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1. What is the meaning of law?

2. How did the idea of natural law develop

in his history?
Those who give a large place to intellect in the 3. What are the arguments for and against
determination of morality usually hold that right a natural law?
reason expresses itself in the form of law. Since 4. How do we come to know the natural
there is a question of intellect direct moral law?
action, the judgement of right reason assumes 5. What is the content of natural law?
the form of a command prescribing as moral or 6. Is natural law invariable?
forbidding as immoral certain kind of conduct, 7. Is there an eternal law beyond the
and this is what commonly understood as a law. natural law?
A law is closely related to a norm or standard, the
main difference being that a norm appeals to the MEANING OF LAW
intellect, enabling to distinguish one thing from When we say the word law, what comes to mind
another, whereas a law imposes an obligation on first of all is human law, the law of the state. This
the will to conform to the standard. Since norm is what St. Thomas seems to have in mind when
and law are not contradictory but he gives us his classical definition of law, though
supplementary, it is not necessary to keep a the definition is also applicable to law in a wider
sharp distinction between them. Law is a highly sense:
controversial topic in morals today. Some will Law is nothing else than an ordinance of reason
not hear of the world. It is bad enough, they say, for the common good, promulgated by him who
to have to endure laws governing our moral life. has care of the community.
Surely the good life should appeal to us without 1. It is called an ordinance because it is no
any form of coercion, and how is it possible to mere advice, counsel, or suggestion but
coerce a moral life, whose dwelling place is in the an order, a command, a mandate
interior of each person’s soul? We faced with a imposing the legislator’s will on the
difficult problem. Shall we throw away a good citizens and binding with moral
word because it has come to be perversely necessity.
misunderstood, or engage in the task of 2. A law is said to be of reason because it
educating people in the proper understanding of must be no arbitrary whim but
what law really is? If the word law had intelligent direction, imposed by the
irretrievably pick up such disastrous superior’s will but planned and
connotations as to be beyond rehabilitation, we formulated by right reason. To be
should drop it and use other expressions, but the reasonable a law must be consistent
case does not seem that desperate, and we with other laws and rights, just in
would lose too much. The word law is so fixed in distributing benefits and burdens,
the tradition of ethical writing that students observable as not being too harsh or
would have to learn its meaning anyway if they difficult, enforceable so that proper
want to do any serious reading in the great observation is actually secured, and
ethical writers. They will have to keep an open useful in that the good it aims at is worth
mind and not look exclusively at the coercive the price.
aspect of law. 3. A law is for the common good, for the
welfare of the community as a whole,
The following questions can be guide our and not for the benefit of individuals as

such. A command authoritatively given the universe that sets their pattern of activity for
to an individual about a private matter them, then this physical necessity constitutes
can require that person’s obedience but physical law.
is not a law.
Metaphorical uses of the term law go beyond
4. A law must be promulgated, or made
scientific formulas to express observed
known to those whom it binds. It must
uniformities less closely connected with the
be published in such a manner that it can
nature of things, such as the law of diminishing
be known readily, though each subject
returns in economics or Grimm’s law in
need not be given personal notice.
philology, or to express entrenched social
5. A law must come from one has care of
customs such as the laws of etiquette and
the community, from a legislator having
diplomatic protocol.
authority or jurisdiction, who may be a
single individual or a body passing laws It was necessary to describe to describe these
by joint action. Not anyone who pleases various meanings of the term law to bring out its
may pass a law. What sets the lawgiver analogous character. The meanings are related
off from the rest with the right to but not wholly the same. Nothing but untold
command is the lawgiver’s authority. confusion will result if we try to talk about the
moral law or the natural law by applying to it the
So a law must be mandatory, reasonable,
modes of legislation and promulgation proper to
community-serving, promulgated, and
the civil law, or on the other hand if we think of
authoritative. Without these characteristics it is
it the merely figurative sense of observed
not a genuine law and has no binding force. Law
regularities of behaviour. It will be law in the
in this primary and strict sense directs free
strict sense and not in a figurative one, but with
beings by imposing on their freedom the
marked differences from the law of the state and
restraint of obligation, duty, or oughtness, the
physical law. To make much sense of controversy
type of necessity we have called moral necessity,
on natural law we should first see something of
which does not consist of physical compulsion,
its history.
though the threat of it may be used as
enforcement. Such laws can be disobeyed and
often are, but they ought not to be, and it is in
this ought not that moral necessity consists. HISTORY OF NATURAL LAW
Governance by law is the only way of regulating The term natural law has had its ups and downs
human acts that is consistent with the dignity of and has not been understood in the same sense
a person. in every age. It is important to see some of these
In an extended and analogous sense the term swings in meaning, for an argument or a criticism
law is applied to nonfree beings to express an that is valid in one period will not apply to the
observed uniformity or regularity in their term as understood in a different historical
behaviour. The laws of physics, chemistry, context.
biology, and allied sciences may be considered as The early Greeks contrasted physis (nature) and
mere formulas, and then they are laws in only a nomos (law), the latter being understood in the
metaphorical sense. If it is thought that this sense of human convention and contrivance, so
observed uniformity does not happen that a union of the two words in a phrase such as
accidentally but that there is something in the natural law seemed contradictory. Yet they had
very nature of the bodies and the structure of a feeling for what is right and just beyond human

