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MANILA, Philippines - Six new witnesses reveal Hubert Webb, son of former Senator Freddie Webb, was in the

Philippines when the Vizconde massacre took place on June 1991. Sources from the Department of Justice said Webb, who was acquitted by the Supreme Court last December, 2010, was in the country during and after the crime happened in Paraaque City 20 years ago. The information is based on the accounts of 6 new witnesses gathered by Task Force Vizconde. Forensic examination of Bureau of Immigration records also showed that Webb did not leave the country on March 1991, which runs counter to Webb's claim that he was in the United States from March 1991 to October 1992. The task force said the new witnesses voluntarily executed their statements and that they were never threatened, forced or coerced or promised any consideration. The witnesses include a village security guard, an electrician, a shabu dealer, a haircutter, and 2 people who played basketball with Hubert just before the crime occurred. The first witness, an electrician, claimed to have seen the laundry woman washing a blooded tshirt allegedly of Hubert Webb while he was fixing the electrical system of their house. The second witness was described as a shabu dealer who claimed that Hubert Webb bought shabu from him twice sometime in May 1991. The third and fourth witness, meanwhile, claimed to have played basketball with Hubert Webb on the summer of April or May 1991 and 1993 in an Inter-Color Summer Basketball League at BF Homes, Paranaque. The fifth witness, a haircutter, claimed to know Hubert, Tony Boy Lejano and Dong Ventura. The haircutter said that a week after the Vizconde massacre, Hubert Webb went to the parlor to have his hair cut. He also heard Hubert scolding a young customer while he was having a hair cut. The sixth witness, a village security guard, said he kept the records of the village during the time of the massacre including those of the Webb family. 'No BI record of Webb's departure' Apart from the testimonies, the task force also conducted a technical investigation of the magnetic reel tapes of the Bureau of Immigration and found that there is no record of Webb leaving the country on March 1991. The National Bureau of Investigation, through IBM Philippines and with the help from experts from the National Computer Center, conducted a forensic examination on the 9 track magnetic reel tapes of the Bureau of Immigration.

The magnetic reel tapes were used by the Bureau of Immigration from 1990 to 1992 to store data of departing and arriving passengers at Ninoy Aquino International Airport. It was also used by BI for monitoring and intelligence purposes. The ones examined were magnetic reel tapes that contain all travel data of persons who departed and arrived in the country specifically in March 1991. The NBI said that they were able to retrieve the list of persons with the surname WEBB who departed from the country in March 1991. The experts declared that Hubert Jeffrey P. Webb was not on the list. The task force also noted the discrepancy in the signatures of Hubert Webb between his passport photo and the passport signature page. According to the task force, the statements of the witnesses as well as the findings from the magnetic reel debunk the alibi of Webb. Webb was one of several accused in the murders of Estrellita, Carmela, and Jennifer Vizconde on June 30, 1991. He and 5 others were convicted of the murders. Last year, the Supreme Court acquitted Webb and his 5 co-accused after noting that the prosecution had failed to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt. The state could not anymore file a case against the same set of suspects because of the principle of double jeopardy. MANILA, Philippines - The Supreme Court (SC) refused to comment on statements made by the Webb camp on Justice Secretary Leila de Lima's alleged "subversion of the rule of law" when she released the results of a reinvestigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) on the Vizconde massacre case. The Webb family said Tuesday what De Lima did was an affront on the high court ,which had already acquitted Hubert Webb. Court Administrator and spokesman Atty. Jose Midas Marquez told ABS-CBN News the high court will just await the filing of any petition against de Lima, if any. Marquez also refused to issue an opinion on whether de Lima may be disbarred and held in contempt of court for her pronouncement that Hubert Webb's defense of alibi was shattered after transcripts of a pile of micro reel tapes uncovered for the first time revealed Webb did not leave the country in 1991, the year the grisly murders against Estrellita, Carmela and Anna Marie Jennifer were committed. "The Court cannot give comments on issues not raised before it. For now, there are no pleadings or petitions filed with the Court on these issues raised against Secretary de Lima," he said.

