Caption Tugas Uas Inggris

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Petungkriono or also called Petungkriyono is a

sub-district in Pekalongan Regency, Central Java
Province, Indonesia. The government center of
Petungkriono sub-district in Yosorejo Village.
Petungkriaono sub-district is a mountainous area
with an altitude of between six hundred- two
thousand one hundred meters above sea level
(Mdpl) where part of the area is the highlands of
the North Serayu Mountains. To the south is the
Dieng Plateau area with a series of mountains such
as Mount Rogojembangan. In addition, there are
Mount Kendalisodo, Mount Sikeru, Mount Perbata,
Mount Geni, and Mount Kukusan. Petungkriono
sub-district is upstream of three major rivers
including Wola River, Sengkarang River, and Kupang
River (Pekalongan River). Petungkriono sub-district
has a tropical climate with two seasons in one year,
namely the dry season and rain, with the air
temperature during the day ranging from 19 -28
degrees Celsius. In July to August it drops to 10
degrees Celsius...

Petungkriyono is one part of Dieng area that is rich with

natural and cultural potential. The forest area is still
large, which is approximately 6000 ha, this forest is
also a habitat for the life of protected endemic
animals such as Java Eagles, Java Owa, Surili,
Leopards and Beetles. Viewed bioregion,
Petungkriyono area also has an important position
as a catchment area with kupang river and
Sengkarang river which become the source of life
for the areas below, namely Pekalongan, Batang
and Banjarnegara.

In general, the topography of Petungkriyono subdistrict is

in the form of highlands with relatively steep soil
contours. Land marbles are 40% due to the
mountainous area of Ragajambangan. In general,
the intensity of rainfall in the district petungkriyono
in the form of relatively high rainfall. Rainfall of in
excess of thirthy four point eight milimeters 34.8
mm / day due to the mountainous area of

The streets in Petungkriyono subdistrict are generally in

poor condition. The majority of roads in
Petungkriyono subdistrict including access to
tourism sites have been hardened by using asphalt
but have not been hotmixed. While the roads in the
village are generally in the form of land. From Kajen
as the capital of Pekalongan Regency.
Petungkriyono is located in the south with a
distance of 34 km and can be reached by public
transportation through Doro District. Petungkriyono
is located approximately 40 km from the tourist
attractions of Dieng Plateau which can be reached
from wonosobo city and Banjarnegara through
sibebek-gumelem or Kalibening Simego route. Hills
with dense green forest cover become the main
treat when entering Petungkriyono. In some
locations such as Sokokembang Village and
Curugmuncar, there are also clear streams along
the valleys and waterfalls that gush from the cliffs,
which further add to the natural beauty of the

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