VTU Question Paper of 18ME43 Fluid Mechanics Jan-2021

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‘ime: ens | . ‘ 3 uurth Semester BLE, Degree Examination, JanJFeb 2021 Fluid Mechanics 5s ‘ Max. Marks: 100, Note: Answer any FIVE fall question, chogsiig ONE fl question from ench module. ite 4 Define the flowing Mi propria stein: Sori weigh Vicon Sars eminent i's te Bn eerie of evan he af mea teria An ol fn of ticks (Mi a cod or hina between ware pie of (dm « 05m and an ones plane having a ang nlnaton 20° wil tbe hor ‘he weight of the sgge’ plate i 3924 an hes dwn the plane ith vom 1sMEd3 (roel 02m he mice ofa ‘one y oi sucmdpindrvicsnicer, — %O) atin Define meget and explain its importance instability of Noting bodes. __(O4Mark) ‘A circlanplste of 3.0m diameter with a concentric sigcalar ble of diameter 1.5m is mera in water in such a say tbat its greatest and Ia depth below the ee sure are 4mm and | Sm respectively. Determine the ttl presse ba face ofthe pte and positon of ze of pres “a0 Marks) ee neers an — Te vty Qi bw eb wie iy Clete the velocity conponeniin the X and deci Ok ie posi af such fox. tars «& A’wooden block of size 3m 2m Im and specie gravity 08 feats in water. Determine ‘ts meta pete eight (ountats) ok 4-Bhte Bemoulis equator hid fow Dave an expreson fr Bec’ equation fom fist prnepe, Also sate the assumption made fo sucka derivation ‘avatars ‘oA pipeline carrying ol of spcitic gravity 0.8 changes in diameter ftom 300mm a positon ‘fo Saf. positon B which Sm a a higher level the presure at A and B ae 1.962 bar apd‘.491 bar respectively andthe discharge i 150 lis, Determine the loss of head during the Mid flow, Also state the dreton ofthe Mid ow. uma) <— Modute-3 4 Dexve Hagen Potion fr lamin hough eal pie aos Oil of viscosity. 10 pose flow between two parle plates ae kept at «distance of SOmm ‘part. Find thereof oil low between the plates ifthe pressure dropper meter length is (Nem? wid of plates 200mm and length of plat i Sm. Specie pravty is 0.85. (wos) Oo 1062 18Me43 or a 44 Derive Darcy — Weisbach relation fora id ow ted. aostarts) 1 Adem dismeter pipe takes off abruptly fom a large tank and run Say, then expands to 2bom diameter abcuply and ren SOm and next discharge dicetyto open air witha velocity ‘0f 20m, Calelate the eight of water surface above point of discharge, Mats) Take Darcy's coeffciens 00065, Magus 4 Wat the meaning foundry erp? Whats te ef ene gan on boundary layer separation? 8 Det oy Be ‘Na Ql Sra 3) Boundary lass XRG 4) Momentum thickness) > = i) Displacement thickness fv) nergy thickness (osu S 8 Te nl pe ota dance D ig at 4 ys nes any pi o'er D40 pv id comes 1}. 4 kte0.n = 0.8m weighing(3 822N assumes an ay’ 12" tothe Porizontal te string state ot te mes ane of 41 te via Te plone sing 25235 ‘ven the wind is owing ata Speed of 3k, in the corespondiyeoaicon of drag snd Take smote Sky. € ‘aoa On Modis Show tat dy ety of « south nate in compress Mid medium if given by c= [Eehariemd Pek lie ofp amty oftetu,—gott 1 cae velstyandmgs mnt of a pion sia Ang aan abe of 1000%ma¥ber the temperate s 280K, sound ofthe aieaf i heard 2.15 seconds ar the passage ofthe aircraft onthe bead of an obser ‘Take y= 1At and R= 287g K. oman Re er = © nt tens 45s te oe caren damn 3 otis pt where y=rtio of secifiheats M= Mach members ‘ao tats 1. Mention the appliatiowd limitaion of Computations Fuld Dynamics (CFD) (10M) Sas dof?

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