laws. Plato is unintelligible without the ideas of Athens, one now and another later, but one law
law and justice in which all human law and everlasting and unchangeable, extending to all
justice in which all human law and justice nations and all times which one common teacher
participate. Aristotle is more explicit: and ruler of all, God, this law’s founder,
promulgator, and enforcer. The man who does
Particular law is that which each community lays
not obey him flees from himself and even if he
down and applies to its own members: this is
escapes other punishments normally incurred,
partly written and partly unwritten. Universal
pays the supreme penalty by the very fact that
law is the law of nature. For there really is, as
he despises the nature of man in himself.
everyone to some extent divines, a natural
justice and injustice that is binding on all men, On the whole, the natural law as conceived by
even on those who have no association or the Greeks is a rising beyond the particular and
covenant with each other. It is this that contingent to a universal and necessary ideal of
Sophocles’ Antigone clearly means when she truly human, giving a rule of life that we
says that the burial of Polyneices was a just act transgress at the peril of unhappiness in the
in spite of the prohibition: she means that it was frustration of our powers and stultification of
just by nature. our being. It is not a law imposed and enforced
authoritatively by a human legislator. With the
Not of today or yesterday it is,
Romans came the distinction between jus, or
But lives, of eternal: none can date its birth. right, and lex, or law, between what is just (jus)
and the command to do it (lex). For the natural
The Stoics were the first to make use of the term law the only legislator could be God, as Cicero
natural law. For them it is the absolutely says, but he is not yet clearly portrayed as
necessary course that nature fatalistically personal God.
follows, with no distinction made between
physical and moral law. Reason urges us to obey The Judeo-Christian tradition introduced a new
it willingly rather than have it forced on us, since turn into this speculation by regarding nature as
thus we intelligently comply with the inevitable the product of God’s creative act. God acting as
law of our being. Cicero’s remarkable passages a lawgiver sets the law for his creation by his
are probably to be understood in a Stoic sense: wisdom and enforces it by his will. His
providence constitutes him governor of the
There is a law, judges, not written but inborn, not universe, which he directs to its appointed end.
learned or passed on by tradition but sucked Here we have the concept of the eternal law
from nature’s breast. . . developed by St. Augustine, which is the old
There is truly a law, which is right reason, fitted natural law of the Greeks but seen from the side
to our nature, proclaimed to all men, constant of God the creator and lawgiver. The codification
everlasting. It calls to duty by commanding and of Roman law brought the civil law into contact
deters from wrong by forbidding, neither with the natural law; the law of nations (jus
commanding nor forbidding the good man in gentium) lies in the area where the two meet
vain even when it fails to move the wicked. It can and partly overlap. By the thirteenth century,
neither be evaded nor amended nor wholly studies in Roman and Canon Law, in ethics and
abolished. No decree of Senate or people can
free us from it. No explainer or interpreter of it
need be sought but it sought but itself. There will
not be found one law at Rome and another at

