Soil Mech Compaction Final

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DUE DATE: 19th July, 2022


1. SALINE MERCY ENC211-0052/2019
2. BRITNEY WANJIRU ENC211-0173/2019

 To determine the specific gravity of the soil

 To determine the Maximum Dry Density and the Optimum Moisture Content of the

The Specific Gravity of Soil is defined as the ratio of the weight of a given volume of the
material to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water. Specific gravity is an important
parameter in soil mechanics for the calculation of the weight-volume relationship.
weight of soil solid
specific gravity =
weight of equal volume of water
The specific gravity of soil varies with the different type of soils. The specific gravity of most
inorganic soils varies between 2.6 to 2.8. Also, sand particles composed of quartz have a
specific gravity ranging from 2.65 to 2.67. Additionally, the specific gravity of inorganic clay
usually ranges from 2.7 to 2.8 while soils with large amounts of porous particles have specific
gravities of below 2.6. After the determination of the specific gravity from the laboratory,
temperature correction is usually done to match the specific gravity at 20oC which is usually
the standard temperature. For instance, if the temperature is higher than the room temperature,
the correction is subtracted whereas, if the temperature of water is lower than the room
temperature, the correction is added.
Specific Gravity Test Apparatus

1. 2mm sieve size

2. Specific gravity bottles (2 in number)
3. Drying oven
4. Weighing balance
5. Thermometer
6. A wash bottle with distilled water
7. Scoop
8. Damp cloth/ absorbent material
9. Stirring rod
10. Mortar and pestle
11. Funnel
Specific Gravity Test Procedure

1. The oven dried sample was sieved through the 2mm sieve size and the sample number was
2. The specific gravity bottle numbers were observed and recorded.
3. The empty weight of each bottle was measured using the weighing balance and the values
were recorded as M1
4. 50g was weighed from the prepared sample and placed in each of the bottles using the scoop.
5. The weight of each bottle + the 50g soil sample was measured and recorded as M2
6. Distilled water was added to the bottles until they were about two thirds full and the bottles
were agitated to ensure proper mixing and also to remove entrapped air.
7. The bottles were then filled with distilled water and a stopper was placed at the top of each
8. The outside surface of the bottles was wiped using a piece of cloth to ensure they were dry.
9. The combined weight of the bottle + soil + water was measured and recorded as M3.
10. The bottles and their contents were then emptied and the bottles were rinsed with distilled
11. The bottles were then filled with distilled water with the use of a funnel and the outer surface
of the bottles was wiped using a piece of cloth.
12. The weight of the bottles + water was measured and recorded as M4.
13. The temperature of water was measured using the thermometer and the value was recorded.


Weight of bottle M1 53.26 47.22
weight of bottle + soil M2 103.16 97.16
weight of bottle +soil+water M3 179.38 174.42
weight of bottle+water M4 152.64 147.7
Temp °C 21 21
specific gravity Gs 2.154576857 2.150732127
Gs 2.15265
Correction at 21 °C 0.9998
Corrected Gs 2.1522
Table 1 specific gravity data sheet

(M 2−M 1)
specific gravity =
( M 2−M 1 )−(M 3−M 4 )
( 103.16−53.26)
specific gravity =
( 103.16−53.26 ) −(179.38−152.64)
specific gravity =2.154576857
The same was done for trial 2 and an average of trial 1 and 2 obtained to get average Gs
specific gravity =
specific gravity =¿2.15265

Correction of temperature at 21°C was done (0.9998) to obtain

specific gravity =¿2.15265 * 0.9998
specific gravity =¿ 2.1522
The specific gravity was found to be 2.1522. Compared to the experiment conducted by
O’Kelly et al. (2018), the specific gravity falls on the category of organic soils. Thus, it can be
concluded that the soil is an organic soil.
Compaction is the process of increasing the density of soil by packing the particles closer
together with a reduction of the air volume but without a significant change in the volume of
the pore water. Compaction is done to increase the shear strength and bearing capacity of the
soil and the stability of slopes on embankments. Compacting soil also decreases the
undesirable settlement of structures and the hydraulic conductivity of the soil. The degree of
compaction is measured in terms of dry unit weight. There are various variables that affect
compaction of soils. For instance; the type of soil being compacted, method of compaction,
compactive effort and the moisture content of the soil being compacted. Coarse-grained soils
can be compacted to higher densities than the fine-grained soils.
There are two major methods of conducting compaction test. The standard proctor test and the
modified proctor test. Standard proctor test used a 2.5kg and diameter of 50.8mm which drops
at a distance of 304.8mm. During the test, soil is added in three layers and each layer
compacted with 25 blows. Similarly, modified proctor test uses a 4.9 kg hammer which drops
at a distance of 457.2mm. Five layers are added during the test and each layer compacted with
25 blows. Compared with standard proctor test, modified proctor test has a higher compaction
effort and is mostly recommended for airport runways and levees embankments.
After the compaction tests, the soil bulk densities, dry densities and the moisture contents are
determined. The test must be repeated at least four times at different moisture contents to
enable the plotting of the compaction curve. The coordinates of the peak of the curve define
the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content. Theoretically, the maximum dry
density is reached when all air is removed from the sample. This is referred to as the zero air
voids. However, it is not possible to expel all the air and at the OMC, the air content is usually
in the range of 5%.
Proctor Test Apparatus

