Teacher Appraisal

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SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022

Sources of evidence: lesson plans, action plans, academic certificates, teaching portfolio, scope and
sequence of subject taught, reference list of sources.
1. Teacher to attend at least 2/3 professional development session and collate evidence(invitation,
agenda, certificate of participation, picture of you in attendance or in a virtual setting a
2. Align your lesson plan to use the curriculum as well as national goals. (Evidence: lesson plans;
demonstration of how students learning is reinforced through integration and correlating
3. Continue to hone your skills in content area. Keeping abreast of changes in your content area.
(audio/visual representation of projects/activities undertaken to improve knowledge of subject
4. Provide evidence of supplementary content or resources – research, reflection and collaboration.
5. Use reflection of lessons to guide future planning (Lesson plan evaluation)


Sources of Evidence: Lesson plans, photographs, videos, lesson observation, action plans, samples of
students work, assessment reports, needs assessment, record books on students’ performance, teacher’s

1. Apply differentiated instruction in your teaching

2. Use a variety of strategies to promote the development of critical thinking in students.
(Questioning techniques; case study, problem study, conflict resolution and projects.)
3. Engage in reflective teaching and action research to evaluate the impact of your instructional
choices on the learner/students.
4. Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques as well as a variety of
instructional media and technology to ensure that learners receive the intended message.

5. Foster competence, self-confidence and a desire for knowledge through a collaborative,
supportive and an interactive teaching and learning environment.
6. Integrate national goals into class organization and management to inculcate values and attitudes
for social, cultural and economic development.

Guiding principles 3

Sources of evidence: Continuous assessment records, assessment strategies; action research, brief
anecdotal records – training kit, log of co-curricular activities, student register, critical incident report,
lesson plans, photographs, videos, observation, action plan, samples of students work, behavioral
modification techniques

1. Prepare and administer individualized instructional plan and corresponding lesson plans for
students with exceptionalities.
2. Encourage independent learning and implemented a performance incentive and rewards
3. Track individual students progress; assessing the various outcomes of the subject areas and use
such outcomes to diagnose and address learning needs in a holistic manner.
4. Prepare assessment plans; use differentiated tasks to enable meaningful assessment for all
students. Use a variety of assessment strategies to promote growth and progress of individual
5. Use project/STEM approach and research to build students’ capacity to investigate, self-assess
and to successfully manage independent learning.
6. Actively participate in co-curricular activities.
7. Encourage social interaction and character development through a variety of group structures
8. Manage/monitor student behaviour effectively – following regulatory guidelines.


Sources of evidence: certificates, written documents, Self-assessment instruments /checklists, observation

instruments/checklists completed by Supervisors/ other observers. Professional body membership record.
Report of knowledge sharing, Peer assessment, evidence of students’ work, class progress report and
analyses of assessment

1. Continuously assesses one’s performance and creates an individual development plan for
2. Create an opportunity for students to assess you, and use feedback for your own development.

3. Seek out and pursue opportunity for attaining mastery of skills – participating in in-service
development programmes & peer collaboration, online programmes etc.
4. Be actively involved in professional body or learning community (Participate in QEC activities;
subject-based association etc.)
5. Engage in peer sharing of experiences obtained at professional development days or best
practices; peer observation of class(es)
6. Publish in newsletter/magazines/mass media at QEC, school level, regional or national level.

Sources of evidence: Records of communication with parent/guardians – use of social media to contact
parents, parent conference, parent log; consultation log, evidence of community involvement –
photographs of projects, students work signed by parents.
1. Communicate with parents and care givers on student’s performance
2. Engage community members in activities that promote students development
3. Participate in PTA meetings or meeting with parents of your form class or at grade level
4. Address issues related to the well-being of students or the progress of the school


Sources of evidence: Students questionnaires/interviews, attendance register, peer interviews, rewards

for excellent teacher performance, log book, board reports, student interviews)

1. Show respect for time – for class, for school, for meetings and school events; meeting deadlines
and submission of information.
2. Comply with dress code and code of conduct
3. Work effectively in teams/or with colleagues; accepted and gave constructive criticisms in order
to improve learning outcomes
4. Act as a leader and a role model for students and community.


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