politics, had laid the ground for an adequate aspect of it, far from being abandoned, is
philosophy of law which first appeared in St. reinforced and reinterpreted. In that
Thomas’s Summa Theologica as the Treatise on rationalistic age human nature is regarded as
Law, with his fourfold distinction of eternal law, eminently knowable by human reason. The
natural law, human law, and divine (revealed) method that reason pursued, however, is not a
law. But some unsolved difficulties remained. search for what is essential to human nature
The medieval Church asserted her position as but for what is primitive in it, or if it seeks the
guardian of faith and morals. Are natural morals essential, it endeavors to find it in primitive. The
included too? Can there be an authoritative distinction between the essential and the
interpreter of natural law? If so, how does the accidental is confused with the distinction
law remain natural? These questions clouded an between the natural and the artificial. The way
understanding of the natural law for some to find human nature, it was thought, is by
centuries and are not yet wholly dispelled. stripping from human nature the artificial
accretions of civilization so that it may be seen
Early Protestantism continued the medieval
in its native state, in the so-called state of
tradition, looking on nature as God’s creation
nature. The natural is understood to be the
and on God as supreme lawgiver. But further
native, original, or primeval, and “natural man”
difficulties arise. Any claims of the church to be
is the human being before or without the social
interpreter of the natural law are rejected in
contract that established human society
favour of private individual conscience. But how
essence as the unspoiled savage. Thus the Age
shall it decided? The theory of total depravity,
of Enlightenment passes into the Age of
emphasized by Luther and still more by Calvin,
seems incompatible with a natural law. Human
nature, if total depraved, offers no sure In the nineteenth century, trust in rationalist
guidance for our moral life. Nothing is left but procedures waned Kant’s separation of
the political state. An established religion, morality and legality and made them a function
national rather than international, modelled on of the civil law. He leaves no place for natural
the union of nation and religion in the Old rights. He affirmed the moral law but had it
Testament, seemed to them the best refuge. A known intuitively and not by reasoning from
theocracy like that of Geneva or Massachusetts, human nature; thus understood, it is a moral
minutely regulating people’s private lives was law, but is it a natural law? The rise of the
the logical outcome. In such a view the moral historical school of jurisprudence and the
law is stressed, but its natural character seems influence of evolutionary theories in Hegel and
to have disappeared. It should be expected that Darwin brought in the view of human nature as
Enlightenment of the Age of Reason would something constant developing and
carry us back to pre-Christian concepts. Natural progressing. Laws and morals, rights, and
law returns but in a new guise. God as lawgiver duties, change as human nature changes; they
drops out. If he is acknowledge at all, he is are products of human custom, relics of
conceived in deist fashion, unconcerned with traditional folkways, variable for each focus of
the world and not governing it by his culture and for each stage of social evolution.
providence. Again we have natural law without Legal positivism and legal pragmatism appear
an eternal law, without a lawgiver, without any on the scene and relegate natural law and
really binding obligation. Again it is jus rather natural rights to the museum of discarded
than lex, natural right or justice rather than a superstitions. The names may be kept because
natural law in the strict sense. But the natural of the aura of veneration surrounding them, but

all their substance is interpreted away. The The problem is insoluble for any society so
legal profession especially is suspicious of any based on scepticism and relativism as to
appeal to a higher good reason, if we remember maintain that human nature is unknowable,
the interpretations read into the “due process” that rights and duties cannot be determined,
clause of the Fourteenth Amendment that justice is an empty abstraction, that in
canonizing the status quo as the only natural morals there is nothing but opinion and
one and protecting vested interests. On the anybody’s opinion is as good as commonly
other hand, what guarantee have we of our breathed atmosphere of thought and principle
rights with a judge who goes beyond the must rest on some public philosophy. That the
written law to decide a case by some private natural law seems to be the only possible one is
intuition he or she may have of a higher law? the reason for its revival in our time.

The twentieth century, despite the persistence THE NATURAL LAW THEORY
of legal positivism and pragmatism, is
That there is a natural law, at least in the sense
witnessing a tentative revival of natural law.
in which the Greeks took it, without explicit
There may have been abuses of the higher law
reference to a divine lawgiver, is implied in
theory, but what else do we have? The old
much that has been said so far: the existence of
question returns. Without natural law, what
values and their objective basis; the pre-
guide have our lawmakers but utility and
eminence and self-justification of moral value;
expediency, trial and error? How can they
its irreducibility to any other value, and its
determine what ideally ought to be the laws of
absolutely imperative but non-compulsory
states and of human conduct? The dilemma is a
necessity; the inner drive of each being toward
serious one. Either there is no law beyond the
the attainment of its end, which is the fulfilment
civil law, and hence no natural rights, no court
of its function in the universe; the ability of
of appeal, no recourse from tyranny, and I am
humans to use reason to reflect on their nature
subject to the arbitrary will of anyone who can
to distinguish moral good from moral evil in
control me by force; or there is beyond the civil
living their lives. What remains is to point out
law a higher law, but then I am my own judge
that all this material put together adds up to a
and, though It is evident to me that this higher
law, and, since it is rooted in human nature as
law objectively embodies natural right and
rational and free, to a natural law.
justice, my associates have no assurance that
my judgement is correct. The first horn of the That there are physical laws governing the
dilemma causes the appeal to a higher law, to activity of beings in the universe is claimed as
which the founders of our country turned evident from the very existence of scientific
against the arbitrary decrees of Parliament. The knowledge. An utterly haphazard world could
second horn causes the qualm of the legal not be studied. Formulas expressing the
positivists, who see citizens setting aside a civil observed regularities of natural phenomena are
law because it disagrees with their personal in many cases also rules of action carried out
interpretation of a higher law. We are back with remarkable constancy. Living beings,
again to Antigone’s problem. It is not solved by especially, direct their activity toward their self-
putting the matter to vote and accepting preservation, growth, and reproduction,
majority rule, for that would that mean no following the definite pattern of living
rights for minorities. The tyranny of the prescribed for them by the kind of beings they
monarch would be exchanged for the tyranny are, by their structure and function which is
of the mob. what is meant by their nature. Departure from

