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Task 1 – Being a Pedestrian

Resources & Curriculum Links:

View the Pedestrian slideshow which shows children and adults walking Materials: Personal, Social &
Out together in a range of situations such as on footpaths, in car parks and along Interactive Community Health
road sides. Use the following questions to prompt students and guide the Whiteboard: Being Healthy, Safe &
Walking discussion. Ask; Active
‘Tuning In’ - What is a pedestrian? Slideshow Practise strategies they
- Why are the children walking with an adult? can use when they feel
Lesson Intention: - Why are they walking on the footpath? (In areas where footpaths are not Song:
uncomfortable, unsafe
Students will available, pedestrians should walk facing oncoming traffic but as far away from Thingle or need help with a task,
learn about safe the road edge as possible) Toolde – Hold problem or situation
pedestrian - Why are the children holding hands with the adult? Hands Song (ACPPS017)
practises by - Why have they stopped at the kerb? (This is the first step to use when Hold My Hand
Identifying and
crossing roads crossing the road. Pedestrians need to stop back from the edge of the road to Rap AUDIO rehearsing
under adult ensure they are not hit by passing traffic) (link in strategies they can
supervision. - What are they looking for? (Pedestrians should look for traffic coming in all description) use when requiring
directions) Worksheets: assistance, such as
- What are they listening for? (Pedestrians need to be aware of the sounds that ‘Talking asking an adult,
indicate that traffic is approaching) Traffic’ per reading basic signs
- What are they thinking about? (After stopping, looking and listening, student and solving a
pedestrians need to then decide if it is safe to cross) ‘Walking problem with friends
safely’ Personal, Social &
Task 2 – Think, Pair & Share
message A5 Community Health
Students share, with a partner, their experiences of being a pedestrian, such as
per student Being Healthy, Safe &
walking to school or other locations.
Task 3 – Hands are for holding Recognise situations and
Listen to the song Hold Hands on YouTube; opportunities to promote
Or, audio version health, safety and
my-hand-rap.mp3 wellbeing (ACPPS018)
Students identify the safe pedestrian messages included in the lyrics. Describing actions to
Task 4 – Talking Traffic stay safe in a range
Distribute the Talking traffic activity sheet. of environments,
Read the sentences together. Explain that students are to match each including water, road,
sentence to its corresponding photograph. nature and outdoors
Students will also create a ‘walking safely’ message and draw a picture.
When finished, check the answers with the class then listen to the safety
messages created by the students.
Task 1 – Shared Reading
Resources & Curriculum Links:
Conduct a shared reading using the storybook ‘Don’t forget the cheese, Pa!’ Materials: Personal, Social &
Walking in Show students the cover then quickly flick through the illustrations on each page of the Community Health
Traffic book. Ask; Don’t forget Being Healthy, Safe &
‘Tuning In’ - What do you think the story might be about? Active
the cheese,
- Who do you think will be in the story? Practise strategies
Pa! by they can use when
Lesson - Does the title – Don’t forget the cheese, Pa! – give us any clues? Gwenda they feel
Intention: - Do you think this story is a true or imaginary story? Smyth uncomfortable,
Students will - What is the sign on the cover? ‘Five Little unsafe or need help
learn about - Why is everyone waiting? Piggies’ with a task, problem
safe pedestrian Read the story highlighting the pedestrian safety messages in the text. Ask;
or situation
Worksheets: (ACPPS017)
practices by - Why did the children put on their yellow raincoats? (Pedestrians and cyclists are more
crossing roads ‘Road Signs Identifying and
easily noticed in the traffic environment when they wear bright or light-coloured and Signals’ rehearsing
under adult clothing)
supervision per student strategies they
- Why did Jessie and Leo hold Nonna’s hand? Hand can use when
And identifying - Where did the family cross the road? requiring
road signs and Outline
(At a crosswalk, a railway crossing, traffic lights with pedestrian phasing, for example; Drawing assistance, such
signals relevant green and red walk man) as asking an
to pedestrians. pencils
- Why did they stop, look, listen and think at the crosswalk? adult, reading
basic signs and
(Traffic doesn’t always stop at crosswalks so pedestrians need to use the stop, look,
solving a problem
listen and think procedure before moving on the crosswalk.) with friends
- Why did they have to wait for the green walk man on the traffic lights?
