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I. Choose the best answer: (2,5)
1. Tom told me that he…………. Steve Jobs in real life.
a. had met b. met c. has met d. meets
2. By 2100 all familes (own)………………..their own robots at home.
a. will be owing b. are going to own c. will own d. will have owned
3. Students can meet a career…………….and discuss what they should do.
a. inventor b. adviser c. programmer d. developer
4. This modern plane is capable of……………60 passengers.
a. tracing b. placing c. accommodating d. experiencing
5. Do you think that……………..are physically similar to earth people?
a. messengers b. terrorists c. aliens d. adventurers
6. The software…………… to get pictures from other planets.
a. enables b. controls c. returns d. capable
7. John asked Mary……………….any UFOs before?
a. if she had seen b. had she seen c. whether she seen d. what she saw
8. Mai says she …………….to become a computer programmer.
a. wants b. wanted c. had wanted d. will want
9. Astronauts work in ………………...conditions.
a. weightless b. weights c. weighty d. weight
10. Find one word that does not belong in a group
a. developer b. researcher c. cooker d. technician
11. “I think you've taken my bag by mistake.” - “_______”
A. What a shame! B. Pardon? C. I'm so sorry. D. Have I?
12. “May I have something to drink, please?” - “_______”
A. Yes, of course. Help yourself. B. Of course you may.
C. Why do you have to ask? D. You must help others too.
13. Tom: "You've got a lovely singing voice, Mary."
Mary: " __________ "
A. It's all right. B. Congratulations!
C. Thank you. D. No, thanks.
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question: (1,25)
An unidentified flying object, or UFO, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable
as a known object or phenomenon. Culturally, UFOs have become (11)……………. Subjects in
fiction. While UFOs are often later (12)…………., sometimes identification (13)………….. not
be possible due to the usually low quality of evidence related to UFO sightings.
Stories of fantastical celestial apparitions have been told (14)…………..years, but the term
“UFO” (15)…………... offically created in 1953 by the United State Air Force.
11. a. popular b. population c. uncontrolled d. weightless
12. a. identified b. popular c. identity d. identification
13. a. may b. should c. must d. would
14. a. since b. to c. for d. in
15. a. were b. was c. had d. have
III. Read the passage and decide whether the following statement are true (T) or false (F):
A telescope is an optical instrument that aids in the observation of remote objects. The first
known pratical telescopes were invented in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 1600s, by
using glass lenses. They found use in both terrestrial applications and astronomy.
Within a few decades, the reflecting telescope was invented, which used mirrors to collect and
focus the light. In the 20th century many new types of telescopes were invented, including radio
telescopes in the 1930s and infrared telecopes in 1960s. the word telecope now refers to a wide
range of instruments capable of detecting different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and
in some cases other types of detectors.
The word telescope was invented in 1611 by the Greek mathematician Giovanni Demisiani for
one of Galileo Galilei’s instruments presented at a banquet at the Accademiadie Lincei.
16. A telescope is an optical instrument that aids in the observation of
very close things
17. The first known practical telescope were invented in the
Netherlands at the beginning of the 1600s, by using astronomy.
18. In the 20th century only a few types of telescopes were invented T F
19. radio telescopes and infraed telescopes are examples telescopes
invention in the 20th century.
20. The word telescope was first invented in 1611 by the Greek
mathematician Giovanni Demisiani.
VI. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question: (2,5)
Venus is the second planet form the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. It has the longest
ratation period (243 days) of any planet in the Solar Sys tem and ratates in the opposite direction
to most other planets. It has no natural satellite, it is named after the Roman goddess of love and
beauty. It is the second-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon.
Venus is a terrestrial planet and is sometimes called Earth’s “sister planet” because of their
similar size, mass, proximity to the Sun, and bulk composition. It is radically different from Earth
in other respects. It has the densest atmosphere of the four terrestrial planets, consisting of more
than 96% carbon dioxide. The atmospheric pressure at the planet’s surface is 92 times that of
Earth. Venus is by far the hottest planet in the Solar system, with a mean surface temperature of
462 degrees, even though mercury is closer to the Sun.
