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Romeo and Juliet Stage 2

Before Reading 4 Father Lawrence.

5 Juliet’s Nurse.

activities answers
Before reading Act 3
Activity 1 before reading
Do not give the answers now, but ask students to
1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 No 5 No
wait and see if their guesses were correct as they
Activity 2 before reading read the plays.
1 T The correct answers are:
2 F The Montagues and Capulets hate each other. Tybalt kills Mercutio, and is killed by Romeo.
3 T Romeo tries to stop the fighting at first, but then kills
4 F Juliet doesn’t want to marry Paris. Tybalt.
5 T Mercutio gets into a fight with Tybalt, and is killed.
6 F Paris is a friend of Lord Capulet (Juliet’s father), Prince Escalus tells Romeo to leave Verona, and tells
and Prince Escalus everyone to keep the peace.
7 F Romeo has to leave Verona. Benvolio tries to stop the fighting.
Activity 3 before reading Act 3 while reading
Do not give the answers now, but ask students to 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
wait and see if their guesses were correct as they
Act 4 while reading
read the plays.
1 Juliet doesn’t want to marry Paris.
The correct answers are:
2 Father Lawrence gives Juliet some strong medicine.
‘The Capulets are making trouble again!’ Lord
3 Father Lawrence gives Father John an important
message for Romeo.
‘My fourteenth birthday is in two weeks.’ Juliet
4 Lord Capulet wants Juliet and Paris to marry very
‘Lord Capulet, you already know that I love your
daughter Juliet.’ Paris
5 After Juliet drinks the medicine, she sleeps deeply.
‘What a beautiful girl! Who is she? I must meet
6 The Capulets put Juliet in the family’s tomb, next to
her!’ Romeo
‘She says that she won’t marry Paris.’ Lady Capulet
‘Listen, my dear. Your mother and father are right, you Act 5 while reading
know.’ Juliet’s Nurse 1 Romeo.
2 Paris.
Activity 4 before reading
3 Paris.
Do not give the answers now, but ask students to
4 Romeo.
wait and see if their guesses were correct as they
read the plays.
The correct answers are: After Reading
1 b 2a
Activity 1 after reading

While Reading 1 + 14, 2 + 9, 3 + 12, 4 + 10, 5 + 13, 6 + 8, 7 + 11

Romeo and Juliet fell in love, but their families were
enemies. Romeo killed Tybalt in an argument, and he
Act 1 while reading
had to leave Verona. Lord Capulet told Juliet that she
1 Benvolio.
had to marry Paris. Father Lawrence gave Juliet some
2 Because he’s too old.
medicine, and she slept for two days. The Capulets
3 Because he’s very quiet, he stays in his room all day,
thought Juliet was dead, and they put her body in the
and seems unhappy about something.
© Oxford University Press

family’s tomb. When Romeo found Juliet in the tomb,

4 Because he wants to see Rosaline.
he drank some poison and died. When Juliet woke up,
5 Tybalt.
she killed herself because she didn’t want to live without
Act 2 while reading Romeo.
1 Mercutio.
2 Juliet.
3 Romeo.

oxford bookworms library stage 2 67 romeo and Juliet

Activity 2 after reading Activity 6 after reading

Romeo – this message is important! You must come Open answers.

back to Verona. Meet me outside the Capulets’ tomb at
Activity 7 after reading
midnight. Juliet will be in there. But don’t worry – she’s
Open answers.
not dead! I’ve given her some strong medicine, and she
will be asleep. When she wakes up, you can run away
activities answers

together to Mantua. Her parents wanted her to marry

Paris, but she wants to be with you.
Activity 3 after reading

The hidden word is CAPULET.
Possible answer:
The Capulet family live in Verona, and are enemies
of the Montagues. They have a young daughter called
Activity 4 after reading

Open answers.
Activity 5 after reading

The correct order is: 6, 10, 5, 9, 2, 7, 12, 3, 13, 1,

4, 8, 11
fAther John: ‘I’m looking for a young man called
Montague. I have an important message for him.
Have you seen him?’
ShoPkeePer: ‘A young man came into my shop about
half an hour ago. I didn’t ask his name.’
fAther John: ‘How did he look? Was he happy or
ShoPkeePer: ‘He looked sad and angry. He was in a
fAther John: ‘What did he say?’
ShoPkeePer: ‘He didn’t say very much. He wanted
– some medicine.’
fAther John: ‘Medicine? What kind of medicine?’
ShoPkeePer: ‘He wanted some very strong medicine. I
tried to say no, but–’
fAther John: ‘Now, tell me the truth. Did you sell
him poison?’
ShoPkeePer: ‘Yes, I did. I didn’t want to. But he was
angry. What could I do?’
fAther John: ‘But you know very well that’s a crime!
Did he give you a lot of money?’
© Oxford University Press

ShoPkeePer: ‘He gave me some gold. He said that he

didn’t need it. He saw that I am poor and hungry,
and he wanted to help me.’
fAther John: ‘This is terrible! I must find him.
Perhaps he’s going to kill someone – or himself!’

oxford bookworms library staGe 2 68 romeo and Juliet

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