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When a user tries to access a website or a webpage, multiple processes are running at the same

time, and there will be both software and hardware involved in those processes to grant the user
access to the desired webpage.

The first category of technology involved is hardware. Although there is a great deal of hardware
working together to grant the user access to a website or webpage, this paragraph will only list
the most notable ones. The first hardware is the monitor, which shows information processed by
the computer's graphics card or video card. The second one is the VGA, which stands for Video
Graphics Adapter, also known as the graphics card. This component transfer binary information
from 1s and 0s to images, which the monitor will later display. Next are the keyboard and the
mouse. The keyboard is one of the most crucial input devices of the computer that works
similarly to the old typewriter used to enter characters and functions into the computer system by
pressing buttons with letters, numbers, and symbols engraved on them. The mouse is another
essential input device for the computer. The mouse controls a cursor and a GUI (Graphical User
Interface) to point, moves, and select files, icons, and folders on the monitor. Another crucial
hardware piece of the computer is the CPU or Central Processing Unit. The CPU is the heart and
brain of the computer, which performs every commands the user inputs and executes programs
according to those orders.

The second category of technology involved is software. The computer will require an internet
browser to gain access to the internet. These browsers are application software for accessing the
World Wide Web or a local website. It retrieves information from other parts of the internet and
displays them on your computer's monitor. Next is the operating system, or the OS. The OS is
system software that manages hardware, and other software resources, along with providing
services for computer programs. Because its role is managing all the other software of the
computer, it is the most indispensable software of any computer. Protecting the user's data from
being corrupted by malware on the internet is the firewall - a security system. Its role is to
prevent unauthorized access into or out of a computer network. They are often used to guarantee
that users without authorization cannot interfere with other private networks connected to the

Though there are much more hardware and software involved to perform one user command like
typing a web address to the website, the hardware and system software above are among the
most notable ones.

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