how
to play the guitar, here is the
tune and the accompaniment.


"Too high": raise hands, palms down.
"Can't get over it": action with hands to imitate getting over.
"Too low": lover hands, palms down.
"Can't get under it": imitate getting under.
"Too wide": hands held wide apart, palms facing.
"Round of it": circling action with hands.
"Gotta go...": hands held close togheter, palms facing.
A wise person is not someone who
knows all the answers, but someone
who is always asking questions about
things, even if the answers are not
always to be found
I like to know why
things happen
"Science harbours great beauty.
A wise person is not just a technician
when he is in the laboratory: he is
also a child placed before natural
phenomena that impress him like
a fairy tale. We must find a way to
bring that feeling out. We must not
let it be believed that all scientific
progress is about mechanisms,
machines, and gears which, quite
apart, have their own beauty".
Marie Curie

Marie Curie is acknowledged to be the most outstanding

scientist of all times. She was born in Poland in 1867. Her
maiden name was Marya Slodowska. She amazed the world
with her simplicity and always tried to make sure that her
work benefited humanity. She discovered radium, an essential
chemical element for the treatment of cancer. She died in 1934,
a victim of continual exposure to radium.

Did you know...?

Marie Curie was the first woman to receive a doctorate
in science, the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for
Physics, and to be a teacher at the Sorbonne University in
Paris. She was also the first person to receive two Nobel
Prizes -for Physics and Chemistry- and the first Nobel
Prize winner whose daughter also won the same award.
have changed life for people, like penicillin, electricity, the aeroplane, the

computer and so many other things.

have discovered or invented things that

here I can paste photos of other people who, like Marie Curie,
I try to find ways to solve the problems
which arise in the things I do
Paper is made from trees. Whole forests
are cut down to make it. And a tree is a natural
thing that takes years to grow. And what do we
do with paper? Normally, after we
use it, we throw it away... Why
not look in the rubbish at home or
at school and see how much paper
is in there.
What a waste!

And so, remember... "keep and use again"

How many sheets do you throw away because you smudged?
How many used jotters do you throw away without taking
care to keep the blank pages that are left?
How many times do you tear a whole sheet out of your jotter
just to write down a telephone number or an address?
These are my ideas
for reducing this serious problem

this is what we have done in the Pack
to recycle things we have used

The Pack could set up an exhibition

with every thing made of recycled products.
Have you learned to recycle paper yet?
Here I write
other things I mean to do
to develop my intelligence

On page 51 the great navigator is Amerigo
Vespucci; the answer to the riddle is the letter
U; and the planets that revolve around the On page 57 the museum
Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, robber is the one in the
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. red circle.

The musical
instrument on page 52
is a harp, and it is a
string instrument;
other types of
musical instruments
are wind instruments,
like the flute,
clarinet, and trumpet,
and percussion
like the kettledrum,
drums and

cartographer person sway to move or swing to
who makes maps or and fro, as something
geographical charts fixed at one end or
resting on a support
disrespect gaze to look
steadily and intently,
predict to tell as with great
the outcome curiosity, interest,
before hand wonder, etc.

rumpus a noisy or violence

disturbance; commotion; uproar

outstanding something
prominent, that stands out trance
from everything around it influence, a
state of dazed or bewildered
condition, an hypnotic condition

Here I write the meaning of

other words I have learned

If I know more words I can express myself better

This is the law that rules in our jungle,
and it is as old as the sky itself.
Wolves that keep it will prosper,
but any that break it will be outcast.

Like the vine that climbs up the tree,

just so the law encircles us all;
for the wolf gives strength to the Pack
but the Pack has made the wolf strong.
The Pack Law
The Cub Scout

Tells the truth Is cheerful and friendly

Shares with his or her
Helps others

Looks after nature

Is keen to learn

Listens to and respects others

Those who keep the same law
belong to the same pack
and help each other
I promise
to do my best,
to love God and my country
and keep the Pack Law

If you have been in the Pack for some time

you must have made your Promise already.
If you have joined recently,
when you want to make your Promise, talk to
to your leaders and they will help you to prepare
for this important occasion.
The Promise is a way of making a commitment
to yourself, to others and to God.
To help you remember this important
commitment always, you will receive your
Promise Badge to wear on your uniform
The motto!
Keeping the law means always being willing to

This is the motto that cubs all over

the world say to remind themselves
that they are part of a big family.
You can say this motto at important times in the Pack,
like when you begin or end the weekly meeting, when
you are ending a camp, or when your leaders ask you to.

