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Situational presentation

Aim: to present and practise used to in the context of talking about what one did when they were young that they don’t do now

Stage Stage aim(s) Procedure Interaction Anticipated problems and solutions

Setting context to establish 1. Introduce David, show his current photo, ask T-Ss P: Students come up with answers that I don’t
meaning (if possible 2. What can you say about him? What is he need
without using the watching? Is he sporty? elicit ‘no sports’. A: I will tell them.
grammar) 3. Show the photo of D. when he was young playing P: Only one student always answers.
to make students football S: nominate others
interested in the 4. Elicit that he played football but does not play it
context now.

Eliciting the leading the 1. Make a sentence about David, playing football T-Ss P: Incorrect examples come up.
target language students to ‘used in the past and playing no football now? S: Rephrase them correctly.
to’ or giving it to 2. Ss think for 1 minute S P: Correct examples without used to come up –
them 3. Compare your answers S-S acknowledge them but don’t write them on the
4. Elicit ideas. If no one says ‘used to’, write Ss-T P: P: Only one student always answers.
5. David ______ ___ play football and ask what is S: nominate others
missing. If no one knows, tell the class.

Clarifying to check that 1. Underline ‘used to’ on the board (or write it in a T-Ss P: Only one student always answers.
meaning students different colour). S: nominate others
understand what 2. Let’s check if you understand: P: Students don’t know what the answers are.
‘used to’ means a. Did David play football in the past? Yes. S: in pairs, they explain briefly to each other
b. Did he play it once or many times? Many what the example sentence means.
c. Does he play it now? No.

3. Draw a timeline on the board.

a. play football no football
4. past --------x---x----x---------now-------------------->

5. Ask students to complete it, or do it myself. Ss/T-Ss

Clarification of to make the 1. Ask what ‘play’ is – verb T-S P: Students give wrong answers.
form structure clear to 2. Write ‘used to + verb’ S: Correct them.
the students 3. Ask how to ask a question: P: Students ask about Did he used to –
4. Write Did David explain.
_______________________when he was a boy?
5. elicit Yes/No answers.
6. Ask how to make the sentence negative. S-S
Clarification and To let students hear 1. Drilling T-S P: Wrong answers
practice of and say the a. Model x 2 ‘David used to play football’ S: repeat, exaggerate, correct
pronunciation structure and to b. Choral x 2 Ss
highlight weak c. Individual S P: too easy, they know all this
forms 2. Which words are stressed? What happens with T-Ss S: skip it
to? What happens with /d/? – mark on the
Restricted / To let students use 1. Ss write 5 true sentences about themselves. S P: mistakes – overusing used to instead of
Controlled the forms in 2. Monitor: past simple
practice sentences a. Understood instructions? S: Monitor closely, correct errors – ask
(written) b. Help?/On task? checking questions
c. Who to nominate for feedback?
3. Feedback Ss-T
Freer practice To let students use 1. Write topics on the board: food, travel, learning, T-Ss P: errors of used to, overusing it
(spoken) the structure more clothes, daily routines. S: delayed correction
freely in speech 2. Think about what you do now…
3. Think about what you did in the past…
4. Ss think / take notes (3-5 mins).
5. Stand up
6. Talk to as many people as you can. Who is the
most like you? Who is the most different to
7. Ss mingle and compare their experiences. Ss-Ss
8. Feedback:
9. Ss report back about their similarities and Ss-T
10. Delayed error correction if needed or if time T-Ss

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