Performance Task 2 - Abdul

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Name: Farhana Abdul Date: 09/18/22

Section: 12-St. Eugene de Mazenod Strand/Track: STEM

Performance Task # 2

Reflection paper: My Society, My Reflection (40 points)

Direction: You are expected to make a reflection paper about what

is Jahiliyyah period based on your understanding. It will show
how your thoughts and emotion respond to this period. Supply the
answer accordingly. (40 points)

Jahiliyyah period is all about the life before Islam, before

the prophecy of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w). Jahiliyyah is an
Islamic concept of “ignorance of divine guidance” or the state of
ignorance of the guidance from God” or “Days of Ignorance”.
During this time the system was wrecked, there is no proper
governance. People do what pleases them, woman was treated
poorly, there was no equality at all. People lived with gambling,
drinking alcohols, the education was poor, only few knew how to
read and write. In this period their lives have no destination,
it was like they were only thrown into this world.

There was different religion, beliefs at this period.

Wathani Religion (Idol worshipping), Zoroastrians (fire
worshipping), Judaism, Christianity, Hanif Religion (Monotheist).
If I will be reflecting this Jahiliyyah (ignorance) to our
society at this moment, I can still see the traces of this
ignorance. Especially now a days, people seem to not care when
internet and social media made a big impact. Right now most of
the things was based on the internet, everyone wants to earn
sympathy and fame forgetting the God from above. The sad part is
we can see out brother and sisters in Islam dancing and making
inappropriate videos on TikTok some are still wearing their
hijab. We can still see ignorance in people, gambling is still an
issue, some still treated woman poorly etc. we can still see the
traces of Jahilyyah (ignorance).

Upon knowing this period, I realized the big difference of

before and after the prophecy and Islam revealed. Islam really
made a big impact on people’s life, before and up to this moment.
It gave direction, a goal, it made life worth living. Until now
people still have different religions and beliefs, as a Muslim we
do respect them, the different opinion, life choices, religions
and beliefs. Born as a Muslim is a big privilege and I hope
everyone takes that as an advantage and make the best out of it.
I hope people won’t disregard this gift and opportunity. May we
live our life according to Allah (s.w.t).

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