nature pattern does not happen spontaneously. by the shape of their bodies but chiefly by the
A mild deviation imposed from the outside way they live and act. Too great a departure
usually results in maladjustment and debility an from the normal mode of human behaviour
extreme one in death. To fulfil their function leads only to frustration and extinction.
they must live according to their natures, and Individuals here and there, as well as tribes and
this is the physical law of their life. nations here and there, may flourish though
they have adopted a form of life contrary to the
The same physical law of nature that applies to
natural law, but they are the exceptions that
inanimate, vegetable, and animal nature
prove the rule. History itself catches up with
applies likewise to human nature. As it applies
them and eventually punishes the folly of such
to each of the other three levels with a
living because is meant by the natural law.
difference, so also it applies to human nature
with a difference. Human beings are unique in To sum up the argument: The only means both
being rational and free. Though the subject to effective and suitable to direct human beings to
physical law like other chemically composed their proper good, to the fulfilment of their
body having mass and energy, to the biological function in the universe, and to the attainment
drives and urges that control the world of living of their end is the natural moral law.
organisms, to the sensitive reactions and
1. It must be a law. A mere wish, counsel,
appetites characteristics of brain and nerve
hint, or suggestion would not be
equipped animals, yet beyond6 all these we can
effective, for it would lack binding force
intellectually know what is good for us and can
and could be disregarded without fault
wilfully choose to follow it. We are subject to a
or penalty. It would be an insufficient
moral law, the natural law. By examining the
motive in the face of difficulties. It
kind of conduct suitable to me and can see how
would work when it is not needed,
this conduct alone can lead me to what is good
when the path is clear and the going
for me. I see that modes of conduct that area
pleasant; but it would not work when it
inhuman or antisocial, abusive of myself or of
is needed, when we must be goaded
my fellows, while conferring a temporary
forward over the dark and rough spots
advantage, must be destructive of me and of my
of life. Nothing less than a law will do.
race in the long run. I also see that I cannot
2. It must be a moral law. Physical laws are
renounce my rational and free nature and the
suitable only to nonrational beings. An
responsibility bound up with it. Come what
internal determination or necessity of
may, I must maintain my human dignity or
our nature such as a found in
become intolerable to myself. I must demand
nonrational beings would destroy
that refuse to and I must deserve my own and
human freedom and make us a living
their respect by behaving as a person.
contradiction beings made free but not
Natural law, it is said, tests itself in the able to exercise able to exercise their
laboratory of history. Superficial observation freedom. External compulsion would
may seem to show such differences of detail in mean that we must accomplish our end
various cultures as to eliminate any universal despite our freedom and thus would do
pattern of human living, but more careful violence to both our freedom and our
scrutiny detects a highest common factor in all rationality.
moral codes. Even the most degraded savages 3. It must be a natural law. Every creature
are recognizable as human beings, not merely tends to its end by its activity. Humans

are no exception; we too have a nature, 3. What regularity we observe in human
and in us it fulfils the same function. behaviour does not come from any law
Humankind cannot be the only being in in human nature. The general
nature designed by its nature. tendencies are simply there, urging us to
Therefore human beings also can find certain kinds of behaviour, chiefly of the
that their nature is the means that will physical kind, but imposing no obligation
guide them to their end, and this is to act in a definite way. To see a law in
what is understood as the natural law. this behaviour is the fallacy of mistaking
the figurative for the literal. The state
governs us by la; to see us as also
Many moralists, chiefly those of the last century governed by our nature is mere
and the present, oppose the basis of morals on figurative expression personifying
nature or on law, and especially on the human nature as a lawgiver and
combination of the two. We take up the represents no real government or real
objections first and then the replies. law.
4. A natural law should be easily known by
1. Natural law stems from the Aristotelian those in whose nature such a law is
concept of a fixed essence or nature supposed to reside. People disagree not
have been invalidated by the only on how to fulfil their obligations but
experimental method of modern also on what their obligations are and
science, which fails to discover any such whether they have any. Even those who
hard and fast categories among things, admit a natural law do not agree on its
and the theory of evolution, which content, interpretation, or application.
shows that there are no invariable Hence, even if a natural law existed, it
classes of living things. Process would be practically useless as a guide to
philosophies see everything on the a moral living.
move, becoming something quite new, 5. The natural law is a useless figure of
with no static patterns of behavior to be speech unless it is imposed by some
forever repeated. If there is no fixed superior who has the power of
human nature, there can be no enforcement. The most logical thinkers,
obligation arising from it. therefore, are those who deduce a
2. There is not as much uniformity in natural law from an eternal law in God.
human behaviour as natural law theorist But not all people accept a theistic
assume. It is not the person who philosophy. Those who admit a direct
conforms who is the best examples of governance over them by God manifests
the human race, but the who has the to them the divine decrees. If there are
courage to break out of the narrow circle no such decrees, no manifestation of
of conformity and to initiate new ways. God’s will need be written in our nature.
As the thinker and creator, he or she 6. Christian revelation sees human nature
pushes beyond the dictates of nature infected with the evil of sin, especially
and expresses the uniqueness of his or that sin inherited from the original fall of
her personality. Natural law with its humankind, however interpreted. Some
static ideals is actually contrary to our consider that human nature is so
rationality and freedom and a drawback essentially depraved in its fallen state
to self-development.