- What did they all do before crossing the road? Personal, Social &
(The characters stopped, looked, listened and then decided if it was safe to cross.) Community Health
Being Healthy, Safe &
Task 2 – Signs and Signals
Give each student a copy of Road ‘Signs and Signals’. Recognise situations
Identify the signs and signals that were used in the story. Locate these in the book. and opportunities to
Have students draw a picture that shows the story characters walking and crossing promote health,
the road safely. The road signs on the activity sheet can be cut out and pasted onto the safety and wellbeing
student’s drawing. (ACPPS018)
Task 3 – Holding Hands Display actions to stay
Talk about the people who can supervise students when they are out walking or safe in a range of
crossing the road. environments,
Explain that the class is going to make a ‘holding hands’ display. Give each student a including water,
sheet of paper with a hand outlined. road, nature and
Students think of five people to hold hands with and then write one name on each finger outdoors
and thumb.
Students can also think of a walking safely message (or refer back to previous lessons)
and write this in the centre of their hand. For example;
- We all holds together to keep us safe in traffic.
- Hold hands together to go for a walk.
- Hold hands, stay safe together.
Task 4 – Conclusion
Watch the video ‘Five Little Piggies’
Students find a partner and share the people they have identified to hold hands with.
Resources & Curriculum Links:
Task 1 – Izzy Out and About
Read the story ‘Izzy Out and About’. Personal, Social &
‘Stop, Have students look at the illustrations that demonstrate the crossing procedure Worksheets: Community Health
Look, of stop, look, listen and think. ‘Izzy Out and Being Healthy, Safe &
Cover Izzy’s name in each sentence of the story with a small post-it note. Choose About’ A3 – Print Active
Listen, several students’ names to write onto the post-it notes. & create into a Practise strategies
Think’ Reread the story using the new sentences, e.g. Jack is walking with his dad. “Stop!” book they can use when
says Jack. + Small Post-It- they feel
‘Finding Notes uncomfortable, unsafe
Task 2 – Out and About
Out’ Explain that students are to insert their name and the other missing words into
‘Out and About’ or need help with a
per student task, problem or
the sentences on ‘Out and About’ then draw illustrations to match the story.
‘Stop, Look, situation (ACPPS017)
Have students take the stories home to read with their family.
Listen and Think’ Identifying and
Task 3 – Stop, Look, Listen and Think per student rehearsing
Students watch the YouTube video ‘Jeff the Road Safety Dog’ to learn about how strategies they can
to cross the road safely and correctly. use when requiring
‘Jeff the Road assistance, such as
Safety Dog’
Play the song ‘Stop at the Lights’ by The Wiggles on YouTube. Have students asking an adult,
‘Stop at the
practise the stop, look, listen and think crossing procedure while singing the song. reading basic signs
Lights’ – The and solving a
Wiggles Song
problem with
Task 4 – Stop, Look, Listen and Think Practise
Road: friends
In the classroom, mark out the length of a road with cones.
Rope, beanbags
Nominate groups of students to practise the safe and correct procedure of stop, Personal, Social &
or markers
look, listen and think when crossing the road. Community Health
Ask; Being Healthy, Safe &
- Where do you need to stop? Active
(Some places include at the kerb, the edge of the footpath, on a pedestrian refuge, Recognise situations
on the median strip, at the side of a vehicle in a car park, or where there are and opportunities to
driveways or laneways) promote health, safety
- How do you know if it is a safe place to stop? and wellbeing
(There will be a clear view of traffic in every direction and where traffic will see the (ACPPS018)
pedestrian) Describing actions
- What are you listening for when you cross the road? to stay safe in a
- What are you looking for when you cross the road? range of
- How will you know when it is safe to cross the road? environments,
- When did you stop thinking about crossing the road? including water,
- Why do you need to stop, look, listen and think even when you are crossing the road, nature and
road with an adult? outdoors
Resources & Curriculum Links:
Task 1 – Stop and Go
Mark a boundary that is large enough for the class to move easily around in. Personal, Social &
‘Stopping Explain that students are to walk around inside the boundary until they hear the Stop & Go: Community Health
in whistle which means ‘stop and stand still as quickly as possible’. Let students Cones Being Healthy, Safe &
practise this several times. Active
Traffic’ YouTube: Practise strategies
Repeat the activity with students skipping and running at different speeds within
‘Finding the boundary. Use the following questions to discuss if speed affects stopping
‘Twinkle, they can use when
Twinkle, they feel
Out’ distance. Ask;
Traffic Light’ uncomfortable, unsafe
- Was it easy to stop quickly when you were walking?
