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Student Name Aiden ford

Professional Development: Task 1 – Identifying

job roles in your chosen creative media industry

As an Esports student it is essential you are aware of the wide variety of jobs you may be
able to do within this industry. This first task is about you demonstrating exploration of
some of the roles which are found within Esports, writing a little about your understanding
of what they mean and why they interest you.

You are required to pick the FIVE career/roles you are most interested in from the link
provided at the bottom of this document. For EACH ONE write an explanation IN YOUR
OWN WORDS of what you think this role is and why you have chosen it. Be clear and
specific in your answers, showing off your knowledge and enthusiasm; vague answers such
as “this looks interesting” will not be accepted.

Career/role 1 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

What is it/what are the important aspects of it?

Caster/host will need a good amount of information about the teams and the game being played. They will also need a
good personality in order to keep the viewer interested and keep their attention.
Why might you want to do it?
I fell like it would be fun to commentate over I game that I enjoy. It would also be interesting to see other pro players
play in person and see the different way that a team might coordinate.

What skills/knowledge/experience might you need?

Some skill that you might need to have can include the ability to keep conversation going mainly about the players and
the game. In order to do this, you might want to have a good understanding of the game in order to keep conversation
with a co-host if you have one

What barriers might you have to doing this job?

Staying neutral during matches and not having a bias when commentating. Having a bias might affect how the viewer
react to you and how they might interact with the stream or the tournament.
How might you get over these barriers?
Making sure that you are not putting in my opinion or putting it in as little as possible for example if someone ask who
you think is going to win I’ll say witch team would win but I would not go into a lot of detail about why or about the
players in great detail.

Career/role 2 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.
Community manger
What is it/what are the important aspects of it?
An community manger help runs a tournament and make sure that everything run smoothly. This includes generate
viewers and tickets sales and making sure that there is a good feedback from the people and the press.
Why might you want to do it?
I would like to do this because I would like to make that everyone enjoys the experience and making sure that the
player has the best opportunity to strive and give a performance worth watching.
What skills/knowledge/experience might you need?
Some skill that might be needed is being able to have good communication and being able to lead a team no matter the
situation or if their any problem that might affect the event.
What barriers might you have to doing this job?
If a problem comes up making sure it is solved as quickly and effectively as possible
How might you get over these barriers?
Making sure to consul the team and find a solution that best fit the situation.

Career/role 3 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.
What is it/what are the important aspects of it?
Putting on a live esports broadcast production requires a massively vast selection of different skills and creative
elements technical challenges, project coordination tasks and making sure that the live broadcast goes right because
there is only one chance to get it right
Why might you want to do it?
I would like to do this because I would like to make that everyone enjoys the experience and making sure that the
player has the best opportunity to strive and give a performance worth watching.
What skills/knowledge/experience might you need?
Video recording and live performance and making sure that everything goes smoothly.
What barriers might you have to doing this job?
Making sure everything goes smoothly and there are no major mistakes during a live event
How might you get over these barriers?
Making sure there a percussion have been but in case in case there is any problem during the events

Career/role 4 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

What is it/what are the important aspects of it?

Admins (or esports referees) will record the outcome of matches, make sure that the players are sticking to the rules,
and hand out penalties if any are broken. They will often have to communicate with teams to settle any disputes, keep
track of the tournament brackets and offer support to the community where needed

Why might you want to do it?

Making sure that everyone has the same opportunity and an equal chance to win and to show of their skill would be
enjoyable to watch and making sure that no is cheating or going against the rules.

What skills/knowledge/experience might you need?

When being a referee making sure you have a good background and knowledge of the game is key in seeing the
difference of a normal gameplay and someone who is cheating
What barriers might you have to doing this job?
If you miss someone who is cheating then it might affect your reputations as a referee.
How might you get over these barriers?
Making sure that your playing close attention to all players and their gameplay.

Career/role 5 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.
Social media
What is it/what are the important aspects of it?
A Social Media Executive’s job is to be the front face of any brand. They provide not only entertaining content, but
informative pieces to keep the community following and involved
Why might you want to do it?
Being able to help and provide the followers with content that can help them connect with the players and the teams
What skills/knowledge/experience might you need?
Being able to understand trends and what would help connect with the followers. Making sure that all the content that
is publish allays gives a positive look for the team
What barriers might you have to doing this job?
Marketing and making sure that everyone is able to see all the content.
How might you get over these barriers?
Being able to provide content on as many different platforms as possible

Resources (add your own after the link)
Contains information about a variety of careers all linked to Esports
Worksheets can be completed digitally or by hand.
If completed by hand these must be scanned in or photographed to a decent standard.

Your lecturer will inform you of how to hand in on Moodle ready for the work to be checked
next week.

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