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“The Business of the 21st Century“, where he reveals what he believes to be the Business of the 21st

Century! He explains how there are 4 basic people in the world of business. (click on the link to a
previous article where I explain this more) The Employee (E), the Small Business person (S), the Big
Business person (B), and the Investor (I). Back in the late 90’s, after reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad“, I knew
I had to learn how to be a B & I.

Employees And Small Businesses Are Getting Crushed

Robert goes on to say “with the current financial crisis, the E’s & S’s are getting crushed”. They are
competing worldwide for jobs, they are highly taxed, and inflation is skyrocketing. So, the business of
the 21st century is designed to take people from the E & S quadrants to the B & I’s.

The statistics are that 90% of new businesses fail within the first 5 years, then the remaining 10% crash
in the next 5 years, therefore, most new businesses are gone within 10 years. Robert says the business
of the 21st century, however, takes very little upfront cash, low overhead, and you can start it part-time
while you keep your day job. He says “it’s a business about people helping other people make money,
so they can become financially free. It’s not about selling, it’s about people helping people build assets,
becoming business owners, then becoming investors.” So, it is a business which helps E & S’s become B
& I’s.

Why Robert Kiyosaki Says Network Marketing Is The Business Of The 21st Century:

1) Genuine wealth creation. E’s & S’s work hard, but they don’t create any assets. If you’re self-
employed, you may have a business, but it’s not really an asset cause if you stop working, your asset
doesn’t work for you. E’s & S’s work for money, while B’s & I’s build assets and assets are real wealth.
Your network marketing business is a real asset.

2) Truly an equal opportunity business. It’s not about education, race, gender, or age. It’s a level playing
field and it’s all up to you. If you have the drive, determination, and discipline, you will win.

3) It’s a personal developmemt program and a path to personal success. It’s truly about bringing out the
greatness that lies inside of you through a process which helps other people and Robert says “That is

4) There’s a supportive group of people who want the best for you. If you give it your best and be fully
committed for 5 years, Robert says “you will be a completely different human being”.

5) You can have a worldwide business. Your business is scalable to where you are. If you stay small,
your business will stay small. If you get big, it’ll grow bigger.
6) You will learn how to be a great leader. You must practice what you preach in network marketing,
and be a role model or example for people to follow. You must have courage, and perserverence, and
you will become a great leader.

The Business Model Of The Future

Network Marketing is the business model of the future cause it is setup to make it possible for anyone
to win. It’s the business for the new era, the information age and beyond. Robert predicts network
marketing businesses are going to “explode” in the future, especially as unemployment increases and
wages come down. He is giving away a lot of free wisdom at his website:

Biggest Mistakes When Choosing A Company

Robert says “one of the biggest mistakes people make when choosing a network marketing business is
they look at the product first”. Robert feels you should look at who your leaders are and how good their
training program is. Ask yourself, do they really have your best interest at heart? Will they assist you in
coming out of your shell, help you not to be afraid of rejection, and teach you the skills to become a
great leader yourself? He feels that’s the most important criteria when evaluating a network marketing

Robert also offers advice to the young people, Generation Y:

The current statistics for college graduate men, 18-25 yrs old, are 19% cannot find a job and many
graduates are deeply in debt. Before you get trapped in the corporate world, and try to climb the
corporate ladder to make everybody happy, Robert says you want to make a decision to dedicate your
life to becoming an entrepreneur. You don’t get rich quick, it is harder, and it takes courage. Robert
highly recommends you start your own network marketing business now and practice, because it takes
time. You will make mistakes, but it will be one of the best experiences you’ll ever have, and when
you’re successful, you’ll find freedom and an abundance of wealth E’s & S’s will never experience.

Here’s a video from Robert Kiyosaki explaining the Business of the 21st Century to young people:

I feel so grateful to have found our Network Marketing business in 1995, as I had been one of those
“climbing the corporate ladder” for 13 years of my life! I had no time, no freedom, and I longed to be
home with my little son.

Network marketing allowed me the freedom to leave the corporate world in 1995, and little did I know,
we would be educated on how to truly create assets and become a B & I. One thing I know today…
always follow your “heart“, it will be the most rewarding journey of your life!
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