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ng THPT Hong L kha Ty Ninh

PART ONE: PHONOLOGY A. Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. entangle b. ennui c. enshroud d. ensnare 2. A. gimbals b.gimcrack c.gigantic d.gigolo 3. A.geopolitics b.geometry c.geology d.geography 4. A.subtract b.subscribe c.subroutine d.subordinate 5. A.ennui c.nutritive d.monumental 6. A.scrabble b.scramble c.scratch d.scared 7. A.souvernir b.routine c.toupee d. tout 8. A.quay c.ray d.bay 9. A.remark b.postcard c.drunkard d.discard 10. b.natural c.nation d.native B. List the words given in each column according to their stress patterns Warehouses suburb Exuberance parsimonious Southeastward aqueduct Reinvaded afterwards Personnel somehow PART TWO: PREPOSITION Fill in the blank with a preposition that represents the underlined words. Note: use complex preposition where appropriate You cant fool me. I know what youre trying to do. Im (1)__________you. You cant put that stuff (2)___________ me! Boy, am I ever in trouble . I broke my wifes new crystal vase. When she gets home, Ill be (3)__________ hot water. Weve argued about this time again, so what is the purpose of going (4)__________ and (5)_________ about the same old thing ?

A. 1. 2. 3.

B. Find the missing prepositions 1. A good friend will stand (6)______ when youre in trouble. 2. Parents sometimes meet (7)_______ teachers to talk about childrens schoolwork. 3. My dog did not want to go across the bridge with me . It kept hanging (8)________ . 4. Parents sometimesmhold children (9)________ to keep them away from danger . 5. She seemed more and more tired and sleepy. Soon shed drift (10)________ . PART THREE : CLOZE TEST Read the letter and then fill each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word in the reply. Dear Mari I am very worried about my husbands coming retirement. His job has been his one interest in life and now , at fifty-five, the firm has asked him to retire early. He says hes been put on the scrap heap and hes harder to live with daily. What am I going to do when hes under my feet all day? Do you think he might settle down, or should I persuade him to try to get another job? Its obvious that you both have to (1)_______ a new life style. Not just your husband , but you too. You seem to have (2)________ if any, sympathy (3)_________ a man who feels hes been rejected . Your main (4)________ that hes going to get under your feet. Im not surprised, if this has been your attitude, that his job has been his main interest in life. I dont think youll have much trouble (5)________ him to look for another job, for I (6)________ if hell want to spend all day at home (7)________ more than you want him (8)_______ . But I advise you to be very careful how you go (9)_________ your persuading. If you add to his feeling of humiliation and failure by saying you want him out from under your feet, hes still young (10)________ remember,to

get out from under them permanently . But if you cant , skills or (13)________ or knowledge or whatever, he might begin to feel (14)________ miserable . He (15)_________ not, of course, find it easy to get another job. But there is a crying (16)________ for voluntary workers in all sorts of fields (17)________ he would soon feel wanted and valuable. He ought to feel wanted and valuable at home too and youd be a (18)_________ not to realize what damage you can (19)________ to him and to your marriage by treating him (20)_______ a nuisance .

PART FOUR : READING A. Read the passage and then choose the best answer. As I was putting this book on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) together, I could almost hear the collective groan rising up from staff and common rooms throughout the land : surely not another breezy little introduction to the mighty micro, more pressure on us to dabble in expensive , irrelevant and time consuming technology at a time when the teacher is struggling simply to survive in an increasingly harsh world. Most teachers are hard put to find the price of a box of chalk, let alone of a roomful of microcomputers. Such a reaction is, to put it mildly, easy to comprehend particularly at a time, of much general political tub thumping about the need to brace the chip or perish, to espouse what is vaguely imbued information technology, without the well meaning generalities having yet been satisfactorily translated into positive action on the ground ( with a few laudable exceptions). Computers are now supposed to be operating across the curriculum, but one microcomputer to a thousand pupils is not likely to achieve this end for a very long time. Hence it is not to be wondered at that the school of criticism which cheerfully asserted I have not read such and such a book but I think it should be banned is alive and well among the anti computer lobbyists. There is no escaping the fact that CALL ia new and, like all new things, treated by one camp with deep suspicion and by a handful of enthusiasts with over optimistic glee. It has been condemned on the one hand as impersonal

and educationally unsound, and praised to the skies on the other as ushering in a new era of open, interactive and creative learning. As usual the truth lies somewhere in between, and it is my purpose to determine precisely where the truth is to be located. This book does not set out to present,from the cushioned comfort of my academic ivory tower, and enthusiastic hymn of praise to the micro, which seeks to lay down the law as to how this new technological miracle must be used by the hard pressed teacher to resolve all his problems. What follows is based on practical experience of CALL, not only at university level, but with teahers group and a research project investigating the feasibility and desirability of extending the role of the computer in modern language teaching in schools. 1. What sort of response to his book does the writer expect from teachers? a.amused b.frightened c.hostile d.cautious

2. According to the writer, many politicians believe that: a. Computers are expensive and irrelevant. b. It is dangerous to rely on computers. c. A knowledge of computers is essential. d. Only a few pupils will benefit from compuers. 3. The writer claims that the attitude of the anti computers lobbyists is: a. understandable c. distressing b. astonishing d. contemptible

4. What is the author stated aim in writing the book ? a. To examine the past use of CALL in schools. b. To encourage students to make use of CALL. c. To strengthen interest in CALL among teachers.

d. To weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of CALL. 5. To which expected critism from teachers does the writer reply in the last paragraph? a. He is uncritical of CALL. b. CALL is more suitable for university students. c. The research done on CALL is inadequate. d. His knowledge of CALL is too theoretical.

