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Noise pollution also known as environmental noise or sound pollution, is the

propagation of noise with ranging impacts on the activity of human or animal
life, most of them are harmful to degree. The source of outdoor noise worldwide
is mainly caused by machines, transport and propagation system. Poor urban
planning may give rise to noise disintegration or pollution, side-by-side
industrial and residential areas. Some of the main source of noise in residential
area include loud music, transportation (traffic, rail, airplanes, etc.,), lawn care
maintenance, construction, electrical generators, explosions, and people.

Documented problems associated with noise in urban environments go back as

far as ancient Rome. Today, the average noise level of 98 decibels (dB) exceeds
the WHO value of 50 dB allowed for residential areas. Research suggest that
noise pollution in the United States is the highest in low-income and racial
minority neighbourhoods, and noise pollution associated with household
electricity generators in an emerging environmental degradation in many
developing nation.
Noise pollution affects both health and behaviour. Unwanted sound (noise)
can damage physiological health. Noise pollution is associated with several
health conditions, including cardiovascular disorder, hypertension, high stress
level, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbance and other harmful and disturbing
effect. According to a review of the existing literature faster cognitive decline.

Across Europe, according to the European Environment Agency, it estimated

113 million people are affected by road traffic noise levels above 55 decibels,
the threshold at which noise becomes harmful to human health by the WHO’s

Sound becomes unwanted when it either interface with normal activities

such as sleep or conversation, or disrupts or diminishes one’s quality of life.
Noise-induced hearing loss can be caused by prolonged exposure to noise levels
above 85 A-weighted decibels. A comparison of Maaban tribesmen, who were
insignificantly exposed to transportation or industrial noise, to a typical U.S.
Population showed that chronic exposure to hearing loss.

Noise exposure in the workplace can also contributed to noise-induced

hearing loss and other health issues. Occupational hearing loss in one of the
most common work-related illnesses in the U.S and worldwide.

Noise pollution can have negative affects on adults and children on the
autistic spectrum. Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can have
hyperacusis, which is an abnormal sensitivity to sound. People with ASD who
experience hyperacusis may have unpleasant in noisy environments with noise
pollution, which in turn can result in isolation and negatively affect their quality
of life. Sudden explosive noises typical of high-performance car exhausts and
car affect people with ASD.


Following are the three (3) types of pollution:

 Transport Noise
 Neighbourhood Noise
 Industrial Noise


 Road traffic noise:

Main cause of road traffic noise is no. of road vehicles and their
speeds. Faster moving vehicles produce high noise from gear box,
exhaust system and horn.
 Rail traffic noise:
The rail traffic is maximum with steam engine. With diesel engine and
electric engine the noise has reduced. The welded tracks have also
improved coach suspension have reduced noise.
 Air craft:
Larger and faster aircraft produce high noise during takeoff, landing.
Jet engines create noise around a radius of 16km.


Industrial processes like ship building, boiler making, pressing, blasting,

steel plant operation produce more noise.

1. Steel plant riveting-130dB

2. Boiler maker shop-120dB
3. News paper press-101Db


Industrial processes like skip building, boiler making, pressing blasting,

steel plant operation produce more noise.
Industrial 75dB 65db
Commercial 65dB 55db
Residential 50db 45db
Hospital, school up to 100 meters 50db 40db


Whether we realize we are subjected to it or not, noise pollution can be

hazardous to our health in various ways.

 HYPERTENSION is, in the case, a direct result of noise pollution caused

elevated blood levels for a longer period of time.
 HEARING LOSS can be directly caused by noise pollution, whether
listening to loud music in your headphone or being exposed to loud
drilling noise at work, heavy air or land traffic, or separate incidents in
which noise levels reach dangerous interval, such as around 40 dB for
adult or 120 dB for children.
 SLEEP DISTURBANCES are usually caused by constant air or land
traffic at night, and they are a serious condition in that they can affect
everyday performance and lead to serious diseases.
 CHILD DEVELOPMENT. Children appear to be more sensitive to noise
pollution, and a number of noise-pollution-related diseases and
dysfunctions are known to affect children, from hearing impairment to
psychological and physical effects. Also, children who regularly use
music players at high volumes are at risk of developing hearing
dysfunctions. In 2001, it was estimated that 12.5% of American children
between the ages of 6 to 9 years had impaired hearing in one or both ears
 DEMENITA isn’t necessarily caused by noise pollution, but its onset can
be favoured or compounded by noise pollution.
 PSYCHOLOGICAL DYSFUNTIONS and noise annoyance. Noise
annoyance is, in fact, a recognized name for an emotional reaction that
can have an immediate impact.


1. It cause contraction of blood vessels induced high blood

2. Damage to heart, brain and liver.
3. It induced contraction of muscles which ultimately lead to
nervous breakdown.
4. It induces anxiety, stress and fright.
5. It damages some part of auditory system. Thereby impairment
6. Excessive noise causing thickening of blood and changes in
breathing amplitude.
7. Jet engine rear causes gastric ulcer.
8. Causes irritation, dissatisfaction and effect work efficiency it
induced chronic headache.

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