The good turn!

To help you to do your best, try to
do something for someone else every day.

"By “doing good” I mean being useful and doing

small things for other people, whether you know
them or not. It's not difficult and the best way to
begin is by deciding to do at least one "good turn"
every day. Soon you will become used to doing
good turns always. It doesn't matter how small your
"good turn" is, even if it is only helping an old lady
to cross the road or saying a kind word about someone of whom
others are speaking badly. The main thing is to do something."

Robert Baden-Powell

I made my Promise on


As well as my Pack friends

and leaders, with me were:

this is the nicest thing

I remember about that day
Stick a photo here or do a drawing
of the day you made your Promise

my friends wrote their congratulations
here the day I made my Promise

Wise like
I am Baloo, the serious,
elderly, enormous, wise brown bear.
I do not know how to say fancy words,
but I always tell the truth.

I am responsible for teaching wolf cubs the law,

and over time I have learned that we cannot teach
anything unless we are prepared to set an example of it in
our own lives.

Just as I taught Mowgli- firmly, kindly

and cheerfully - I will teach you the
Pack Law and help you to see how
it applies to the things you do every

I will tell you a story

about one time when
Mowgli learned a lot.

Cubs do not always listen to the advice of those
who want the best for them. Sometimes advice seems
very annoying, but it must have happened to you more
than once that someone has said to you, "Don't do that,"
and you did it just the same, and you ended up worse off.
That is how things go: when we do something bad,
we are the first to suffer. Although sometimes others pay
the price, we always know in our hearts what our share
of the blame is.
You will remember what Mowgli did when
I told him not to talk to the Bandar-log. I had my reasons,
but Mowgli did not listen to me. "Old bear's foolishness,"
he said, making fun of me. And you know what
happened then. The monkeys took him off to the Cold
Lairs and his friends had to go to a great deal of trouble
to rescue him.

I remember when I thanked Chil, the kite,

for giving us Mowgli's message and telling us that the
monkeys were holding him prisoner in the Cold Lairs,
Chil replied,
"Nothing less could I do, the boy the Magic Words said
and my duty I could no less than do."
How proud I felt of my pupil! Although he was so
young, Mowgli had remembered the Magic Words that
I had taught him long before, "We are of the same blood,
you and I". That was how he was able to ask for help so
that we could arrive
in time to rescue

Some time later, lying in the shade of a leafy tree,

I had a long talk with Mowgli about what had happened
to him in the Cold Lairs.

He confessed that at first he had been amazed,

because he had never seen a city and, although it was
in ruins and men had abandoned it long ago, to him
it seemed splendid.
He told me that as soon as the riotous monkeys
arrived with their prisoner, they started to show him all
the ins and outs of their city. But they soon forgot about
him and fell to dancing and singing nonsensical songs.
They puffed themselves up and strutted about, saying
they were "like humans".
As evening fell, and Mowgli continued to wander
tired and hungry around the ruins, neither the ruined city
nor the company of the monkeys looked so attractive
any more. As a member of the Free People, he had been
brought up by the laws of the jungle. He did not like
the way of life of the people without a law at all, and he
could not understand it.
"They asked me to teach them to weave creepers,"
said Mowgli crossly, "but when
I began to show them, they
copied me for a while, then
they forgot what it was they
wanted to learn."
"Then I asked them
for some food,"
continued Mowgli,
"and they rushed away
to find nuts and
wild papayas and,
what do you think
happened then,
Baloo? You'll hardly
believe it, but when
they were on the
way back they got
caught up in a silly
fight, and lost all
their precious cargo.

I was
as Mowgli
told me
all his
trials, but
I was also
"I'm sure
this lesson
will do you a
lot of good, my
little frog".
Finally, Mowgli said to me, "Oh, Baloo! You have
no idea how much I missed you and my other friends
and my dear den! I was so sorry not to have listened to
And so, my dear cubs, you have to be responsible
for what you do, and try to do the right thing always. This
is what the Law is about: telling ourselves what is best for
us and for others. It is not about obeying "just because",
but about keeping the law because it is wise and seeks
what is best for everyone.
But enough of words! Let's look at what you do to
"do the right thing". I will always be there to help you.
Good hunting!
Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz was a great
Mexican poetess who lived from 1651
to 1695, that is right in the middle
of the colonial period. At that time
women received practically no
instruction. But Juana wanted to
study so much that, when she was
16 years old, she shut herself away
in a convent so she could devote
herself to learning and writing.
She always stood up
for women's right to study
and improve themselves.

