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School of Management

Master of Business Administration

Summer Internship – Handout
Subject Code MBA 3004
Credits 5
Duration 8 weeks

1. A student shall conduct the study in an organization assigned by the Placement Office of the
University or in an organization chosen by the Student with the permission of the Placement
office of the University. A Student needs to study the entire organization carefully with special
emphasis on the project selected / assigned by the company.
2. The Internship period is from 4th July 2022 to 27th August 2022. Students are expected to
send their weekly reports and project Diary (2 sheets /week – 1 sheet on task assigned and
expected learning’s and 2nd sheet on actual learning’s) every Monday during the tenure of project
to respective faculty guide.
3. Students need to be in continuous contact with their faculty guides and update them on the
progress of their work. Faculty will monitor the progress of the students under them based on
timely submission of weekly report, submitted abstract, Employer feedback, project diary,
Midterm Review and final assessment. In addition faculty will be visiting the organizations for
a real time feedback.
4. The entire internship will have to be done in a single organization. You will not be allowed to
do Short- duration internships in different companies to achieve the cut-off duration of 8 weeks.
5. Students have to also provide the industry guide e-mail ids and contact details along with the
abstract of the proposed project to the faculty guides within 1 week of joining date. Abstract
should also give details on whether the organization will provide internal data sets or not. This
should be submitted along with first weekly report.

6. The first 3 chapter’s rough draft should be submitted along with action plan for 4th and 5th
chapter by August 5th.
7. Furnish Employer Evaluation Form along with the Rough Draft. Draft should be submitted after
plagiarism check and plagiarism report should be submitted along with Project report (Separate
document).Plagiarism index should be < 25%.
8. The schedule of activities with dates to be adhered to, is provided in the Table below :
Table of Activities
No Submission Deadlines
1 First Weekly Report with Proposed Project 1ST Monday after Joining
Abstract+ Project Diary
2 2ND TO 8TH Weekly Report+ Project Diary Monday
3 Project rough draft submission + Plagiarism September 10th
4 Final Project Submission September 17th
5 Viva October 8th

Summer Internship Project report structure

Report should be submitted in Times New Roman font, with font size 12 for content and font
size 20-40 for headings and sub headings. Spacing 1.5, Justify. The report shall be hard-bound
facing sheet (only white color), indicating the title of the report., name and registration number
of the student, name of the guide, name of the university with Logo, School and Program with month
& year of submission (Spiral binding not permitted). Number of pages for the report must be
between 30 to 40 only. You are not permitted to Add organization logo in the report. Reference
should follow APA referencing
In an internship report, you will need to include an overview of the skills you developed and the
experiences you had during your training. Additionally, follow any specific rules regarding the
intern report format and content the company requires, including any specified deadlines. You can
write an internship report using these steps:

1. Prepare a title page

2. Write a table of contents
3. Include an acknowledgement section
4. Provide company background information
5. Give details of the your work responsibilities during the internship
6. Discuss the skills your learned and the experiences you had
7. Write a conclusion, mentoring various ongoing considerations.

1. Prepare a title page

The first page will be the internship report introduction, and it should include the report's title and
the name of the company. It should also have your name, class and college and internship dates.
This information will make it easier for the company staff to identify different reports.

2. Write a table of contents

The next page of your internship project report should be a table of contents. This page will give
readers a quick overview of everything you have included. It will also make the sections easy for
readers to find.

3. Include an acknowledgment section

Begin the internship project report by thanking your advisors and the people at the company who
helped you during the training period. You can also mention how they helped you and what you
learned in particular from each person.

4. Provide company background information

Give a brief overview of the company's history, including who founded it, for what purpose and
when. This is also the place to mention the company's mission statement and its regular business
activities. You should inform your readers about the company and your role in their overall work

5. Give details of your work responsibilities during the internship


Mention your internship position within the company and explain the specific tasks that the
company staff assigned to you daily. You can discuss the skills you learned as a result and the
experiences that helped you to develop professionally. You should also mention any projects you
completed on your own or as part of a team.

6. Discuss the skills you learned and the experiences you had

It is important to include specific skills you developed during the course of your internship. Explain
how they relate to your educational experiences and your career goals. Detail experiences you
received during your internship that helped you to develop professionally and how they will
contribute to your future work.

7. Write a conclusion, mentioning various ongoing considerations

Finally, discuss skills that you would like to continue developing or experiences you would like to
have as part of your internship. This can help you gain insight into what you would like to find in
future internships while also helping the organization understand how they can better meet the
needs and interests of interns in the future.