1. Compaction Mould, with a detachable base plate and collar

2. Weighing balance
3. Drying oven
4. Moisture tins
5. Scoop
6. A straight edge
7. 20mm sieve size
8. Mixing tray
9. Measuring cylinder
10. 2.5 Kg rammer
11. Soil extruder
12. Brush.
13. Oil/ grease (to lubricate the mould)
14. Distilled water

Proctor Test Procedure

1. The air-dried sample was sieved through the 20mm sieve size.
2. 2.5 Kg of soil sample was weighed using the weighing balance and placed on the mixing tray.
3. The weight of the mould with its base was measured using the balance and recorded.
4. 110 ml of water was measured using the measuring cylinder and was added to the sample on
the mixing tray.
5. The sample was mixed thoroughly using the scoop until the soil got a uniform texture.
6. The compaction mould was assembled onto its base and about 2-3 scoops of soil were placed
in the mould until it was completely filled. This was done so that the last compacted layer of
soil extended slightly above the collar joint.
7. The soil was then compacted using the 2.5 Kg rammer into 3 layers with a total number of 27
drops. The number of drops of the rammer was applied at a uniform rate.
8. The collar was carefully removed and the excess compacted soil above the collar joint was
trimmed off using the straight edge until it was completely even with the top of the mould.
9. The compacted soil in the mould was weighed using the balance and the mass of the mould +
soil was recorded.
10. The soil was removed from the mould using the soil extruder and the soil specimen was
placed on the tray.
11. Four moisture tins were then obtained and the tin numbers were observed and recorded.
12. The weight of each tin was measured and recorded.
13. The soil sample on the tray was then broken up into smaller lumps of soil and the innermost
mass of soil was placed in a moisture tin
14. The weight of the tin + the wet soil was measured and recorded.
15. The tin + the wet soil was placed in a drying oven for a period of 24 hours and the weight of
the tin + the dry soil sample was measured and recorded.
16. Steps 6 to 15 were repeated and a lesser amount of water was added onto each of the sample
for the remaining subsequent runs. In the fourth run, the volume of water used in mixing was
slightly increased so as to obtain a peak value based on wet mass.
17. After the first two runs, the soil sample was discarded and a fresh soil sample was obtained for
run 3 and 4. This was done until a peak value based on wet mass reached in run 4.

RUN 1 2 3 4
Weight of mold (Wm) 4507 4507 4507 4507
weight of mold + soil (Wm+s) 5958 6040.5 6051.5 6052
weight of soil in mould (Ws) in g 1451 1533.5 1544.5 1545
weight of soil in mould (Ws) in kg 1.451 1.5335 1.5445 1.545
Volume of mold (Vm in m3) 0.000997857
Bulk density (ɣb in kN/m3) 14.26 15.08 15.18 15.19
Tin No 28 1C 40L 37L
Tin Weight (Wt) 9.42 6.34 23.08 16.46
Weight of Tin + Wet soil Wt+ws 60.68 73.62 75.96 97.3
Weight of tin + Dry soil (Wt +ds) 49.54 57.82 62.34 75.7
Weight of wet soil ( Wws) 51.26 67.28 52.88 80.84
Weight of dry soil ( Wds) 40.12 51.48 39.26 59.24
mass of water 11.14 15.8 13.62 21.6
Moisture Content (w)% 27.77 30.69 34.69 36.46
Moisture Content (w) 0.28 0.31 0.35 0.36
Specific Gravity Gs 2.1522
Dry density (ɣd in kN/m3) 11.16 11.54 11.27 11.13
zero air void 13.22 12.71 12.09 11.83
Table 2 compaction data sheet
Soil compaction curve


Dry densuty ɣd in kN/m3)

soil compaction

zero air voids

Linear (zero
air voids)

20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00 40.00

Water conent w %

Figure 3: Graph of soil compaction curve

Figure 4: Graph of extrapolate soil compaction curve
Volume of mould =
¿ Πr 2∗h
¿ Π∗0.5∗0.5∗0.127

i) The maximum dry density corresponds to the highest point on the graph


The optimum moisture content, OMC= 31%

ii) The 95% proctor density is the density of the soil when compacted to 95% of its
maximum dry density as found in the laboratory
iii) It is not possible to achieve a 100% proctor density because it is impossible to
expel all the air in the soil by compacting the soil.
iv) The range of moisture content at which 91% or more of the MDD can be obtained
is 23.1% to 31%
v) OMC=31%, MDD=11.54