that it can be no trustworthy guide to motives at once. Love is so far superior
human living; in fact, the important to law should be wholly overcome in
thing is to rise above human nature by following the inspiration of love. These
the help of grace, and unless one does similar arguments are of sufficient weigh
so, one has not even begun the ethical to require serious consideration, so
life. Thus natural law, which is of no much so that several succeeding
value to nontheists, is also of little value chapters will be needed to explore
to a large group of theists. them. Only a word on each is possible
7. Natural law has been used to justify any now. Natural law theorist claim that they
kind of act one wants to impose on all are based on misunderstanding of what
people. All one has to do is to refer glibly natural law purports to mean. They
to what to what one declares to be a answer:
natural law percept. Likewise, it has 1. Aristotelianism and stoicism both
been used to excuse any kind of conduct. logically lead to some kind of natural
One merely says that the act, though law, but the converse does not follow.
perhaps not very laudatory, is not One can accept natural law with-out
forbidden by any natural law precept. interpreting nature either in an
Thus natural law is a device for having Aristotelian or in a stoic sense. Modern
and proving any kind of conduct one science ma have blurred the edges of
wants. Those abuse does not destroy the hard and fast categories, but we can still
use of a thing, anything that is set down tell humans from other kinds of beings.
as the absolute standard of morality it is true that evolution of species held
should not be capable of such ready and no place in historical aristotelianism, but
frequent abuse. the two need not be totally irreconcible.
8. Natural law is the source of the legalism, In Aristotle, nature itself is a principle of
casuistry, pharisaism, and bourgeois development, of process, of passage
smugness that have characterized so from potentiality to actuality; its
much ethical thought. The human extension from the individual to the
person is made to serve some abstract species, from the on no genetic to the
formulation, as the person is for law phylogenetic, might be judged
rather than the law for the person. illegitimate modification of
Instead of burdening ourselves with Aristotelianism to suit modern
more and more rules, adding to behind discoveries. However, there is no
the obvious laws, we ought to declare necessity of holding to a strictly
our independence, exert our freedom, Aristotelian interpretation of nature to
and express the uniqueness of our have natural law.
personalities. 2. There is no need to consider the
9. Law and love are so opposed that it is nature of a being as absolutely static.
difficult to reconcile them. It is true that Especially, a rational and free being
they may both coincide in such a way could not be static and also faithful to its
that the law commands what love own rationality and freedom. It is
prompts. But the motives are so because we are by rational and free that
different that it is psychologically we are thinkers and creators. In
disrupting to try to act from both developing the arts and science, in

