2010-Feb Dist 44H Newsletter

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February 2010 * VOLUME 36 * NUMBER 8

District Governor Celeste Ricupero Building A New Foundation

Fellow Lions: Here we are half way through my year as District Governor and I am pleased with the efforts being put into increasing our membership. Although we are down in numbers required by Lions International, we realize the problems and we are working toward a goal. The MERL team along with several other Lions canvassed Portsmouth on January 16th collecting over 30 names as prospective Lions. A canvassing will be done shortly in Dover in hopes of chartering another club. Clubs with less then 20 members may want to consider getting in touch with PCC Mike Baillargeon for a membership informational evening with your club. We have been inducting new members so we can hope that next month LCI will see our increase in the membership count for our District. I would like to thank you for a very gratifying six months. I know I could never have accomplished what I have without you beside me. The next six months will be a challenge for us, one in which I know well meet. I look forward to a great evening at the Eyeball on February 13 with my District friends.

DG Celeste dgceleste@hotmail.com Volunteers are not paid Not because they are worthless. But because they are priceless

A listing of Region and Zone Chairs can be found in your District Directory or on the District 44-H website: http://www.district44h.nhlions.org/cabinet.htm

Region and Zone Chair Listing

Jan 29 - 31, 2010 Mid-Winter Convention - Nashua Marriott Feb 3, 2010 Annual Outing for the Sight Impaired Lake Shore Farm in Northwood, NH Feb 13, 2010 EyeBall Grappone Center Concord, NH Mar 7, 2010 Cabinet Meeting - Wolfeboro Apr 17, 2010 DG Celeste Homecoming - Nashua Radisson May 1 2010 MD Leadership Forum May 7 - 9 2010 Dist 44-H Spring Convention May 14-16 Dist 44-N Spring Convention, Keene Jun 28 Jul 3 Lions International Convention Sydney Australia July 17 Lions Twin State Soccer Games

Jan 26 Derry Jan 27 Sandown Jan 29-31 Mid-Winter Convention Feb 2 Hudson Nottingham West Feb 4 Atkinson Feb 11 Litchfield Feb 25 Hampstead Feb 27-28 LCI Dinner (MA)
DIRECTORY CHANGES Page 15 Andre Bolduc, PCC (Carol) Add Email: Andre.bolduc@myfairpoint.net Pages 18 & 106 Latulippe, PCC Roger & Rosita lee Change PCC Roger cell number : 603-566-9409 Page 112 New address and phone: Tarlton, Marie (Robert) 79 Partridge Green Rochester NH 03867 Phone: (603) 332-5627 Page 13 Neil Williams New Email: userlion867@metrocast.net Page 19 Violet Williams New Email: ladylionvi.fla@metrocast.net

DISTRICT GOVERNOR (DG) Celeste Ricupero PO BOX 662 Hudson, NH 03051 Res. (603) 521-7757 Cell: (603) 321-0737 dgceleste@hotmail.com VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR (VDG) Bill Brown (Rebecca) 30 Gertrude Rd. Windham, NH 03087 Res. (603) 432-9419 Wrbrown_99@yahoo.com CABINET-SECRETARY-TREASURER (CST) Marilyn Vaccaro (Jerry) 74 Chase Rd. Londonderry, NH 03053 Res: (603) 437-1408 jvac1408@comcast.net NEWSLETTER EDITOR Deedee Latulippe (PCC Roger) 136 Lowell Rd. Hudson, NH 03051 Cell: (603) 566-0691 liondeedee@comcast.net

Membership Extension Retention Leadership

The District 44-H M.E.R.L. team is ready to visit any club that would like to begin building up membership. Please call or E-Mail: PCC Mike Baillargeon E-Mail: kebail@comcast.net Res: 603-778-8496 VDG Bill Brown E-Mail: wrbrown_99@yahoo.com Res: 603-432-9419 PDG Stanley Brothers E-Mail: snbdb@hotmail.com Res: 603-539-4522


The Club Bulletins & Newsletters for the 2009-2010 contest should be E-mailed each month to: Lori Chandler E: lchristman@aol.com and Sheryl Baker E: sherylb312@yahoo.com


