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Student Name Sean Taylor

Professional Development: Task 1 – Identifying

job roles in your chosen creative media industry
As an Esports student it is essential you are aware of the wide variety of jobs you may be
able to do within this industry. This first task is about you demonstrating exploration of
some of the roles which are found within Esports, writing a little about your understanding
of what they mean and why they interest you.

You are required to pick the FIVE career/roles you are most interested in from the link
provided at the bottom of this document. For EACH ONE write an explanation IN YOUR
OWN WORDS of what you think this role is and why you have chosen it. Be clear and
specific in your answers, showing off your knowledge and enthusiasm; vague answers such
as “this looks interesting” will not be accepted.
Career/role 1 of 5

Video Editing. 

Video editing is where video footage of any kind is altered for different reasons such as creating smooth movement,
give transitions to other footage. The skills required with video editing is experience within editing products such as
Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. You will also need independent skills and the ability to adapt your style to
what other people want. You need the ability to work well with others and to be flexible and open to change.

My interest in the video editing scene lies in the fact that I have experience within the industry. For example, a terrible
video could be made good with the power of good video editing. Depending on the type of videos you are creating you
will also need to use knowledge from the industry of the video you are creating, for example a YouTube gaming video.
Using knowledge of the algorithm and what the viewers of a YouTube channel are looking for, you can mould your video
to shape that to keep viewers engaged with the content. 

It can be hard to come across video editing jobs that pay well, especially if your inexperienced as people may be looking
for a higher editor. To get over these barriers you should work at being more experienced with the more popular
aspects of video editing to make buyers want to hire you.

Career/role 2 of 5

Esports player

Being an esports player consists of confiding within a team to participate in competitions in order to get money or
prizes. To get a part in this job you need to be able to work well as a team, have good communication, and have skill
within the game you are playing, there are several reasons you may want to become an esports player, one of the
biggest reasons is most likely due to passion for video games and people looking to turn their hobbies into a way of life.
The barriers to becoming an esports player typically comes with the large skill gap required to become a viable player to
use within the esports scene and a way to get over that barrier is to continuously practice at the game you want to be a
player in.,to%20be

Career/role 3 of 5

Game Development

Game development is the act of working towards creating a video game whether that be in the ideas process or the
creating process. The reasoning behind wanting to be a part of this career could be very similar to the reason behind
wanting to become an esports player. This is having a passion for playing video games or trying to create a job out of a
hobby of yours. For this job, you would need design skills and knowledge, analytical thinking, the ability to write
computer code, pay attention to detail, maths knowledge, and more. Some barriers may include the various video game
engines you may encounter and use to develop, there can be multiple, and it can get hard to learn them all, you could
fix this by knowing when you join a company, what engine they specialize within.

Career/role 4 of 5

Content Creator

Content creation is typically where you create videos for viewers to watch and enjoy, and you earn money in return via
the use of advertisements. The reasoning of becoming a content creator can vary very far from people simply wanting
fame, or someone looking to create videos about their hobbies and earn money for it. The skills required include the
ability to do thorough research, know how the algorithm of your platform works, consistently and learn your audience.
Barriers could include the growing popularity of content creation and to get past these barriers, create well-made
original content that viewers typically get from nowhere else

Career/role 5 of 5

Video Streamer

Video Streaming is where a person broadcasts something live, this could range from anything from playing video games
to sitting in hot tubs, much like the content creations you may want to pick this career path as this enables you to make
a living of doing what you like to do. The skills that might be needed for video streaming are strong knowledge of
technology and how streaming works for a good quality video stream, along with good camera knowledge if you plan to
use a camera. You would also need a defining personality that sets you as being different than all the other streamers
out there. Without this knowledge then it can be hard to grow within the streaming space.
Resources (add your own after the link)

Contains information about a variety of careers all linked to Esports

Worksheets can be completed digitally or by hand.

If completed by hand these must be scanned in or photographed to a decent standard.

Your lecturer will inform you of how to hand in on Moodle ready for the work to be checked
next week.

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