establishing and furthering civilization, in the natural law, but natural law can be
we are acting most in accord with our recognized even by those who in their
nature. In particular, it is by our rational philosophy made no direct reference to
and free nature that we develop our God. The argument given previously
morals and advance to clearer made no appeal to the eternal law,
formulation of the ideals of conduct to though t certainly did not deny it.
which we ought to aspire. Besides, 6. Ethics as a philosophical discipline
humans are by nature personal beings must be developed independently of
and they act most naturally when they such theological concepts as original sin.
provide for the fullest expression of their The weaknesses of human nature are
personalities. plain to all, and there is no conflict
3. The extension of the term law beyond between a philosophical evidence for a
the civil law to analogous modes of theory of total depravity, and in the
directing human life is a perfectly opinion of most, no theological evidence
legitimate usage quite consonant with for it either. The natural law can still be
our normal mode of thought and a good guide even if not an infallible one,
speech. Deception should occur only if especially when there is no other.
we fail to separate out the connected 7. One purpose of a study of natural law
meanings or confuse one for the other. is to purge it of errors and abuses that
The natural law lacks, but there are have been worst enemies. One common
fundamental resemblances as important abuse is to give it an absoluteness it
as the differences and justifying the use cannot have. This is not to deny that the
of a common if analogous concept. natural law has an absolute foundation,
4. If the natural law were known but to recognize that a natural law must
intuitively by a simple inspection of be as relative as human nature. The
human nature and no carebel study of readiness and frequency of the abuse is
this nature were required, then there hardly a valid argument; civil laws are
should be no dispute about natural law. readily and frequently abused, yet we
But it is not according to our nature to cannot on that account deny that there
know difficult and complex matter in are any or that we need them.
such a simple way. We are made to 8. Legalism, casuistry, hypocrisy, and
think, to reason, to argue matters out for externalism can be called occupational
ourselves, and it is in this way that we hazards of law, of any kind of law. People
arrive at the content, interpretation, and tend to follow the letter rather than the
application of natural law. spirit, especially when the letters
5. It is no accident that the natural law favours them. Since the natural law is
will appeal more to theist and that they wholly unformulated, it has no letter and
will recognize its counterpart in the is all spirit. For this reason natural law is
eternal law. But our historical sketch the best corrective for an over literal
showed that the Greeks recognized interpretation of positive law and has
natural law centuries before St. been so since Antigone was portrayed as
Augustine developed the concept of appealing to a higher law against cruelty
eternal law. Eternal law would not have of her uncle the king. Since anyone
much meaning without its promulgation possessing human nature is a person, he

or she cannot live according to that views have hastily jumped to the
nature without expressing the conclusion that, if the natural law can be
uniqueness of his or her personality; this known only in this ways and since there
is perhaps the main thing the natural law is no such knowledge, there can be no
demands. such thing as a natural law. The fallacy is
9. An opposition between law and love in the first premise; the natural law is not
is artificially contrived and vanishes with known in this way.
a proper understanding of both. The How, then, is it known? Natural law is an
human person is by nature a loving unwritten law. Our knowledge of it has
being. To suppress all love in oneself grown and developed little by little along
would be to make of that self a kind of with the growth and development of our
monster that the natural law could not moral awareness. To understand this
approve. However, it would be process of growth in moral
unrealistic to say that one’s love is in no consciousness, we have to appreciate
need of illumination and guidance by the work of the anthropologists who
reflective reason. When a man, for show us the primitive within which this
example, feels the urgent thrust of tribal life and the aura of form. Some
passionate desire toward a woman he is philosophers (and theologians) have
not allowed to have, he has to keep his failed to appreciate the history of our
eye both on the quality of his love and moral development, which has passed
on the law, whether he finds it through many diverse stages and forms.
psychologically disrupting or not. No one Humans did not always know what we
can avoid all moral crisis in this life. Love know today about moral values and
is indeed the higher motive, but law is moral principles. Our knowledge of the
often a needed safeguard. natural law began to develop nor can we
The summary character of both these appreciate its roots in our own
questions and answers readily granted, awareness of it.
but there is an advantage in placing Our awareness of the natural law begins
them in immediate confrontation. with connatural knowledge. Without
Several of them will become clearer study of reflection, humans in a
from our next discussion. prescientific and prephilosophical
condition simply follow their inclinations
KNOWLEDGE OF NATURAL LAW and emotions in using their powers for
We tend to think of a law as a written the purposes they obviously can serve.
decree or spoken command, but nothing Such persons are following the natural
of this sort is found in natural law. law when, for example, they see that
Failure to understand that the natural taking a human life is not the same as
law of itself is not formulated has led taking an animal’s life. Human reason
believers in innate ideas and other has not discovered this regulation of the
intuitionists to imagine that we have natural law in an abstract and
moral concepts and judgments ready theoretical manner. Nor was it
made in our minds at birth or that we discovered through the conceptualizing
easily form them by the use of some power of the intellect alone. Human
infallible special faculty. Crisis of such reason discovers the regulations of the

