Reflection About Mental Health To Vulnerable Youth and Students in Time of Pandemic

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Name: Tyrone S.

Course & Year: BSMT-AT 3A

Mental Health to Vulnerable Youth and Students in Time of Pandemic

The COVID-19 epidemic, coupled with the turbulence of our current times,
makes the subject of mental health not just pertinent but essential. The
existence or absence of a mental disorder is only one aspect of one's mental
health. The intersection of psychological, physical, and emotional well-being
exists here. Many people have experienced significant problems with their
mental health this year. Along with the disease's negative effects on health,
COVID-19 has also caused self- and social isolation, separation from family
and friends, quarantines, and lockdown on mobility, which has resulted in
more people than ever feeling hopeless, alone, bereaved, anxious, and
depressed. As a result, the need for health support services has risen.

Students have adjusted their conduct in accordance with public health advice
and frequently consult and trust official sources (i.e., increased hand washing,
wearing mask). However, students described a variety of academic and daily
challenges as well as significant mental health concerns. High levels of
anxiety were more likely to be reported by students and those who spend
more than an hour per day looking for material on COVID-19, whereas high
levels of depression were linked to difficulty concentrating on academic work
and job losses. While trusting news sources was related with lower levels of
somatization, inability to concentrate on academic work and a high worry for
COVID-19 were more likely to be associated with greater levels of

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