AP Worldipedia 4.4

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AP Worldipedia 4.

1. How much did Sir Frances Drake’s cargo of spice earn? What effect did this have on the
European countries? 4,700 percent, European countries focused all efforts into maritime
2. Discuss the Portuguese arrival on the African coast and the Indian Ocean. (Mention
actions they took). The Portuguese stormed the Swahili city of Kilwa and threw out its
Muslim leaders, the Portuguese attempted to close the Red Sea to stop losing profits
3. How did the Portuguese attempt to control the Indian Ocean trade network?
Portuguese attempted to install a Mediterranean system of trade which used military
might to divert trade through trading ports they controlled
4. What was the first world-wide currency? silver coin/peso de ocho/piece of eight
5. Where and how much silver was produced in the Americas? In present day Bolivia and
Mexico, they discovered massive deposits of silver, and minted almost 2.5 million tons
of silver coins per year from the 40,000 tons that were produced
6. What did the Indians and Chinese do with the new silver? The Chinese accepted silver as
payment for its coveted exports
7. Why were Joint-stock companies formed? Describe both the BEIC and the VOC. Trading
ventures were too expensive for most individuals to fund so investors pooled money to
fund the expiditions, BEIC gave London investors and merchants access to the Cape of
Good Hope in Africa, VOC traded in the New World and founded New Amsterdam and
were initially a much wealthier rival of the EIC
8. Why were joint-stock companies more profitable than those funded by Monarchs? They
focused less on religion and solely on profits, they were also quicker, more efficient and
more streamlined
9. Describe the Atlantic System-including what was moved from each of the three main
locations. The Atlantic System connected the old and new world by trading slaves, new
foods, guns, tobacco, rum, sugar and metal
10. What is a plantation system? Who was used as labor on the Plantations in Brazil and the
Caribbean? A plantation is a large commercial farm used to grow a single cash crop,
Africans from the west coast of Africa were the primarily used slaves
11. Four types of Labor systems emerged In the Americas- list them. 1) encomienda, 2) mita
system, 3) chattel slavery, 4) haciendas
12. Describe the encomienda system. Where else was it utilized outside of the Americas? It
was also used in the Philippines and was an incentive to get people from Spain to move
to a newly controlled area
13. Discuss the Mit’a system (or Corvee system). What type of labor was it mostly requiring
of the Natives? Very harsh and grueling silver mining, not to mention also very
dangerous, so much so that the parents of children would cut off the limbs of their
children so they wouldn't be forced to work in the silver mines
14. What was the difference between the Encomienda and Hacienda system? The hacienda
system was much more private and was a land grant given officially by the monarch,
another difference is that the hacienda produced food and good primarily for local
consumption and were often self sufficient estates
15. What was Chattel slavery? Slavery in which the slave is dehumanized and seen as
property by their private owner, who can also buy and sell slaves at their own discretion
with little chance for the slave to gain freedom

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