natural law through the guidance of dynamic schemes of natural law. Some
inclinations and emotions of human examples of this kind of knowledge
nature. This is knowledge through might help us to see the difference
inclination, not knowledge through between it and moral regulations
concepts and conceptual judgements. It conceptually discovered and rationally
is at first an obscure, unsystematic, lived deduced. For instance, to take a human
awareness by connaturality congeniality life is not the same as taking an animal’s
in which human consciousness consults life; the family as a group has to comply
and listens to the stirrings and vibrations with some fixed pattern or order; sexual
of one’s own abiding tendencies and intercourse has to be contained within
emotions. Human beings have consulted given limits; human beings are bound to
and listened to these inclinations and live together under certain rules and
emotions throughout history, and the regulations. Understood in their still
human and emotions throughout undetermined meaning, these general
history, and the human knowledge of tendentious forms or dynamic schemes
the natural law has been progressively or moral regulations are found
shaped and molded by those inclinations everywhere and every time. Neither the
and emotions, starting from the most individual in his or her growth to
basic ones. These inclinations and maturity nor the human race in its
emotions are rooted in our very being, development toward civilization can
which is vitality permeated with the remain always in this primitive
preconceptual life of our reason. Those condition. Nevertheless, we must
genuine inclinations and emotions were appreciate fully this kind of knowledge
either developed or released as human because our moral lives have their roots
development progressed. They are right here in knowledge through
shown by the very history of our inclination and emotion, connatural
developing moral awareness. Starting knowledge.
from the most ancient and primitive Knowledge of the natural law grows
social communities, those inclinations slowly. Ours is a rational and free nature,
and emotions were genuine that guided and we find the natural law by the use of
human reason in becoming gradually reason in drawing conclusions about our
aware of the regulations that have most own nature. We have no moral
definitely and generally been recognized judgements formed at birth and ready
by the human race. Our awareness of for use but must form them for
the primordial aspects of natural law ourselves. We are equipped by our
was at first expressed in social patterns judgements and have a natural tendency
rather than in personal judgements. to use this ability, and our own nature is
Throughout history our knowledge of the object from which we draw our
natural law has developed within the moral ideas and concerning which we
double protective housing of individual frame our moral judgements.
human inclinations and emotions and People have a natural interest in facility
human society. for forming rules of conduct. I can reflect
Knowledge through inclination and on myself and, finding myself
emotion shows us the fundamental interesting, am stimulated to self-

observation. I can evaluate and criticize race from a primitive to a cultures
my own actions and the actions of other society. To aid people in this process of
like me. I can understand the needs of moral growth is the aim of ethics as a
my own nature and suitable of my deeds practical science.
to these needs. I can compare my
conduct with my nature and understand CONTENT OF NATURAL LAW
the conformity or nonconformity
between them. I can therefore draw up How do we come to know the content of
rules conduct that will preserve and the natural law—what it actually
enhance this conformity. If a person prescribes? Though people by the use of
becomes a legislator in human society, reason are able to develop and explicit
he or she formulates such rules and code of moral conduct, how many
promulgates them to the citizens by actually succeed in doing so? Anyone
some external sign; the law now invincibly ignorant of the prescriptions
becomes positive law. Such rules, before of the natural law is excused from
formulation and external promulgation, keeping them, but if most of those
were already natural law. possessing human nature were in this
All law is promulgated through reason condition, how could it be called natural
because it is reason alone that can law? On the one hand, the natural law
understand a law. This statement is true must be sufficiently known to the
both of the natural law and of positive generality of humankind. On the other
law. But positive law is manifested to hand, there is much controversy and
reason by the help of some external disagreement of opinion on matters of
decree or announcement intimating the morality, betokening a widespread
intention of the lawgiver. The natural ignorance. Many of these disagreements
law is manifested to reason not by any can be discounted as dealing not with
external sign but by a rationally principles of morality but with their
conducted examination of human application; the law itself is clear, and
nature taken together with all its parts the argument is only about cases of and
and relations. concern the very principles of morality.
The natural la exists in virtual condition If these principles can be unknown, how
in every rational and free being even is the natural law sufficiently
before that person’s reason is promulgated?
sufficiently developed to form actual The way out of this dilemma is to
moral judgements. An infant possesses recognize that the natural law consists of
the natural law in the same way as it has precepts of varying degrees of
intelligence, that is, as an undeveloped importance for the welfare of humanity,
power. As the person advances in the that the more fundamental principles of
use of reason and forms moral the natural law cannot be invincibly
principles, either with the help of moral unknown by normal mature persons,
training or by his or her own efforts, the whereas reasoned conclusions derived
natural moral law passes from the from them can be St. Thomas says:
virtual to the formal state. A similar There belong to the natural law, first,
advance occurs in the passage of the certain most common precepts that are

