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Name : Retno Ayuning Tyas

Class : EED C

Number: 202132073

1. Announcement Text

To all the students of SMAN 1 Jekulo
We are pleased to announce a futsal competition on 21th - 24th March
The participants must be from all representation from X grade until XII grade.
The representative must be registered their team names before 18th March to the Osis division or
call our Osis members in-charge on the below contact numbers:
Ananta: +6281428642431 or Reza: +628726856166

We need you to participate!

Osis Committee
Arya Syahputra

a. The social function of the Announcement text is to provide information to the public (the

b. Generic Structure

The structure of the Announcement text consists of:

 Attention Getter, namely an expression or sentence that aims to attract the attention of the
reader, usually using the word Attention‖.
 The target is to whom the announcement is addressed.

In the example of the announcement text, it is intended for class X to class XII

 Information, namely the information conveyed.

The information conveyed in the sample text is that the Student Council of SMAN 1 Jekulo will
hold a futsal competition for children from class X to class XII on 21th -24th March. Participants
are required to register before the 18th March
 Announcer is who makes the announcement.

The one who made the announcement in the text was the Osis Committee Arya Syahputra

c. The Language Feature of the Announcement text use the Future Tense.

2. Invitation Letter

Kudus, March 22, 2022

To: Agnes Melani

We want to share the joy and blessed moment of our marriage with you.
We write the invitation to invite all of you to come and joy with us at our wedding
will take place on:
Date: March 28, 2022
Place: Hotel Gripta
Time: 19.00 PM – end
It’s a blessing for us if you are there and pray for our new life.
Thank you for your attention
My sincere greeting,
Lia and Muslim

a. Social Function
From the meaning of invitation above, we might conclude that the social function of
invitation is to invite someone to attend an event, such as a wedding
b. Generic Structure
1. Invitee: Agnes Melani
2. Body of invitation:
o Occasion: This invitation was made for a wedding
o Day or Date: March 28,2022
o Time: 19.00-end
o Place: Hotel Gripta
c. Linguistic Feature
 Verbs in simple present : e.g invite
 Verbs in future tense : e.g will take place

3. Notice


a. Social Function
The social functions of the Notice text are: to give a warning
b. Generic Structure
– Attention Getter is an expression or sentence that aims to attract the attention of the
reader, in the text above using the word Notice
– Information: The text above informs that the room must be kept clean
c. Linguistic Feature
Notice text is usually in the form;
• – Image, sign or sign
• – Word or phrase
• – Positive or negative statement sentences
• – Positive or negative imperative sentences

4. Memo
TO : Dwi Rukmana Fitrianti
FROM : Raisya Andriana
DATE : 22 March 2022
SUBJECT: Party Preparation
Dwi, today is three days before our party will held. Please prepare the decoration and
audience consumtions for our party. Also, please make the invitation letter to our guests.
Tell me if you have any difficulties. Thank you!
With love,
Raisya Andriana
a. Social Function
As a form of relationship that contains input, appeals and instructions about
something that needs to be made or completed quickly.

b. Generic Structure
A memo consists of two parts: the identifying information at the top, and the message
itself. At the top, identify for:
1. Whom the memo has been written: To Dwi Rukmana Fitrianti
2. Who is sending it: Raisya Andriana
3. Subject: Party Preparation
4. Date: 22 March 2022

c. Linguistic Feature
o A memo should always start by representing the reason for the communication.
o Focus one key topic or subject.
o Explain total subject in short, simple, direct sentences.
o Use language that is clear and unambiguous with a polite tone.
o Write in point form – include bullets or numbers if you wish to make simply
o Conclude with instruction on what action should be taken in reaction to the

5. Condolence Letter

Bandung. March 23, 2022

Mr Riko
Jl. Ahmad Yani 21

We have received a message from you, and we only received the message one day
after the death of Mrs. Rahma. But we're sorry we couldn't answer messages right
away because we didn't have anything to replace them with. For the time being,
perhaps only this letter as
our surrogate.
We are sorry for the death of Mrs. Rahma, may the deceased soul get a proper place
by Allah's side. I hope you and your family can endure this ordeal. Amen.

Our regards,

Reza Gautama
a. Social Function
A condolence letter is a note expressing your sympathy. It can provide a great source
of comfort to someone grieving the loss of a loved one. This letter is a simple gesture
that lets someone know that they're in your thoughts.
b. Generic Structure
 an expression of sympathy
 a note of the deceased's special qualities
 a specific offer to support the family
c. Linguistic Feature
 should have an intimate, sympathetic tone.
 Handwrite the note if possible
 Keep it simple
 Be sincere and authentic
 Share memories, and make a personal connection
 Avoid giving advice, and be careful about sharing religious beliefs

6. Advertisement

a. Social Function
 To advertise some product or service.
 To persuade people to buy some products and services.
b. Generic Structure
 Purpose: What is the purpose of the writer to compose the advertisement
 Name of product: This is about name and brand. What product, service or
events to sell?
 User: Who need the product? What are the product and service for?
c. Linguistic Feature
 The Use of Simple and Informal Words
 The Use of “Positive” Adjectives
 The Use of More Interrogative Sentences and Imperative Sentences
 Using Persuasive Language
 Using Connotation word

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