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Sally is always running, and she has her mobile phone with her all the time, at home,

on the train, at work, at lunchtime and at the shops.

But then one afternoon suddenly she has a different phone,

And her life changes for ever.


It is one o´clock. Sally and Claire are looking at skirts.

“Do you like this one, Sally?”. Claire asks.

“Yes, it´s beautiful, but I never wear red.”

“Do you like red?” Claire asks.

“Yes, I do – but Andrew doesn´t”.

“Well,” Claire says, “it´s a beautiful skirt. You like red. What do you want to do”?

Sally buys the skirt.

Claire goes back to work, but Sally wants a coffee. She goes into a café. She buys a coffee and
sits down. Then she phones her mother.

“Hi, Mum. I have a new skirt – it´s beautiful. I want to wear it tonight.”

“What colour is it”?

“It´s red”

“That´s nice. Red is a good colour for you.” Says her mother.

Next to Sally, Paul is finishing his coffee. He phones his friend and talks to him. Then he stands
up. The bag with the red skirt falls on the floor.

“Oh! I´m sorry,” Paul says.

“That´s OK”, says Sally.

He puts down his phone and picks up the bag. “Here´s your bag”.

“Thank you”. Sally smiles.

“What a nice smile! “ Paul thinks.

Paul picks up his phone and goes out of the café. Sally finishes her coffee. She picks up her
bag and her phone, and goes back to work.
Inverted comas

Fiorella, Tatiana and Andrea are always running.

With their mobile phones always with them.

One day Fiorella, Tatiana and Andrea went to a Restaurant.

At the Restaurant La Commedia took place The Night of the Senses.

First we arrived with the lights on but then the lights were turned off

And everything remains dark.

The waitress started bringing the food and the drinks.

Afterwards there was a musical show. After that the waitress brought the dessert.

It was apple crumble. It was delicious.

Finally we were served tea and coffee.

For me it was very nice.

And for you?

And for me was a new experience, an exceptional experience.

There is going to be another dinner of the senses.

Is it going to be the same?

This new dinner of the senses is going to be different because there is going to be a

Performance = actuación

Plans for Today

My plans for today are to work on delayed documents.

How was the meeting with Alvaro?

Alvaro came to my home and we were working on the project until 8:00 o´clock at night.

Yesterday was the first time that we got together face to face since we started working

I was the Coordinator of the project of the UNITED NATIONS IN URUGUAY and he was hired
as a consultant . We have been working together since the year 2020.

We hugged.

We embraced.

He said to Fito I know you!

Happy Weekend

The same to you.

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