known to all; and secondly, certain unknown to anyone who has the use of
secondary and more particular precepts, reason at all.
which are, as it were, conclusions 2. There are other common or general
following closely from the first principles based on the first principle,
principles. As to the common principles, following from it by inference so simple
the natural law, in its universal meaning, and easy that no normal mature person
cannot in any way be blotted out from can fail to make it. These moral axioms
men’s hearts. But it is blotted out in the express the natural inclinations we have
case of a particular action, in so far as in common with all substances, such as
reason is hindered from applying the “Preserve your own being,” orin
common principle to the particular common with other animate beings,
action because of conscience or some such as “Care for your offspring” or the
other passion…. But also the other, the inclinations clearly springing from our
secondary precepts, the natural law can rationality and freedom, such as “Avoid
be blotted out from the human heart, offending those among whom you must
either by occur in respect of necessary live.” One could hardly know the first
conclusions; or by vicious customs and principle, “Do good and avoid evil,” and
corrupt habits, as, among some men, fail to see what is good and what is evil
theft, even unnatural vices. . . were not in such obvious cases. These common
esteemed sinful. principles cannot be invincibly unknown
to persons whose reason is develop, that
Levels in the Knowledge of Natural Law is, to persons of normal intelligence who
A more precise discrimination of these have arrived at mental maturity and who
principles is needed. The more general have received an adequate moral
the principles, the more impossible it is education. It is to be expected that the
for them to be unknown, whereas the feebleminded through incapacity and
more particular and determinate they children through immaturity will be
become, the more possibility there is for deficient in this knowledge. An adequate
ignorance and deception. We may moral education is a very important
distinguish: factor. It need not run parallel with
1. The first moral principle mental education. One may have no
2. Commonly known general principles book learning at all and yet have
3. Reasoned conclusions received an excellent moral training; on
4. Particular applications the other hand, highly educated people
of brilliant talents may be victims of
1. There is one principle of the natural defective or perverted moral training.
law, which in the practical field The latter cannot be considered morally
corresponds to the principle of normal, for their moral reason is
contradiction in the speculative field. undeveloped. One brought up in an
We have already discussed this first atmosphere of cynical misanthrophy,
moral principle, “Do good and avoid one trained from youth in crime and
evil,” and now expressly refer it to degeneracy, one encouraged to
natural law. It cannot be invincibly rebellion against all authority, has had
the moral side of his or her nature

artificially blinded and starved. This
cannot be called the normal human APPARENT EXCEPTIONS
condition. Many difficulties can be brought up the
3. There are remote conclusions derived customs of primitive tribes and even
by a complicated process of reasoning. from some civilized practices. To cover
There is nothing doubtful about these these in detail would be too long an
conclusions; the conclusion is certain excursion into anthropology and
and the logic perfect, but the reasoning sociology, but a few norms can be laid
is long and involved, as in difficult down for handling them. About any
theorem in geometry. Untrained minds alleged practice one should ask:
cannot follow it, and trained minds can 1. Are the facts certain?
become side-tracked though confusion 2. Are the moral implications properly
or prejudice. Such moral questions as interpreted?
suicide, mercy killing, duelling, divorce, 3. Is this a general principle or remote
polygamy, slavery, and racism are conclusion?
examples in point. These remote 4. Are these people normal and mature?
conclusions can be invincibly unknown 6. is their ignorance really invincible?
even by intelligent people living in a
cultivated moral atmosphere. NATURAL LAW, ABSOLUTE OR
4. There are applications of principles of RELATIVE
the natural law to particular cases. Some view natural law as a rigid and
Normal, mature people may err in their stifling box put around their lives and
application of any principles to a cramping them into an unrelieved round
concrete case. The resulting of prescribed duties. Others may find
misjudgement does not mean that they natural law to be so vague and fluid as to
do not know the principles themselves be practically useless. In answer to such
or that they are ignorant of the natural exaggerations it is said that natural law
law, but only they are inexpert in is as absolute and relative as human
applying principles to practice, like one nature. Even in his day St. Thomas saw
who knows mathematics but gets this:
bogged down in working problems. To the natural law belong those thing to
The terms normal and mature, used in which a man is inclined naturally; and
the foregoing discussion, may seem too among these it is proper to man to be
inexact, but greater preciseness inthis inclined to act according to reason.
matter is not possible because of the Some modern legal writers speak of a
gradual way in which human reason “natural law with a variable content”
develops. It depends on ability, age, looking toward a compromise that will
opportunity, effort, habbit and give them both the needed higher law
environment, all of which shape the on which human law should be
moral character of the person. There will modelled, and an adjustability of this law
be many borderline cases, but ethical to fit human progress.
theory must start with what is clear and
normal before proceeding to the
indistinct and abnormal.


Can the human being rational and free,

who is at least the proximate basis or
must we look for something beyond?
Naturalists and humanists make the
human person supreme and, if they
admit one imposed on humans from
above them eternal law. The theist, who
views the universe with humans in it as
created by God, understand that there
can be no morals and no law
independently of God. Such as theist
therefore accepts the natural law as “the
rational creature’s participation of the
eternal law.”


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