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Industrial Revolution Journal Entry Rubric

4 3 2 1 Points
25 points 20 points 15 points 10 points Earned

Describes the Describes the Describes the Describes the

impact of all 4 impact of 3 out of impact of 2 out of impact of 0 or 1
areas: the 4 areas: the 4 areas: out of the 4 areas:
industrialization, industrialization, industrialization, industrialization,
urbanization, urbanization, urbanization, urbanization,
communication, communication, communication, communication,
and cultural and cultural and cultural and cultural
changes. changes. changes. changes.

Includes many Includes the Includes some

Does not include
good details to necessary details details but is
Detail details to convey
enhance the to convey the sparse in some
the information.
journal entry. information. areas.

Collaborates Sometimes
Collaborates Does not
effectively with collaborates with
effectively with collaborate
partner most of partner and
Collaboration partner and shares effectively with
the time and contributes to the
the workload partner or share
shares the completion of the
equally. the workload.
workload. project.

Speaks clearly Presents journal

and concisely, Speaks clearly article but does
Presentation faces the class, and concisely, not speak clearly Does not present.
and reads with faces the class. or does not face
expression. the class.

Total Score:


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