The past month has been busy. The highlight was a Membership visitation arranged by PCC Mike Baillargeon to the Portsmouth area Lions working with members of the Portsmouth club to recruit new members. We were five teams strong canvassing Portsmouth businesses. The Membership Information Night is January 27th at the Portsmouth Comfort Inn. The MERL teams next project is to canvas Dover to establish a Lions club there. On January 5, I and VDG candidate Lion Deedee Latulippe attended Exeters Candidates Night. The evening was one to remember held at Julias restaurant. The hospitality and fellowship was wonderful and the food superb. At this writing Haiti has been hit with an earthquake. LCIF sent an initial $50,000 and I know many clubs are contributing as well. Its great to know we can respond so quickly. There is still a lot that has to be done to get that country back on its feet. I am sure Lions International and our District will be getting more information on relief efforts. Our next District fund raiser is the Lions Sight & Hearing Eyeball Dance on February 13. It will be held at the Grappone Center in Concord, NH. This is a fun night out and a chance to help raise funds for the Sight & Hearing Foundation. Remember your MERL team is available to speak at your clubs and Zone meetings with presentations on membership.
Yours in Lionism, VDG Bill Brown Wrbrown_99@yahoo


Dues bills for 2nd half of the year have been sent. March Cabinet meeting will be March 7th at the Wolfeboro Inn, Wolfeboro, NH. See flyer in the newsletter Club Secretarys please remember to send in your monthly membership reports. Remember to report even if there is no activity. Happy Valentines Day!!

CST Marilyn Vaccaro E-Mail: jvac1408@comcast.net 74 Chase Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053 603-437-1408

Thats all folks!


February is a very exciting month. As we remember our special valentines, think about a dress up night, good music, good food and entertainment and that special heart of scratch tickets you could win at this years Eye Ball. This year its being held at the Grapone Center in Concord on February 13, 2010. Im hoping that the more central location will encourage a greater participation from all around the state. Invite some friends to reserve a table. Later in the month, February 26th through 28th is the LCIF Melvin Jones Weekend in Milford, Massachusetts at the Double Tree Hotel. Honor a club Everyday Hero member with a Melvin Jones Fellowship presented by Immediate Past International President Al Brandel on Saturday, beginning at 2:30. Five more months left, to increase your clubs net membership for this year. Lets put on our running shoes to help the District Governors reach their goals. Increased membership helps your nominations committee fill the slate of officers for the next year. Increased membership means more hands to do the work in the community. Increased membership means new ideas for fundraising and service. The success of each club starts with you, the Lion member. Move to grow in numbers, in visibility, and in service. Moving to grow with you, Forrest Powers, MCC

Zone 1A Zone 1B Region 1 Auburn


District 44-H Clubs please send us your key activities to be posted here.

Zone 1A Meeting on Wednesday Feb 24 at 6:30PM at the BlackWater Grille in Salem, NH. Contact Zone 1A Chairman Deedee Latulippe. liondeedee@comcast.net Zone 1B Meeting on Wednesday Feb 17 at 7:00PM at Londonderry Lions Hall Meal Cost: $10.00 Contact Zone 1B Chairman Wayne Auger. lionwayno@comcast.net Region 1 Meeting will be held 17-Mar-2010 Saturday, April 10, 2010 at the Auburn Village School, we will host the School Spring Fling Fundraiser dance. We will have the Open Bar, Van Service, Great Food and Mama Kicks as the band! Tickets will be available soon! Assisted the local church with a loaf and ladle luncheon in conjunction with the Christmas Fair. Four lions participated by organizing the event, making soup, serving, collecting tickets, set-up and pick-up when event was completed. The club contributed approximately $100 worth of paper goods. The Hudson Lions Club monthly bingo will be held on February 13 at the Kiwanis Hall on Melendy Rd in Hudson. All are invited to play and join in the fun. Jan 5th 13 members attended the Exeter Club Candidates Night with the clubs candidate for VDG, ZC Deedee Latulippe Jan 7 Region chair Jerry Vaccaro and ZC Deedee Latulippe accompanied DG Celeste along with CST Marilyn Vaccaro to the Salem Club Visitation Made a $100.00 donation to a Hudson College Student for volunteer service Supported Camp Pride Raffle. Annual Outing for the Sight Impaired on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 St. Patricks day celebration and Green Auction 17-March-2010 See Flyer Page 16