Song on or need help with a
First section - Was it easy to stop quickly when you were running?
YouTube. task, problem or
can be - Why is it harder to stop when you were running?
situation (ACPPS017)
completed - Would you be able to stop quickly if you were running up to the edge of a road?
Book/YouTube: Identifying and
during a PE - Why do you think you should walk across the road?
Don’t forget rehearsing
Lesson (Students may suggest that running across the road means they get across
the cheese, strategies they can
quicker. True but students also need to understand that by running they have less
Pa! by use when requiring
capacity to react quickly in a dangerous situation and may also trip over and land in
Gwenda assistance, such as
front of traffic)
Smyth asking an adult,
Repeat the activity encouraging students to chat to a friend or sing a song as they reading basic signs
move around, making as much noise as they can. After a few turns, ask students Worksheets and solving a
the following questions to discuss if noise and distractions affect a pedestrian’s (Print on think problem with friends
ability to stop quickly. Ask; black paper):
- Was it easy to hear the whistle when you were talking or listening to your friend? Walk/Don’t Personal, Social &
- What do you need to listen for when you are out walking? Why? Walk Man Community Health
- Do you think it is safe to walk and listen to music with your headphones on? Traffic Being Healthy, Safe &
Lights Active
Task 2 – Game of ‘Spot’
+ Red, Yellow Recognise situations
Play a game of ‘Stop’ to help students practise stopping quickly.
& Green and opportunities to
Nominate one student as the ‘spotter’. Place this student a distance away from the
Cellophane promote health, safety
class. The spotter should stand with their back to the class.
+ Torch and wellbeing
The other students creep towards the spotter until that person yells ‘stop’ and
turns around. If the spotter notices any student still moving, they call out that
Describing actions
student’s name who must then return to the starting line. The game continues until
to stay safe in a
a student reaches and touches the back of the spotter.
range of
Task 3 – Re-Visit the Story ‘Don’t forget the cheese, Pa!’ environments,
Back in class, revisit the story Don’t forget the cheese, Pa! including water,
Have students identify where the family had to stop and what signs or signals gave road, nature and
them this message, for example; outdoors
- The stop sign,
- The traffic lights with a walk and don’t walk phase,
- The flashing lights at the railway crossing.
Task 4 – ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light’ Song
Play the song ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light’.
Encourage students to learn the words and follow the actions.
Discuss the lyrics.
Task 5 – Traffic Lights Discussion
Show students the traffic signal and ‘walk’ and ‘don’t walk’ sign. Talk about how
traffic must follow the meaning of the red, amber and green lights (stop, slow down,
and go).
Point out that a green light doesn’t always mean that pedestrians can cross the
road without checking for traffic.
Discuss the walk and don’t walk man lights that can be found on some traffic
signals. Explain that pedestrians can cross when the green ‘walk’ man is flashing. If
the red ‘don’t walk’ man starts to flash while a pedestrian is crossing, they must
walk quickly across.
Ask students to share their experiences with using pedestrian phased traffic lights,
for example;
- Pressing the button;
- Hearing the ‘plock plock plock’;
- Checking the walk and don’t walk light to see how long they have to cross.
Task 6 – ‘Cross the Street’
Play the song ‘Cross the Street’ Nursery Rhyme
Task 7 – Making Traffic Signals (Lights and Man)
Make traffic lights by cutting out the light on the activity sheet then attaching a
piece of red, orange and green cellophane to the back, and colour the walk/ don’t
walk sign.
Sing the Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light song again while students point to the lights
required in each line of the song. For example, while singing ‘red on top’ students
should point to the red light.
Use a torch out the front on traffic lights.
