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Reproductive Rights in Neurology—

The Supreme Court's Impact on All of Us

Sara C. LaHue, MD The overturning of Roe v Wade through the US Su- result in accumulation of irreversible disability (such as
Department of preme Court’s official ruling in Dobbs v Jackson Wo- multiple sclerosis). However, concerns about medica-
Neurology, School of men’s Health Organization is already having an undeni- tion teratogenicity for those who are anticipating preg-
Medicine, University of
able ripple effect on health care delivery across the nancy or are pregnant may extend beyond medica-
California, San
Francisco; and UCSF nation. How this may change clinical practice for both tions with clearly established teratogenicity and
Weill Institute for adult and child neurologists and management of neu- include medications that lack evidence supporting
Neurosciences, rologic diseases appears initially less relevant. Neurolo- their safety profiles. For instance, 1 review of 172 medi-
Department of
gists rarely prescribe contraception or menopausal hor- cations approved by the US Food and Drug Adminis-
University of California, mone therapy and do not participate in fertility treatment tration from 2000 to 2010 found “undetermined”
San Francisco. procedures or terminations of pregnancy. Except for con- human teratogenic risk profiles for 98% of these
traception, these topics are seldom included in training medications.7 In a climate of increased limitations on
Dawn Gano, MD, MAS and neurologic practice, and only 2 fellowship pro- reproductive rights, whereby pregnancies cannot be
Department of
Neurology, School of grams specialize in sex- and gender-informed neurol- reliably timed or prevented, neurologists might possi-
Medicine, University of ogy nationally. However, bans on abortion will immedi- bly restrict use of the effective medications that are
California, San ately affect the delivery of current standard neurologic standard care for other patient groups because of
Francisco; and
care for many patients, specifically standards that de- potential concerns about causing fetal harm. This
Department of
Pediatrics, School of pend on planning or preventing pregnancies using indi- could increase risk of morbidity, mortality, and irrevers-
Medicine, vidual choice. ible disability accumulation for women with neurologic
University of California, Limits on reproductive health affect a wide diver- diseases.
San Francisco.
sity of populations and could magnify racial, ethnic, and However, unintended pregnancies occur, even
social inequities that can negatively affect health out- among participants in clinical trials with protocols
Riley Bove, MD, MSc
Department of comes for people with neurological conditions.1 Elimi- that strictly encourage or require use of effective
Neurology, School of nation of abortion as a constitutional right will restrict contraception,8 and these pregnancies will continue to
Medicine, University of its availability to as many as 58% of women of repro- occur regardless of legislative constraints on reproduc-
California, San
Francisco; and UCSF ductive age in the US.2 Further, termination of preg- tive health services. Teratogenic drugs are only pre-
Weill Institute for nancy is not exclusively a women’s rights issue—those scribed when it is possible for women to plan pregnan-
Neurosciences, who do not identify as women, such as transgender men cies and prevent fetal exposure. However, controlling
Department of
and nonbinary people, may also seek abortion. Abor- the timing of teratogenic medication use may not be fea-
University of California, tion rates are higher in non-Hispanic Black women and sible in the short-term treatment of certain disorders,
San Francisco. Hispanic women compared with non-Hispanic White such as medically refractory status epilepticus, infec-
women, according to 2019 data published by the US Cen- tious and autoimmune encephalitis, or vasculitis. Fur-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention.3 Abortion rates ther, some neurologic conditions, such as eclampsia, may
are also starkly higher in women whose incomes are be- occur before fetal viability, increasing the risk of mor-
low the federal poverty line relative to those 200% bidity and mortality for the mother if the pregnancy
above the federal poverty line.4 Further, longitudinal cannot be terminated. There are also neurological dis-
studies suggest that being denied a wanted abortion is eases, such as having a central nervous system neo-
associated with higher odds of poverty5 and lower odds plasm, that are not immediately life threatening, but
of employment5 long term, as well as increased odds of where a delay in treatment due to pregnancy could put
headache and perception of “fair or poor health.”6 There- both the health and life of the mother at risk. Some bills,
fore, restrictions on reproductive rights may differen- such as Oklahoma Senate Bill 6129 signed into law in
tially affect the health of women according to their race, May 2022, restrict legal abortion only “to save the life
ethnicity, or income levels and could further entrench of a pregnant woman in a medical emergency.” Ten-
women in a cycle of poverty. sions in clinical decision-making that exist when the
Many neurologic diseases disproportionately health of the mother is in opposition to the health of the
affect women during their reproductive years. This is fetus will only intensify with additional constraints on
relevant for common conditions such as migraine and reproductive rights.10
Corresponding for conditions such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis Restricting personal decisions on childbearing will
Author: Sara C. LaHue,
MD, UCSF Department
that have had substantial improvements in disease also change aspects of fetal neurologic care and coun-
of Neurology, control and quality of life associated with modern seling by child neurologists and maternal-fetal medi-
505 Parnassus Ave, therapies. Known teratogenic medications (including cine specialists. The anatomic ultrasound at approxi-
PO Box 0114,
valproic acid or teriflunomide) may be required to mately 20 weeks’ gestation is common in obstetrical
San Francisco, CA
94143 (sara.lahue@ achieve optimal control of neurologic diseases that practice, with the goal of evaluating the growth and may be life threatening (such as status epilepticus) or health of the fetus, placental position, and amniotic (Reprinted) JAMA Neurology Published online July 13, 2022 E1

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Opinion Viewpoint

fluid volume. In worst-case scenarios, fetal neurologic conditions also may have psychological consequences for clinicians who pro-
that are not survivable or that could result in poor quality of life vide care for these patients.
due to profound disability are identified with prenatal ultrasound, Neurologists should consider how legislating private health
fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging, and/or genetic testing. decisions between patients and clinicians might alter the land-
The decision to carry or terminate a pregnancy with severe fetal scape of neurologic practice across the patient’s life span. Equity in
anomalies (such as anencephaly) or genetic syndromes (such as care depends on the unrestricted liberty to make personal deci-
trisomy 13 or 18) is highly complex and personal regardless of sions affecting bodily autonomy. This includes optimization of fer-
which decision each woman makes. If pregnancy termination is tility windows, personal determination of pregnancy timing to limit
banned, then women may be forced against their wishes to deliver disease progression or exacerbation, and pregnancy termination if
a newborn that may require prolonged intensive care and end-of- necessary for the health of the mother, the fetus, or both. Now that
life care. The loss of bodily autonomy for pregnant women in such Roe v Wade is overturned, abortion will be banned or severely re-
a scenario conscripts the dyad of mother and child to potential stricted in as many as 28 states, compromising the care available to
physical and psychological morbidity. Women and their partners approximately 40 million women.2 Availability of reproductive health
will not have the right to self-determination, as well as the ability is integral to equitable delivery of neurologic care. The Supreme
to make reasonable and informed decisions for the health and wel- Court's decision will undoubtedly now have an impact on all of us in
fare of their child and family. Helping patients address these issues the field of neurology.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Esq, Rita C. Crooms, MD, MPH, Hannah L. Kirsch, Health. 2018;108(3):407-413. doi:10.2105/AJPH.
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doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2022.2347 for ad hoc discussions helping to refine this work. 6. Ralph LJ, Schwarz EB, Grossman D, Foster DG.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr LaHue receives Self-reported physical health of women who did
REFERENCES and did not terminate pregnancy after seeking
funding from the National Institute on Aging
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E2 JAMA Neurology Published online July 13, 2022 (Reprinted)

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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