Saddleback Mountain Somersworth Hilltop 13


Lord, I just want to say THANK YOU, because this morning I woke up and knew where my children were. Because this morning my home was still standing, because this morning I am not crying because my husband, my child, my brother or sister needs to be buried out from underneath a pile of concrete, because this morning I was able to drink a glass of water, because this morning I was able to turn on the light, because this morning I was able to take a shower, because this morning I was not planning a funeral, but most of all I thank you this morning because I still have life and a voice to cry out for the people of Haiti.

Lord I cry out to you, the one that makes the impossible, possible, the one that turns darkness in to light, I cry out that you give those mothers strength, that you give them peace that surpasses all understanding, that you may open the streets so that help can come, that you may provide doctors, nurses, food, water, and all that they need in a blink of an eye. For all those that have lost family members, give them peace, give them hope, give them courage to continue to go on! Protect the children and shield them with your power. I pray all this in the name of Jesus.

Las Vegas, baby! Its my favorite place to visit! And now, its gone green!!!
LAS VEGAS November 20, 2009 Affirming its commitment to bring a new level of environmental consciousness to the Las Vegas Strip, CityCenter has earned its fifth and sixth LEED Gold ratings from the U.S. Green Building Council with the certification of Mandarin Oriental, Las Vegas and Veer Towers. The accomplishment completes the certification process for all CityCenter components opening this December, and marks the highest LEED achievement by any hotel, retail district or residential development in Las Vegas. The 18-million-square-foot metropolis is one of the worlds largest sustainable communities. From its inception to design, development and construction, we had one single goal in mind for CityCenter: create a destination that is not only built in an environmentally sustainable manner, but also operates every day with an equal commitment to conserving natural resources, said Bobby Baldwin, president and CEO, CityCenter. As we approach CityCenters opening next month, now with six LEED Gold recognitions, were very close to sharing with the world a remarkable demonstration that a community can be both beautiful and sustainable. Due to its size and purchasing power, CityCenter is driving green economies of scale in multiple industry segments, paving the way for other entities to build and operate sustainably. The Forest Stewardship Council-US (FSC-US) recently honored CityCenter as the best commercial project of 2009 in the fifth annual Designing & Building with FSC Awards. CityCenters dedication to the use of sustainably harvested FSC-certified wood products is unprecedented in scale and resulted in a significant market transformation, including multiple wood suppliers receiving their FSC chain of custody certification to supply wood to the development. CityCenter has moved beyond existing green practices to empower industry-wide innovations. Sustainable highlights: First energy-generation on The Strip through its 8.5 megawatt natural-gas co-generation plant, providing efficient electricity on site, reducing emissions and using waste heat to provide domestic hot water Worlds first fleet of stretch limos powered by clean-burning compressed natural gas (CNG) Water conservation technology and programs that will save between 30% and 43% of water within the buildings and 60% in outdoor landscaping, for an overall savings of approximately 50 million gallons annually Energy-efficiency initiatives providing a savings equivalent to powering 8,800 households annually Development of slot machine bases that serve as floor air-conditioning units, efficiently cooling guests from the ground up, rather than wasting energy on empty space by cooling from the ceiling Creation of a large-scale recycling operation that enabled the recycling or reuse of more than 260,000 tons of construction waste, more than 80% of the imploded Boardwalk Hotel Collaborating with the nations foremost sustainability and LEED consultants, CityCenter has introduced more than 10,000 construction trade and craftsmen to green building techniques that can be implemented at future developments Check it out at www.CityCenter.com Thanks to all who participated in the LCI Environmental Photo Contest. As promised, here is the Dist 44-H winning photo, submitted by Lion Carrie Hinkle from Hudson.