Internship Assessment components

Internship Assessment Weightage Date


Weekly Report 10% Weekly

Professional Conduct and 10% 20th August

Feedback( By faculty)
Industry Guide Assessment 20% 3rd September

Final Report 30% Draft by 10th September with

 Content -10% check
 Data Collection-10% Final Report by September 17th
Analysis and Discussion-10%
Vice Voce 30% 8th October
 Presentation -20%
 Q&A-10%
 Pass % 40 (If scored less than 40% , SI
shouldbe repeated post IV Semester)

Template for an internship report

While the exact internship report template will differ from company to company, the general
content requirement includes information about the company, the work they do, the position you
held as an intern and your general responsibilities.
You can review this internship report example and alter it as per your requirement:


 Name
 Education program
 Class
 Internship dates
 Internship organization


 Acknowledgement
 Information about the company
 Information about the internship position
 Description of internship experience
 Conclusion

I want to thank my advisers and everyone at the company for their patience and assistance during
my on-site training. Thanks to their guidance, I was able to develop [mention specific skills] and
learn about [mention what you learned]. These skills will help me to expand my resume and
advance my career.
Information about the company

Established in [year], [the company] is in the business of doing [mention what they do]. They are
well-known in the field for their [activities]. Their mission is to [mention business goals and/or
social work commitments]. The company plays a role in promoting [mention social activities] for
the welfare of the local community and the nation at large. I felt that their mission was compatible
with my world view and my future career goals, which is the reason I applied for an internship
position with them.
Information about the internship position

As an intern with [the company], I worked in a [mention role] position and was responsible
for [mention undertaken tasks]. I was part of the [mention department] team. Together we worked
on [name them] projects to accomplish [mention end goal].
Description of internship experience

During my internship with the company, I learned [specific skills]. I was able to put these skills in
practise in [mention work completed] projects. The work was challenging, and I learned [mention
what you learned] about the work and gained more confidence in myself. It was a valuable

The work experiences I encountered during the internship allowed me to develop [specific skills]. I
think I still need to work on my [mention other skills]. However, the overall experience was
positive, and everything I learned will be useful in my future career in this field.


Title ………

In partial fulfillment of the Summer Internship Project

of the
Master of Business Administration

Prepared by
Registration No:

Organization Name and Address

Under the Guidance of ...................................

School of Management
BENGALURU – 560 064

4 J U L Y – 3 S E P T E M B E R 2022



This is to acknowledge that the Report entitled

is made as a partial fulfillment

of the Summer Internship Program by me in

(Organization Name), under the supervision of

Mr./Ms (Industry Supervisor).

I confirm that this report truly represents my work and accomplishment

undertaken as a part of my Internship Project. This work is not a

replication of work done previously by any other person. I also confirm

that the contents of the report and the views contained therein have been

discussed and deliberated with the Industry Supervisor.

Name &Signature of the :

Student Registration No :

Name & Signature of Industry :

Supervisor (Office Seal)



This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. Regn. No.

has completed the project titled

under my guidance in partial

fulfillment of the Summer Internship Project course of the Master of

Business Administration program.

Signature of Faculty Guide:

Name of the Faculty Guide:



Week Starting Date: _ to Week Ending Date:

Name of the Student

Registration Number
Name of the Organization
Key Person in the Organization
Name and Designation
Contact Number& Email ID
of the Key person
Immediate Supervisor
(if different from key person)
Date of Starting Work
Work Done During the Week
General Remarks about the Work
(Students Opinion)
Performance of the Student
(as assessed by Immediate
Approvals given for absence (if any)
Problems Faced by Student (if any)
Overall impression of the Internship
(Students Opinion)
Observation by the Immediate

Signature of the Student Signature of the Industry Supervisor


Project Diary
A project diary is a written record of significant activities, events or processes
that occur during the life of a project.

Title Work Placement /Summer Internship Diary

Description This is template designed for MBA students
interning or in work placement to
document their day to day activities and
experience while on work placement.
User MBA Student- SOM, Presidency University
Goal To help the student to have a unique
reporting structure while on SI/Work
Objective Allows students meticulously update
learnings and challenges while on SI/Work
placement for future action
Method Could be done in a Google sheet /hardcopy
Recommended Use Give an opportunity for students to work on
pain areas as well as faculty to reflect with
solution and informed guidance
When To be completed by student on day to day
basis while on SI/Work placement
Language English
Further links : (Update Google sheet link ,if applicable)

Work Placement /Summer Internship Diary

Registration No:
Company Name:
Reporting Manager Name:
Reporting Manager Contact Details:
Reporting Faculty:
Reporting Faculty Contact Details:
Start Date: End Date:

Description of Work Undertaken


Positive Aspects

New Skills to be Learned

Future short-term actions



Description of Work Undertaken


Positive Aspects

New Skills to be Learned

Future short-term actions



Name of the Company

Name of the Student with Roll no

Reporting Manager Name

Reporting Manager email ID /Phone


Reporting Team / Department

Period of Internship Start date :

End Date :
Brief Profile internship

Rate performance in 1-5 scale

(1 – Not at all satisfied • 2 – slightly satisfied • 3 – moderately satisfied • 4 – Very satisfied
• 5 – Extremely satisfied)
1. Attendance/Punctuality 1 2 3 4
2. Expectation Vs. Output 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
3. Time Management 5
4. Grooming 1 2 3 4
5. Analytical Skills 1 2 3 4
6. Communication Skills 1 2 3 4
7. Overall Assessment 1 2 3 4
8. Student Evaluation on a scale
of 20
Suggestions on the skill ,training,
pedagogical up gradation required

Will you be considering student for a

pre placement offer in your Yes / No / Not decided

*The evaluation form should be mailed to guide or hardcopycould be handed over to the
student in sealed envelope by the end of the internship

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