Resources & Curriculum Links:
Task 1 – Shared Reading PDF Version
Read the story ‘Matilda’s Morning Adventures’ which is about a young girl who Personal, Social &
‘Walking travels to school each day using a different form of active transport (walking and PDF: Community Health
Safely’ cycling). ‘Matilda’s Being Healthy, Safe &
‘Sorting Highlight the road safety messages that are incorporated in the story. Morning Active
Adventures’ by Practise strategies they
Out’ Task 2 – Circle Talk
Kim Chute – A can use when they feel
Conduct a ‘Circle Talk’ using the following questions. Ask;
story with uncomfortable, unsafe or
- How do you usually travel to school?
active travel need help with a task,
(This question has been left open to accommodate those students who may not
and road problem or situation
walk to school. However, encourage students to share their experiences about
safety (ACPPS017)
walking to school rather than by other forms of transport)
messages for Identifying and
- What are some of the things you see on your way to school?
children. rehearsing strategies
(Prompt students to talk about streets, roads, crossings, major landmarks,
they can use when
shops, safety house etc.) YouTube:
requiring assistance,
- What road signs do you see on the way to school? ‘Moe Explores
such as asking an
- Do you think children should walk to school? Why? Road Safety’
adult, reading basic
(Promote the use of active transport as not only a means to increase physical Sesame Street
signs and solving a
activity but also to decrease the amount of traffic around the school grounds
problem with friends
and reduce the environmental impact from vehicle emissions)
- Do you know a safe route to walk to school? Personal, Social &
Community Health
Task 3 – Exploring Road Safety
Being Healthy, Safe &
Students watch the YouTube clip ‘Moe Explores Road Safety’ to learn how to be
safe around roads.
Recognise situations and
opportunities to promote
Students watch the YouTube Clip ‘Elmo Stays Safe Road Safety Campaign Victoria
health, safety and
Australia’ to understand some of the dangers that can occur on roads.
wellbeing (ACPPS018)
Describing actions to
Task 4 – Outside View stay safe in a range of
Take students for a walk around the perimeter of the school while staying within environments,
the boundary. including water, road,
Talk about; nature and outdoors
- Names of surrounding streets,
- Areas where parents can drop off and pick up students,
- The staff car park,
- Road Signs, Signals and Crosswalks,
- Have students identify where they enter and exit the school grounds.
Resources & Materials: Curriculum Links:
Task 1 – Discussion
Use the slideshow to discuss places that are safer when crossing Slideshow: Personal, Social & Community
‘Practising roads such as straight stretches of road, crosswalks, school Places that are Health
Crossing crossings, away from corners and hills, and at traffic lights with safer when Being Healthy, Safe & Active
the Road’ pedestrian phasing. crossing roads Practise strategies they can
Point out that standing between parked cars before crossing the road use when they feel
‘Sorting is not a safe practise and should only be used when there is no other
uncomfortable, unsafe or need
‘My Road Safety
Out’ option.
help with a task, problem or
situation (ACPPS017)
Task 2 – Crossing the Road + Cones
Identifying and rehearsing
Give students a clipboard and a ‘my road safety checklist’ each. + Clipboards &
strategies they can use
Have students practise the safe and correct procedure of crossing a Pencils
when requiring assistance,
road. Do this by discussing each point as a class and ticking them off Safe/Not Safe
such as asking an adult,
once completed outside on the roads around the school. ‘Crossing the Road’
reading basic signs and
‘Draw where you
Task 3 – Crossing the Road Worksheet solving a problem with
cross the road
Back in the classroom, show students the illustrations on Safe/Not friends
Safe ‘Crossing the road’ activity sheet.
‘Making Pedestrian Personal, Social & Community
Have students vote using thumbs up, thumbs down if the illustrations
Decisions’ Health
are safe (thumbs up) or unsafe (thumbs down). When votes have
Being Healthy, Safe & Active
been placed, invite students to share the reason behind their vote.
Recognise situations and
Conduct voting for all statements before students complete the
opportunities to promote
activity sheet on their own – IF TIME ALLOWS
health, safety and wellbeing
Task 4 – Safe/Unsafe Scenarios (ACPPS018)
Read out scenarios as a class. Role Play one or two scenarios. Find a Describing actions to stay
solution that most students agree the character would use. safe in a range of
Explain that knowing what to say and how to say it can help students environments, including
to confidently deal with unsafe situations. Introduce using ‘I’ water, road, nature and
Statements such as ‘I don’t feel comfortable’ or ‘I don’t think that is a outdoors
safe thing to do’

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