It has been made sacred to gods of many cultures,and has been a prime inspiration for writers and
poets as the “morning star” and “evening star”. Venus’s thick clouds prevent observation of its
surface impossible in visible light, and the first detailed maps did not emerge unil 1991.
21. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of………………………
a. love and beauty b. agriculture c. the sea d. the sky
22. Why Venus is sometimes called Earth’s “sister planet”?
a. Because they are similar in brightness and density.
b. because Venus is a terrestrial planet.
c. Because they are similar in size, mass, closeness to the Sun, and bulk composition.
d. Because Venus has been made sacred to gods of many cultures.
23. Which of the following statement is not true?
a. Venus is the second-brightest natural object in the night sky.
b. Venus is hotter than any other planet in the Solar System.
c. Venus consists of more than 96% carbon dioxide.
d. Venus rotated in the same direction as most other planets.
24. What makes it impossible to observe Venus’s surface in visible light?
a. Its temperature b. Its thick clouds
c. Its atmospheric pressure d. its closeness to the Sun
25. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
a. Venus has been an inspiration for writers and poets.
b. venus is closer to the Sun than Mercury is.
c. It takes Venus 255 days to orbit the Sun.
d. The first detailed maps of Venus had appeared before 1911.
V. Change these sentences into reported speech: (1,5)
26. Kate asked me “What planet do you want to live in the future?”
Kate asked me------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27. “I think aliens have big heads and triangle faces”, Sally said.
Sally thought--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28. “How long will it take to travel from Earth to Venus?” peter asked.
Peter wanted to know----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
1.A. collapsed B. erupted C. scattered D. moved
2. A. mind B. bike C. tradition D. tidy
3. A. pollution B. question C. action D. education
Question II. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1.A.collapse B. destroy C. disaster D. happen
2.A. earthquake B. eruption C. tornado D. tsunami
Question III. Choose the best answer A, B , C or D.
1. Three hundred people __________ homeless by the earthquake.
A. left B. were leaving C. were left D. had left
2. Many people die__________ food poison today.
A. at B. of C. in D. on
3. The acid rain has caused__________ to the trees in this area.
A. carefulness B. damage C. attraction D. difficulty
4. The __________ buried the whole village while people were still sleeping in their houses.
A. drought B. flood C. mudslide D. tornado
5. If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it __________ attractive.
A. will look B. would look C. look D. to look
6. There are about 750 million English speakers in the world, and this number ________ fast.
A. is increasing B. to increaseC. are increasing D. increase
7. In the future, natural disasters . __________ accurately with the help of technology.
A. to predict B. predict C. will be predicted D. will predict
8. Water _______ in the lake has made the fish die.
A. pollution B. pollute C. polluted D. polluting
9. _____ workers were sent to the area immediately, but no villager was survived when the
landslide happened.
A. help                      B. rescue                C. volunteer               D. assistance
10. People from other planets may use __ to communicate, which is not possible for human
A. landlines B. letters C. chat rooms D. telepathy
Question IV. Find the words that need correcting.
1. Hundreds of houses destroyed after a tornado hit the small town of Texas.
2. The earthquake occurred at midday when many people had had lunch.
3. Water pollute in the lake has made the fish die.
A B C D.
4. Factories won’t dump waste into rivers if the government will fine them heavily.
Question V. Give the correct form of the following words
1.I don’t mind ( talk ) _______________ with you in my free time.
2.Mr.Cuong decided ( not go ) _______________ to Ha Noi.
3. After I(finish) ______________the lesson, Lan went out.
4. This house ( build) _______________in 2015.
5.Most people (leave) _____________before the volcano erupted.
