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Atillo, Emily Samantha B.

BEEd 1-A
Activity 4.1
Directions: Explain briefly why diverse strategies and student satisfaction are needed to
achieve best practices for teaching.
The reason why diverse strategies and student satisfaction are needed to achieve best
practices for teaching it is because the main goal of these two strategies is to achieve a
balance between diversity and student satisfaction. Because of this method, we can see how
easy it is for a student to learn.
Activity 4.2
Directions: Answer the matrix below providing the aims and challenges of the different
pedagogical designs related to diverse perspectives in education.
Rational Pedagogy  To conceptualize  The challenge with this
learning through strategy is that learning
experiential and logic- is more than social and
based methods of cultural power
comprehension. structures, therefore
 Educating through straying from
cognitive resonance and naturalistic learning
technical skill. tendencies might be
detrimental to a
student’s learning goals.
Postmodern Pedagogy  The goal of this strategy  The challenge with this
is to move away from approach is that learning
naturalistic tendencies is more than just
by making learning memorizing facts.
more collaborative and
removing power
restrictions so that social
and cultural indicators
can be used to gain a
better understanding.
 To be used as a critical
instrument for
comprehending power in
teaching and learning.
Theological Pedagogy  The goal of this  The challenge here is
pedagogical idea is to this has been criticized
guide learning towards as moving away from a
knowledge achievement collective ethos and
through the omnipotent constraining it.
force that governs
Directions: Write your answers in essay form. Consider the rubric below in expressing your
ideas. You may submit your responses online through the Google Form.

1. What are some best practices for effective teaching?

Effective teaching can be characterized in numerous ways including educator
conduct (warmth, politeness, clearness), instructor information on (topic, of
understudies), educator convictions, etc. Here we define effective teaching as the
ability to improve student achievement as shown by research. As noticed, this is
nevertheless one method for characterizing viability.
To point of view the best teaching strategies is Diverse strategy teaching because
this is an educational principle that encompass a wide range of instructional methods a
system that caters to a diverse group of people with varying abilities. Student Satisfaction
aids in the provision of services to a diverse group of people, engaged in a variety of practices
The purpose of these tactics is to see if they can help you. When implementing best practices,
strike a balance between diversity and student pleasure for the purpose of teaching.

2. How will educators keep current on best practices in teaching?

The best teaching practices are a variety of strategies that contribute to student
pleasure and achievement. Diverse teaching strategies are pedagogical principles that
encompass a comprehensive framework for a diverse group of people with varying
abilities. Student satisfaction contributes to ensuring that a diverse variety of people
are served and involved in these activities. The purpose of these tactics is to strike a
balance between variety and student pleasure while implementing effective teaching

3. How do you integrate diverse perspectives into teaching?

In a classroom, diversity gives different insights. Students of various genders,
races, and backgrounds provide a variety of perspectives and ideas to the classroom.
This improves discussion and learning possibilities in the classroom. It can provide
well-rounded perspectives and allow pupils to learn more from one another. It will
allow them to see things in a different light—one they might not have considered
before. New viewpoints are vital to learn at any level, from elementary through high
Directions: Watch the video “Snapshot on education” by UNESCO (2019). After watching
the video, answer the following questions:
1. How can the education system empower the people? Which one does our country
need the most? Explain.

People with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to achieve a better
society are empowered by education. It improves maternal health, reduces child
mortality, develops unity, and promotes environmental stewardship while opening
doors to the job market. I think our country need a Gender equality because gender
equality is a fundamental human right and a prerequisite for eradicating poverty and
achieving national social and economic growth.

2. What are the three common highlighted (3) issues and priorities in education? Explain

The three most commonly highlighted issues and priorities in education

Migration and Education; Education Quality and Relevance; and Education Quality
and Relevance Education Funding is a term that is used to describe how money is
spent on education. One of the challenges is migration and education. because some
people opted to go to another country/countries to study. High-quality and because
the best teaching is a focus, the relevance of education becomes an issue and a

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