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BSN 1-YA-22

Course Task Unit 3

What phenomenon can you can you think of? situation , event, happening

The phenomenon I can associate with this image is that Covid-19 is currently spreading throughout our
community or environment, as everyone is aware. In the current state of affairs, many individuals feel helpless
and without hope. There is nothing we can do to help our loved ones who have Covid-19 because doing this brings
us at risk of contracting the disease. Instead, the greatest thing we can do is encourage and support them.

What concepts can you make out of the picture ideas/definition/purpose in the picture

We are deprived of the right to be with our loved ones because of this disease or virus, and this demonstrates
that the person with Covid-19 disease does not have the ability to be free, and it appears that they are confined in
a room while fighting the disease, and they cannot approach a person who is not sick because it can infect others,
and when that happens, everyone in the world can be infected and have a disease that will cause the loss or death
of many people. This picture aims to raise awareness of good health practices and ways to minimize the
transmission of diseases.

With this phenomenon create your own definition of

Person = Individuals, patients, groups, families, and communities can all be considered clients or anybody who
receive nursing care. The individual with the communicable disease who is the subject of this illustration appears
to have given up hope as a result of a phenomena. Many different kinds of individuals are depicted here, including:
Motivated people are those that constantly look on the bright side and will motivate others even if they are
diseased, A hopeless person is someone who sees the worst aspect of life and refuses to be healed because they
believe there is no hope for them. They believe it is their last opportunity to live. Lastly, A supportive person is
someone who is willing to help even if it means sacrificing their own life. They may give the best that they have,
even if it is the last item they have.

Health = The present condition of people appears to be fighting a serious disease and it seems to have no
freedom because you are locked in a room where no one can come without protection because they can become
infected, and the case of the person shown here is she has Covid-19, which is spreading in the country because it
is a virus and it is considered a serious disease because it is not only contagious but you can also die as a result of
this contagious disease. This will be the first area of the phenomena to have an impact, so it must be attended to
first. The basis for living a healthy life is your health.
Environment= (Internal factors that affect the patient) suffering from this disease can increase the risk of
developing depression if they are worried or stressed as a result of the hopelessness and sadness they feel and
because they think them that they are alone because they are currently in a room/facility to recover. The
coronavirus disease has spread throughout our country, affecting every aspect of human life, including the
physical environment. Controlling the virus's spread and modifying economic activity have a significant impact on
the environment. COVID 19 has an uneven impact on the environment. Despite the fact that the pandemic has
been beneficial to the environment, there have been some negative consequences, some of which are more
visible than others. Additionally, as seen in the image, COVID-19 has had an indirect impact on the environment.
Plastics, gloves, masks, and other items are used more continuously today, which harms the environment. The
environment may soon experience adverse effects from increased contamination due to the sudden increase in
their use. (External factors affecting the client)

Nursing= as nurse your contribution/ intervention / practice application in that phenomenon

As a nurse, I will work to give compassionate care and will make expressive and instrumental interventions for
the patient who is ill. The intervention I will make is promoting health, advocating for patients, and advancing the
science of care. Additionally, as a nurse, I have a responsibility to maintain the efficiency of the supply and usage
of personal protective equipment, sanitation supplies, and triage processes based on the most recent
recommendations. Nursing staff must be fully involved in clinical management, awareness and knowledge
sharing, and public safety during a worldwide pandemic. Nurses are important participants in creating and
implementing standards-of-care rules during the COVID-19 pandemic To save a patient or person, like a Covid-
19 patient, a nurse must commit everything because that is the nature of their profession. Knowing your
commitments made upon completion and throughout the nursing process is essential to being a nurse. To be able
to assist others, you must be aware of your obligations.

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