1+ e




¿ 0.6463∗100 %

¿ 64.63 %

vi) the type of equipment that would recommended for the compaction of the soil
would be pneumatic tyred roller because it works for both cohesive and non
cohesive soils
Permeability can be defined as the ease at which water flows through soil. The study of
permeability of the different types of soils is important because its importance in geotechnical
engineering problems. Although water flow through the soil often take place via void spaces
that are interconnected in a winding path, it is usually assumed that water flows in a straight
line at an effective velocity. This velocity can be calculated using Darcy’s law which states
that the velocity of flow through a porous media is directly proportional to the hydraulic
gradient. That is;
Where, k is a constant called the coefficient of permeability.
There are several methods that can be used to determine the coefficient of permeability both
in the laboratory and in the field. The most common field test being the pumping well test.
Similarly, there are two methods that can be use to determine the coefficient of permeability
in the laboratory. That is; the constant head test and the falling head test.

a) The constant head test

The constant head test can be used to exclusively determine the coefficient of permeability for
coarse grained soils. Here, the soils sample is placed in a mold similar to that used during the
compaction test with a diameter of 10cm and a height of 12.7cm (it should always be ensured
that the soil is well compacted before being used in the experiment). After placing the soil in
the mold, a constant head loss, h, of water flowing through the soil sample is maintained by
adjusting the supply. The outflow water is then collected by a measuring cylinder and the
duration in which the outflow is collected recorded to aid in the calculation of the rate of flow,
Q. The coefficient of permeability can then be calculated using the formula;
where, Q=rate of flow, L= Length of the sample (12.7cm), A= area of the sample, t=time
taken to collect the outflow and h=the constant head.
i) Apparatus for Constant Head Permeability Test

1. Permeameter mould, internal diameter = 10cm, effective height = 12.7 cm, volume = 1000cm 3
2. Detachable collar
3. Weighing balance
4. Stop watch
5. Funnel
6. Constant head water supply reservoir
7. Constant head collecting chamber
8. Water bath
9. Ruler

Constant Head Permeability Test Procedure

1. The collar was removed from the mould and the internal dimensions of the mould were
measured using a ruler and recorded.
2. The weight of the mould was measured using the weighing balance and the value was
3. A little oil was applied on the inside of the mould to prevent the soil sample from sticking on
the inner walls of the mould.
4. The well mixed coarse soil sample was placed in the mould until it was full and the set up was
placed in a water bath.
5. The water bath was filled with water and the sample was allowed to saturate for a period of 24
6. The top inlet of the constant head reservoir was connected to a steady supply of water i.e. the
7. The bottom outlet was opened and a steady flow was established.
8. The quantity of flow was collected over a given time interval.
9. The head difference (h) between the constant head reservoir and the outlet base was measured
and recorded.
10. The experiment was then repeated over the same interval.
b) The falling head test

The falling head test is majorly used to obtain the coefficient of permeability for fine grained
soils. However, it can also be used to get the coefficient of permeability for coarse grained
soils. Here, the soil is placed inside a tube and a standpipe attached to the top of the specimen.
Water from the standpipe is then allowed to flow through the sample and the initial head
difference h1 at time t1 recorded. Finally, the final head difference h2 at time t2 is recorded.
The coefficient of permeability can the be calculated using the formula;
aL h1
k =2.303 log
At h2
ii) Apparatus for Falling Head Permeability Test

1. Permeameter device
2. Stand pipe with a ring stand and clamp
3. Distilled water
4. Stop watch
5. Measuring cylinder
6. Thermometer
7. Ruler

Falling Head Permeability Test Procedure

1. Both the internal diameter and height of the permeameter cell and the stand pipes were
measured and recorded.
2. A known weight of the soil sample was placed on a filter paper in the permeameter.
3. The top part of the permeameter was assembled
4. The soil sample was then saturated with distilled water for a period of 24 hours.
5. The initial head of water (h1) on the standpipe at time, t=0, was observed and recorded.
6. The steady flow of water was started and also the timing on the stop watch was started
7. Water was allowed to flow through the sample up to a convenient mark on the standpipe, and
both the flow and timing were stopped simultaneously. The head, h2 at time t, was observed
and recorded. The temperature for the first run was observed and recorded.
8. The standpipes were refilled with distilled water and the experiment was repeated two
additional times and the corresponding elapsed times were recorded. The temperature for each
run was taken.


H1 (cm) H2 (cm) Time (s) K

149 139 28.76 7.661 x10-5
139 129 32.47 7.292 x10-5
149 129 61.23 7.466 x10-5
Table 5: permeability data sheet

Sample calculation;
2.303 aL h1
k= log
At h2
2.303∗0.25 2∗12.7 149
k 1= log =7.661x10-5cm/s
28.76∗5 2
This was done for the other two rounds and the average of k calculated and found to be
=7.473 x10-5cm/s
Lecture notes
Lab manual
O'kelly, B. C., Vardanega, P. J., & Haigh, S. K. (2018). Determination of specific
gravity. Géotechnique, 68(10), 843-856.
Rehman, H. U., Pouladi, N., Pulido‐Moncada, M., & Arthur, E. (2020). Repeatability and
agreement between methods for determining the coefficient of permeability. Soil
Science Society of America Journal, 84(1), 21-30.
Salsabila, A., Adha, I., & Zakaria, A. (2019). Soil Compaction Using The Standard
Method. Jurnal Rekayasa Sipildan Desain, 7(2), 341-350.

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