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What Is Life Without Modern Technology Like?

After several hours of walking, you would get to work, where you’d encounter a similar situation.
The technologies that get you through everyday life would be missing. You’d ponder conducting
business by postal mail, provided that’s still functioning, but it would likely take too long to get
your correspondence where it needed to go.
Lunch will be whatever hasn’t spoiled yet. It looks like the whole workday is a wash and getting
home is going to be just as hard. Making dinner will be like camping.
Your heart would sink as you realized that streaming a movie later isn’t in the cards. The
evening’s entertainment would be limited to reading by candlelight or playing an acoustic
instrument. You’d conclude that you never want to go a day without technology again.
This is a mere snapshot of what life without modern technology would look like for a typical
office worker. Students hustling to complete their school work wouldn’t have it any easier as
universities would grind to halt. And don’t forget that hospitals and airlines would have to shut
To say our society would go into a tailspin during a day without technology is an
understatement. Without technology, society would regress by at least 50 years.
Imagining what it would be like to survive a day without technology makes the IT skills
gap difficult to fathom. Frankly, daily life without modern technology would be miserable. So why
does such a critical skills gap exist?
Why prospective IT professionals aren’t rushing to get into the tech industry is a complicated
question. One reason for this is that most schools aren’t teaching IT skills to kids at a young age
and setting them up for a future career in IT.

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