Question I. Read the passage and choose the best answer in the table to fill in each blank.
distances invention might built number useless
An American, Charles D.Seeberger, produced the first commercial moving staircase to transport
people in the 1890s. he called this (1)…………….………an ‘escalator’ , talking the name from the
Latin word ‘ scala’ which means ‘ ladder’ . Escalators move people up and down short (2)
………………..Lift do the same, but only move a small (3)…………………….of people.
Escalators have capacity to move a lot of people at the same time, and they can be placed in the
same space as one (4)……………..install a staircase. A non – functioning escalator can be used as
a normal staircase , whereas many other conveyances become (5)……………when they break
Toward the end of nineteenth century, cities were becoming more crowded and the first escalators
were ( 6)……………………at railway stations and in big department stores so that people could
move about more quickly. Today we see escalators everywhere
Question II. Read the text and then answer the questions.
Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It is famous for its rich culture as well as its
amazing natural beauty. Visitors to this land can spend endless days exploring its historic
centuries-old castles. But be aware – legend says that some of them are haunted by ghosts.
Fun-lovers can experience its world-famous festival, the Highland Games where they can
enjoy unique Scottish activities such as the piping, drumming, and dancing. They can also see
traditional sports, or drink whisky with the local people. Driving through vast green pastures, or
boating on scenic lakes – or lochs – are other attractions that Scotland offers.
The great people of this legendary land have also given many of the world’s important
inventions like the telephone, the television, penicillin and the raincoat. Edinburgh, the capital, was
the first city in the world to have its own fire brigade in 1824. Edinburgh University welcomed the
first female medical student in Great Britain in 1869.
1. Is Scotland famous for its rich culture?
2. What might you see while you are exploring a castle?
3. What are some activities you can see at the Scottish Highland Games?
4. When was the first brigade in the world created ?
III. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:
Face-to-face conversation is a two-way process: You speak to me, I reply to you and so on. Two-
way (1)_______ depends on having a coding system that is understood by both sender and
(2)_______, and an agreed convention about signaling the beginning and end of the message. In
speech, the coding system is the language like English or Spanish; the convention that one person
speaks at a time may seem too obvious to mention. In fact, the signals (3)_______ in conversation
and meetings are often (4)_______. For example, lowering the pitch of the voice may mean the end
of a sentence, a sharp intake of breath may signal the desire to interrupt, catching the chairman’s eye
may indicate the desire to speak in a formal setting like a debate, a clenched fist may indicate anger.
When (5)_______ visual signals are not possible, more formal signals may (6)________ needed.
1. A. Exchange     B. Interchange C. Communication D. Correspondence
2. A. Announcer    B. Receiver     C. Messenger               D.
3. A. That people use  B. Are used     C. Using                      D. Being
4. A. Informal        B. non-verbal       C. verbal                   D. formal
5. A. their                   B. These           C. This                         D. That
6. A. be B. was D. is D. are

Question I . Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above.
1. “I come from a small town in England ,” Nam said.
Nam said …………………………………………………………..……………….…..……
2. “ The film will begin at seven o’clock,” they told me.
→ They told me………………………………………………………………………..……..
3. The rescue workers evacuated the villagers in the raged flood to the safe place last night.
→ The villagers in the raged flood……………………………..……………………………..
4. “ Have you been to an English speaking country ? ” he asked us
→ He wondered …………………..…….……………………………………….…..………..
5. They provided food then cleared up the debris.
→ After ……………………………………………………………………………………….
6. I don’t have free time , so I can’t go some where.
→ If I ………………………………..……………………………………………………......
Question II. Write a paragragh about the advantages of smart phones.
Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. wanted B. flooded C. destroyed D. erupted
2. A. invent B. debris C. helpless D. news
Question II. Circle the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. competitive B. opportunity C. repetitive D. unhealthy
2. A. destroy B. erupt C. earthquake D. disaster
Question III. Choose the best answer A, B , C or D.
1.Air__________, together with littering, is causing many problems in our cities today.
