DB925799 Math3000 (Assignment02)

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Nowe Chua Tourn Chor Studunt Ty DBIA5 74 Mocth 3000 —( 001) Ordinasy Difernitol Fact tom sstayunnk (02) Qe uy 8y +4y= 0 The ah solution ¢ Lek Ye na Gen y= hay rege ret grea 4et = 0 i= ; tee 944) =0 dow Gand @ on Se =4atl anbtavay ae at eat Q2: (2y"- a 0 i Wlo)= aay yl ek yet ry ere yloret reedt- Tet + et =0 et (arte tN) =0 ret weg 4 As t inc warwd » cylt)= Cet + Gee y Uill drcwouo for T70 By sab ttn te uta volt! | aya 4 will nous fo t<0 u(t) = be¥ - des y | 1 et sintt) —eF costt) W- - ; (et. swt)’ (e* coslt)) et sn(t) cust t) as EXC Qsmt tcost) et( deest- sint)] / as Lat ty= Be Yat!» Lap te)= Wu? Yas! LHS. = Usuy"~ Yalfs! = (uty at )Lbidp" tbel) ~Cbithtblouy!+dayy) + (iba = Cla br) (Ys Ya! ~ Yay") = (Cuba =O2 by Ly i, Us) = RNS “his Sina bath Yrand Ya ore solutions of gira equation, so LY) Ms) #0 amd Yrt!- Yay! +9 Also, Ys> a4 oa and Up: bill , | - rr OF Us. Ys oak wn zero # aru only if 4 “Arb $0, 50 Ys.UK is also a fundamental ae e os WS: (x ct xdy" MY HY=E0, OLX. YOOX» Yar) = Sin lx) YE yt 0 Substibating YyOD=X Ula t, yi =O ro equation: C= xcoty)0- x00 4 & = KK =0 Up!= cos (x) Yel! = - sinlx) Substituting Yply) = sinlX) , Y's cosh) ya's - sin (x) | Ci-xcotx): (-smx)~ ycosx +oinX = =smy + x CoSK ~ Kevsk tone =O So Us and Y2 ann both Sinx 20 Ubon Ke (0) W) Uhun X€ (0,7), x Troyaate, FIX) decvesen , YEW, HY= xC0s XK sx Se Sug pit) >0, Qh uw! by! x4.2%u=0 Tha choractostic equotion is: 7? +6r 44.26 = 0 hte ass . = eS (es Ae Buy sepovutting, rea ond Tmaginory compmnerks, Ye-3 and MEd 2TH geno solation z ytd = Ci &* cosl$)+ bs bsnl) = @ [er cos(E)+ C2 snlEY tha Ci (2 one abritroay constnat 4 WS: Ylay t.254>0 , we)=3, wylo)=0 The chonnctorstics equation Ts* Pty 4128 =0 y. ctlkens ES age elon 2 2 By seponating veal ond amoginary, Cmaps D3) Hel Thaxfoe the general solution Zs WH = 018 cositrt Cre *t cintt) = €4tT6, coslt) #00 6 By saat titing, ylo)=3 and yll)=0 Crcos(t) +2 sintt) | utt)= @ Ta costt) +S snl) Hit) = <3 prt Me : STE al StF Bel tbe Hoot 20 4 eh snl) = 0 >. e249 ye Git) 20 Csajected) t= lew (ke?) Lek ytd =~ 8 tatty yi Fe ents > as moutas, Tnownane oie uhon t 6(2k-iy, 2k) Wl =-ge*snlt<0 D ow tm URoge, y devreaese whom t€ Tks “QkHTy) Gavaph: meer per RETO EDA EINE me (4 4y" Iau y= 0 The chanasteristics equate is: t= Qr+4 20 yodlieatt 3 tleratt > 3 | oe | The cour! srbation is y(t)= C1 e° tat & f Wlo- Gy'-y ayo + wylod=2ryjlod= 2 The chonactenistics equoction Ze: A> -12r +4 =0 y> oti t 2 2 1¢ —s k : LTH qurunal, sebstion vo: tt = C1 ert + ote? Sobstitting lo) 22, ylo=-2 Wit) = 2t- Ste wtt) = $6349, tere a ee? (2-4 t)=0 ¥ et =o on “B22 (auyedied) eee Lhen W(t) = ese a sche ce q 2 4 how Nee oi) y(t) = et(2r-Fe

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