B. Reading Comprehension What did the world look like to the people of the past? What did they see when they looked around them? They were all familiar with the hills and valleys. Geographical features like mountains and river were important to them as dividing lines between groups of people and between countries. People quite naturally considered their own parts of the world as the whole world. Furthermore, the parts of nature that were beyond their ability to cross or climb were supernatural. In their ancient myths, the mountains were the homes of their gods and goddesses. A volcano was the home of the god of fire. These explainations seemed reasonable because few people ever saw more than one smoking mountain in their lives. Something is important to the knowledge of the world happened. When the people were at last able to look down on the surface view changed. Mountains might seem great, beautiful and powerful to a person in a valley. However, from a high place, a person sees the general features of the Earths surface. The mountains are seen as part of a world pattern: not so special that gods would choose to live on them. A mountain is a part of a range with many high points or peaks. There is nothing special about one mountain. Furthmore, people on Earth do not notice that the Earth is deeply lined wrinkled and cracked. What a shock this new world view from above must have been! Slowly people realized that those wrinkles were important clues pieces of information that could be used to learn more about the Earth. The wrinkles were evidence of disasters that had happened on Earth and evidence of a

process of change that was still happening. People could learn to understand more about the world by studying these cracks. What they found were explainations of some of the natural features of the world. A volcano is now understood to be an opening an escape valve for heat from inside the Earth. Two things have become clear: that the deep cracks are faults, breaks in the surface, and that the Earths surfacce is still moving. Past of the crust or surface very slowly push up moutains and make deep valleys in nearby places.

QUESTIONS 1. What is a smoking moutain? 2. What is a long line of mountains called? 3. How does the heat from inside the Earth escape? 4. Why does the Earth look wrinkled? 5. The third paragraphs main idea is A. That a volcano is like a valve through which heat from inside the Earth can escape. B. That the Earths suface is still moving and making clues and used these clues to learn about the world. C. That there are many natural features of the world.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

PART FIVE: VOCABULARY Fill each gap with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Shes very sweet child,very ________ indeed, not at all impolite like her sister. (LIKE) The crowd showed its _________ by shouting insults at the players. (APPROVE) We have decided to interview only the best six __________ for the job. (APPLY) I made some coffee, but it is horrible. In fact , my sister said it was _________. that This issue is very _________ . Dont discuss it outside the group. (CONFIDENCE) There will be no more increases in oil price in the _________ future. (SEE)

7. The government is expected to take _________ against the lavel of unemployment. (ACT) 8. The cost of ___________ must be paid by the buyer. (CARRY) 9. The ring was not at all valuable; in fact, it was almost _________ . (WORTH) 10. You must realize that such __________ cannot be tolerated. (OBEY)

PART SIX: WRITING AND TRANSLATION. A. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. 1. I dont know why people are attracted to spending all day on the beach. I cant _______________________________________________________. 2. He told me that it was wrong of me to leave early. He criticized__________________________________________________. 3. Couldnt you have got a bus to the station ? Wasnt______________________________. 4. Ive got to get a new computer. What I really_______________________________. 5. I dont normally go into town by car. I am not_________________________________. 6. I would like to express my thanks for everything you have done for me. Id like to say______________________________________________. 7. Before he had the car, he went to work by bike. Before he had the car________________________. 8. They have been telling him that he should apply for this job. They have been___________________________________ 9. It is increasingly difficult for me to read without my glasses. I am ___________________________________________. 10. Dont you regret not learning to swim? Dont you _________________________.

B. For each of the sentences, write a new sentence as similar as possible to the original sentence,but using the word given . This word must not be altered in any way. 1. Working outdoors is much nicer than working in the office. NICE 2. I dont mind whether we have the meeting today or tomorrow. MAKES 3. I am fed up with his behavior. ENOUGH 4. Why didnt they tell me about these changes earlier? SHOULD 5. It seems to me about that her playing has developed amazingly in the past year. SEEMS 6. This the worst production of this play I have ever seen. BAD 7. The person who encouraged me the most at school was my French teacher. ENCOURAGEMENT 8. I suppose its possible that she didnt understand my message. MAY 9. He had a very traditional upbringing, didnt he? TRADITIONALLY 10. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy. WORD

C. Translate into English. 1. Ngoi nhi u i u khc ra, TV cn l m t ngu n gi i tr r ti n mi n sao n ng th ng tr cu c s ng c a chng ta b ng cch chi m qu nhi u th gi c a chng ta. 2. T tr c n nay ph n l n nh ng ng i ht thu c l tin r ng khi t b thu c h s ln cn v c th ln n 5 kg, v thu c l lm cho ta khng thm n. Nh ng nh ng ng i ht thu c l u c tnh khng ch u th a nh n ht thu c l nguyn

nhn c a cc b nh kh qu n ,tim m ch v ung th ph i. Nh ng ng i ht thu c th ng l lu n l ht thu c m i c tnh n ng, ht thu c g n li n v i cu c s ng thin nhin v cho ng i ta d g n nhau, d ni chuy n v i nhau.

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