A. pollute B. pollution C. polluting D. polluted
2. The road in front of my office is always __________ when it rains heavily.
A. to flood B. flooding C. flood D. flooded
3. Singapore is famous for its __________ and green trees.
A. cleanliness B. cleanly C. cleaning D. clean
4. The roof of the building _____________ in a storm a few days ago.
A. damaged B. was damaged C. has damaged D. has been damaged
5. A severe tropical___________ is called a typhoon.
A. drought B. rain C. flood D. storm
6. If you were the president, what ____________you do to help the environment?
A. will B. did C. would D. do
7. A person who __________ the bagpipes is called a piper.
A. plays B. performs C. entertains D. does
8. Don’t drink that water. It’s __________.
A. damaged B. dumped C. contaminated D. clear
9. The team’s success was largely __________ to her efforts.
A. because B. due C. since D. however
10. All our English teachers are __________ speakers.
A. native B. original C. foreign D. official
Question III. Give the correct form of the following words
1. Factories (not dump) ______________waste into rivers if the government fines them heavily.
2.I (watch) ________________ a science fiction film on TV at 9 .00 tonight.
3. Many houses (destroy) ________________in the hurricane last night in Nghe An.
4. By the time the police came , the thief (leave) _______________
5. Don’t forget ( turn) _______________ off the lights before going to bed.
Question I. Complete the passage with the given words in the box.
step people numbers food damage clothing become disasters
Natural (1)……………............. can be destructive; they can wreak havoc across large areas
and cause loss of life or (2)……………............. to property. We cannot prevent natural disasters,
but we can prepare for them. The first (3)……………............. is to learn about the risks in your
area and read the information about natural disasters on local government sites. Next, find out what
the rescue and emergency workers advise. These (4)………............have been trained to deal with
disasters, have been through lots of them and know how to help. Make sure you have all the
emergency contact (5)……………........... entered in your mobile phone. It is also important that
you put together an emergency supply kit. Your emergency supply kit should include (6)
……………........... , water, medications, personal hygiene items, copies of personal documents and
some money. You may also need some extra (7)………….............if you live in a cold climate.
Natural disasters can force people to leave their homes so you should also (8)…………….............
familiar with the guidelines for evacuation. Plan safe places to meet your family and get to know
the evacuation routes and shelters.
Question II.Read the passage and answer the questions.
Visual pollution has a greater effect on people than you may think. I remember when I went to a big
city, I was really scared because so much graffiti on the buildings' wall. Then I looked up, and I saw
a lot of power lines over my head. Although they were not dangerous, I still felt unsafe since I
thought they might fall down. These things prevented me from enjoying the beautiful sights of the
I also remember the time when I was a student at a university. Once I was so busy with my
assignments that I did not tidy my room for two weeks. Looking at the messy room caused me so
much stress that I did not want to study. Then I decided to clean the room and put my thing in their
proper places. I also bought a small plants and placed it in a corner of the room. These simple
actions increased my motivation and helped me to focus on my learning.
1.How did the author feel when she saw the power lines?
2.Why did she have that feeling?
3. What was she busy with?
4. What happened when she looked the messy room?
5. What did she do for her room?
Question I. Rewrite the sentences so that it has similar meaning to the first.
1. “They are doing an experiment”
à He said that………………………………….…………………………………………
2. “ You have to sign the paper again”
à She told me…………………………………………………….……………………
3. Acid rain is dangerous. Trees’ leaves are damaged( because of)
àBecause of ......................................................................................................................
4.They built this house yesterday
àThis house ......................................................................................................................
5. “Do you go for a walk every day ? ” :He asked me
à He asked .........................................................................................................................
Question II. Write a paragraph about ( 80-100 words )about causes and effects of water
You should base on the suggestions below:
- What is water pollution ? - What are its effects ?
- How common is it now ? - What causes it ?
- What should we do to solve it ?

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