What about you?

Are you prepared to stand up for what you think is fair?

How do you show it?

The first thing you have to do is
get to know yourself

I know what I can do

and what I cannot do

I am capable of

What I find most difficult is

I feel silly when

I feel shy when

I accept my shortcomings
and I know there are things
I cannot do yet
my self-portrait

what what I would like to

I like change or improve



I think the things I do well
are important
This is what my friends have said about
the things that I have done well
in the activities we have done in the Pack

When you are facing

a difficult task, think
about the things you
have done well and
everything you have
learned, even when
they seemed very
complicated at first.
The things we achieve make us happy, encourage us
and give us confidence in ourselves!
To improve and be your
best, you have to keep
trying all the time

I set myself tasks that help me

overcome my shortcomings
"Don't expect to ever find a perfect
person; people will always have
shortcomings. Any fool can see the
negative things about someone else.
What is important is to find the positive things
and keep them topmost in your mind so that they
gradually cancel out the negative things."
Robert Baden-Powell
I think that my worst

shortcoming is

This is what I will do to overcome it

When I agree to do a job,
I do it well
The fox and the grapes
Fable by Félix de Samaniego,
a Spanish poet who lived from 1745 to 1801.

Close to midday, a very hungry fox was looking for something

good to eat. Suddenly, he was transfixed by the sight of a
beautiful bunch of black grapes peeping out
from among the green leaves of a vine.
The problem was that, try as he might,
he could not reach the tempting
fruit. So the laxy fox simply
exclaimed disdainfully,
"I don't want them
anyway! They're
not ripe yet!"

I think that this fable teaches us

Why not act out this fable with your six?

The other sixes could act out other fables and
together create a great activity for all the Pack.

The law of the jungle is what makes
the wolf people free. A person or a
people with no law can never achieve
anything they set out to do

I know what keeping

the Promise and Law
means in my daily life

I try to keep
the Pack Promise and Law
at home and at school
Think about the things you do at home, at school, with
your friends, your family and neighbours. Then, in each box
write an example of things you have done that show you have
acted in keeping with what that article of the law teaches you.
Colour in the pictures too.
This is how I keep the Pack law

I tell the truth

I am friendly and cheerful

I share with my family

I help others

I look after nature

I am keen to learn

I listen to and respect others

Being true to what we believe in
makes us happier and makes
others believe in us

I tell the truth, even though

sometimes I don't like the
Have you ever found out that somebody hasn't been
sincere with you, that they haven't told you the truth?

Once I found out that

This is how I felt

Have you ever not told the truth?

This is what happened

this is how I felt

Even if nobody realises we have done something wrong,

we know, and that makes us feel bad.
That helps us to try not to do it again.
I understand that I must
keep the Pack Law at home too
I think that I am keeping
the Pack Law at home when...

I help to make sure that the truth

is always told in the Pack

- what if they're
- we still have to
explain what
- but let's buy
another one

I think the attitudes

that help make sure
we always tell the truth are:

Cheerfulness is more than
laughing at good jokes - it is
something catching that makes
life more enjoyable
I face difficultes
In the Tender Pad Booklet we talked about Anne Frank,
the Jewish girl who died in a concentration camp during
the Second World War, when she was just fifteen years old.
Shortly before she was taken prisoner, while she was in hiding
with her family at the top of an Amsterdam house, she wrote
this in her diary:
"What is most surprising is that
I haven't completely abandoned
my hopes, which seem absurd and
impossible. I still hold on
to them in spite of everything,
and I continue to believe in
the innate goodness of man."
like Anne Frank,
I try to be cheerful, even when...

I feel happy when I manage
to do what I set out to do,
and also when things turn out well
for my friends.
Hurray for our team!

Here I write the things that we have managed

to do together in my six

Why not make a list with your six of all the times
something did not work out because the team
spirit was not in it. Every so often, talk about why
this happened and see if you have improved.

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