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Lawler’s Students Shoppers (LSS) is a business that offers printing services, internet café, and

stationaries to students in need. We hope to gather evidence for our proposed project and collect data to

support it. We would appreciate your participation in this survey, which is voluntary, and we will treat

your responses with complete confidentiality.

Name: (optional) _______________________ Age: ______ Gender: _________

Please choose an answer for each question based on the letter provided.

1. Do you use an internet connection all day?

a.) Yes

b.) No

2. Is internet connection important to your studies?

a.) Yes

b.) No

3. How often do your teachers give you projects to do?

a.) 3 outputs for one subject a week

b.) 2 outputs for one subject a week

c.) 1 output for one subject a week

4. Do your teachers ask for printed outputs?

a.) Yes

b.) No

5. Are you having struggles in finding the materials and crafts for your projects?

a.) Yes
b.) No

6. What are the struggles you’ve faced when working on your projects?

a.) Lack of materials

b.) Can’t print outputs needed

c.) Can’t pass the projects on time

d.) A and B

e.) A and C

f.) B and C

g.) A, B, and C

7. Is making your output beautiful essential?

a.) Yes

b.) No

8. How much are you willing to spend to make your output presentable?

a.) 50 - 100

b.) 100-200

c.) 200-500

9. Do you feel motivated to work on your output if you have the materials you need?

a.) Yes

b.) No

10. Do you think that it is a good idea if someone will build an internet café and offers printing

services, and stationaries in your area?

a.) Yes

b.) No
Question #1 Question #1
Respondents A B C Respondents A B C
2 I 24 I
3 I 25 I
4 I 26 I A. PisoNet
5 I 27 I
6 I 28 I
7 I 29 I
8 I 30 I
10 I
I 31
B. PisoWifi
11 I 33 I
12 I 34 I
13 I 35 I
14 I 36 I
15 I 37 I C. Both A
16 I 38 I
17 I 39 I and B
18 I 40 I
19 I 41 I
20 I 42 I
21 I 43 I
22 I 44 I

TOTAL A-12/27% B-18/41% C-14/32%

Table #1 Respondents’ preference for using an internet connection

Based on the table above, 12 or 27% of respondents prefer using PisoNet through an internet

connection, while 18 or 41% prefer using PisoWifi. However, the remaining 14 or 32

respondents preferred both methods.


Table #1
Respondents A. 1 Week

B. 2 Weeks

1 utilization of
C. 3 Weeks
D. 4and

PisoWifi in a

3 month

The table above

shows that 95.45 or 42 of the respondents will use PisoNet and PisoWifi for four weeks in a

month. While the remaining 4.55 or 2 of the respondents three weeks in a month.

A. 1 Day
Respondents B. 2 Days

1 C. 3 days

D. 4 days

E. 5 Days

3 F. 6 days

G. Daily

Respondents’ utilization of PisoNet and PisoWifi in a Week

Based on the table above, 11% or 5 of the respondents use PisoNet and PisoWifi six days a

week. Also, the remaining 89%or 39 respondents will use PisoNet and PisoWifi daily. 


Table #4minutes
A. 25

B. 2 hours

1 hours/minutes
C. 5 hours

spent in hours
D. 1-4

PisoNet a2-6 hours


3 Based on the

table above, 4 or

9% of the respondents use PisoNet 25 minutes a day. 16% or 7 of the respondents use 2 hours a

day. Additionally, 15 or 32% of respondents use 5 hours of internet each day, 10 or 23% of

respondents use 4 hours, and the remaining 9 or 20% of respondents use 6 hours.
Table #5 Respondents'

Respondents A. 3 Hours
hours/minutes spent in
B. 6 Hours
PisoWifi a day
1 C. 8 Hours
Based on the table

D. 1- 5 Hours
above, 9 or 20% of the
2- 9 Hours
respondents use
3 PisoWifi 3 hours a day.

41% or 18 of the

respondents use 6 hours a day. Additionally, 11 or 25% of respondents use 8 hours of internet

each day, 3 or 7% of respondents use 5 hours, and the remaining 3 or 7% of respondents use 9



Respondents A. 1 Project

B. 2 Projects

1 C. 3 Projects

D. Specify

Task #6 Respondents' project/outputs for all subjects in a week
Based on the table above, 12 or 27% of respondents have one project for all subjects in a week.

18 or 41% of the respondents have two projects in a week. And the remaining 14 or 32% of

respondents have three outputs in a week.


Respondents A. Once a Month

B. Twice a month
1 C. Trice a month

2 D. Specify

Task #7 Respondents' re-stocking of school supplies in a month

Based on the table above, 15 or 34% of respondents’ re-stock school supplies once a month. 23

or 52% of the respondents’ re-stock school supplies twice a month. And the remaining 6 or 14%

of respondents’ re-stock their school supplies thrice a month.


Respondents A. ₱50

B. ₱100
1 C. ₱150

2 D. ₱200

E. ₱300

Task #8 Respondents' spending on school supplies

The table above shows that 4 or 9% of respondents spent ₱50 for their school supplies. 10 or

23% of respondents spent ₱100, 14 or 32% spent ₱150, and 12 or 27% spent ₱200. while the

remaining 4 or 9% of the respondents spent ₱300.


Respondents A. ₱50

B. ₱100
1 C. ₱150

2 D. ₱200

E. ₱300

Task #8 Respondents' spending on Printing outputs

The table above shows that 5 or 11% of respondents spent ₱50 for their printing outputs. 12 or

27% of respondents spent ₱100, 13 or 30% spent ₱150, and 10 or 23% spent ₱200. while the

remaining 4 or 9% of the respondents spent ₱300.

Question #10 Question #10
Respondents A B Respondents A B
2 I 24 I
3 I 25 I
4 I 26 I A. YES
5 I 27 I
6 I 28 I
7 I 29 I
8 I 30 I
9 I 31 I
10 I 32 I B. NO
11 I 33 I
12 I 34 I
13 I 35 I
14 I 36 I
15 I 37 I
16 I 38 I
17 I 39 I
18 I 40 I
19 I 41 I
20 I 42 I
21 I 43 I
22 I 44 I

TOTAL A-100% B-0%

Table #10 Respondents' according to how interested they are in someone opening a

business in their area.

Looking in the pie chart above, 100% or all the respondents are in favor of someone building a

business establishment in their area. That offers Pisonet, Pisowifi, stationaries, and printing


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