At an earlier news conference on Tuesday, Marquez pointed out that the high court's decision on the case against Webb and 6 others was already final. The high court acquitted Webb, et al. last December, ruling their guilt was not established beyond reasonable doubt. De Lima could not be sought for comment, she is currently in Europe on official busine UPDATE 7 - 1:11 p.m.) MANILA, Philippines - The camp of Hubert Webb denounced the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)'s reinvestigation into the June 30, 1991 Vizconde massacre, calling the result of the probe "completely reckless and irresponsible." "Those are completely irresponsible and reckles statements... eroding the foundation upon which our judicial pillar is based," said Webb's counsel Demetrio Custodio during Wednesday's press conference in Makati City. Webb and his co-accused were acquitted by the Supreme Court in the killings. The massacre pertains to the multiple homicide of the female members of the Vizconde family at BF Homes in Paraaque City. Killers of Estrellita, 47, stabbed her 17 times. Her daughter Carmela, 18, was also stabbed 17 times and raped before she was killed, while Estrellita's younger daughter Jennifer, 7, sustained 19 stab wounds. Estrellita's husband, Lauro, was in the US when the incident happened. On Tuesday, a government multi-agency task force led by the DOJ and the NBI came out with a finding that Webb was in the country when the gruesome killings took place. Last December 16, two days after the Supreme Court acquitted Webb and his co-accused, Malacang ordered the task force to reinvestigate the Vizconde case. Custodio said his client had already been cleared last December 14 "but now he continues to defend himself in any forum." "Unfortunately, there is no legal forum now that he is being attacked," said Custodio. Disbarment case vs De Lima Meanwhile, lawyer Jose Luis Agcaoli said that Webb's camp might consider filing a disbarment case against DOJ Secretary Leila de Lima. "De Lima lent her name and credibility to this farce...We accuse De Lima of the subversion of the rule of law. She and the NBI have attempted to create a superbody greater in power and credibility than the Supreme Court. This does not only (calls for) shame and contempt on her...but outright disbarment," said Agcaoili. Agcaoili said the Webbs are also accusing the DOJ chief of "dishonesty and outright laziness" as well as "electioneering."

"In supporting this farce, she sacrificed the accused who had already been acquitted by the Supreme Court in exchange for her ambitions," Agcaoili said in Filipino. He likewise cautioned the DOJ secretary: "There is a divine rule of karma, those who have oppressed the innocent have suffered... God forbid that you suffer the same." Meanwhile, another Webb counsel, ZenaidaOngkiko-Acorda, blasted the NBI, saying the agency that conducted the reinvestigation into the Vizconde massacre was the same agency that produced Jessica Alfaro - the "lying" witness who was "rehearsed" and "coached" by the bureau. "This is the same NBI who is now presenting the alleged six witnesses and lost the specimen offered by Hubert Webb, which could have established his innocence," said Acorda. Webbs, lawyers lash back at De Lima, NBI By Jun Pasaylo Home Updated June 29, 2011 12:39 PM 4 comments to this post MANILA, Philippines The camp of Hubert Webb, one of the acquitted suspects in the Vizconde massacre case, lashed back at Justice Secretary Leila de Lima and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for insisting that he was in the country during the June 1991 killings. In a press conference, lawyer Demetrio Custodio said the new information on the case announced by De Lima and the NBI can subvert the authority of the Supreme Court as it already rendered a final decision of the case. Custodio added that it was the SC that has the final say in the case and not De Lima or the NBI. You are telling citizens that it's okay to come up with evidence even after SC has final decision, the lawyer added. He further said that the statements were completely irresponsible and reckless, citing that the agencies conveniently selected pieces of evidence to pin Webb anew. Lawyer Luis Agcaoili likewise said that the Webb camp believed that the move of De Lima and the NBI aimed to convict Hubert in the minds of the public. He also warned that the reported new NBI witnesses may also suffer the fate of former state witness Jessica Alfaro. Nilalaglagnang NBI si Jessica Alfaro.Kayongmgatestigo, pag-isipannyo. Kung paanosyanilaglagganun din sainyo, he pointed out. For his part, Hubert said: I don't know if anyone can grasp how evil these people are.

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