Stay healthy and

Go Green! Lion Toni Olden


L-R: Hudson Police Chief Jason Lavoie, Fire Chief Shaun Murray, Aeriel Donovan of the American Red Cross and Hudson Lions Club President PCC Roger Latulippe
In light of the recent disasters in New Hampshire: tornados, floods, ice storms, and large apartment fires (just to

name a few), communities throughout the state have come together and developed Community Organizations Active In Disaster (COAD). The Manchester and Monandock regional COAD groups have been embraced by local citizens and have received praise for the critical support they have provided in times of disaster. It is our hope that we can replicate their success here in the greater Nashua area. On January 25 the Hudson Lions Clubs guest speaker was Aeriel Donovan who gave a presentation on the COAD organization. Also present at that meeting was ZC Wayne Auger of the Litchfield Club, Lion Lillian Bellisle, Lion Bertha Nichols and PCC Charlene Provencal of the Nottingham West Club.


District Governor Celeste inducted two new members into the Derry Lions Club during her visitation Tuesday, 26-Jan-2009. Pictured left are Scott Huffer, DG Celeste and Keith Hembrough Scott and Keith welcome to Lions


Saddleback Mountain Lions Club is once again hosting its Annual Outing for the Sight Impaired on Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 at Lake Shore Farm in Northwood, New Hampshire. This really should be classified as a Multiple District Event since those who attend come from all parts of our granite state and enjoy the camaraderie of others with similar problems. The day is filled with a variety of activities which might be of interest, and our guests are encouraged to participate in events appropriate for their sight impairment. In past years, we have been fortunate to have a horse and wagon or sleigh to give short rides; ice fishing and/or snowmobile rides; card games and singalongs for those not wanting to venture outside. Our local Boy Scout Troop and students from Coe-Brown Academy help in many ways to make the day as pleasurable as possible for those who attend. In the past, many clubs have made donations of money and/or time for which we are grateful! Once again, we are asking that you will open your hearts and checkbooks and contribute to this most worthwhile event; together, we can help make a difference!! Please send your checks to Saddleback Mountain Lions Club, P.O. Box 103, Northwood, NH 03261; should any monies be remaining, they will be given to NH Sight & Hearing Foundation. Thank you for your consideration! 6


Hello fellow Lions from the Camp Pride Board of Directors and President Sam Longbook. The following is a short summary of 2009 camp activities, accomplishments and shortfalls. The camp accountant is currently preparing Camp Prides Year-End report that will be submitted for an audit. Once completed, the yearend report will be provided to all club presidents and the district, within the required 60 days after the camps year-end. We can only estimate the financial shortfall for the camp at this time. The actual shortfall will be published in the distributed year-end report. The BOD has stepped up their activity in having fundraisers, which was a financial benefit to the camp. The camper season was successful even with the attendance being down. The Camp director and staff along with the BOD kept the camp expenses down to minimize any losses. There were many accomplishments to be proud of this year. The camp purchased the parcel of land contained in the middle of the camp for $70,000. As many of you know, this parcel of land has been an on going issue on for many years. We replaced the hood in the kitchen for $4,000 to meet new fire codes. A major portion of the deep-water docks was replaced for a cost of approximately $9,000. This was accomplished with both camp reserve funds and several club donations. A new metal roof was installed on the administration building as a result of a $7,500 donation by the Wolfeboro club. A new section to the camp was added as a result of an Eagle Scout project, that being a tent platform area. The ADA group is trying to expand their camping program by offering tent camping for senior kids. Finally the BOD made a mass mailing of the Camp Newsletter to all Lions in the district. In closing, I must thank all clubs and individuals that provided funds in the form of donations, materials and manpower to support our Camp Pride. So again, I MUST THANK all that participated in supporting Camp Pride. President Sam Longbook www.camppride.nhlions.org

DG CELESTE INDUCTS THREE NEW MEMBERS On January 7 DG Celeste Ricupero made a visitation to the joint meeting of the Salem and Windham Clubs. She inducted three new members in the Salem Club. Pictured in the photo are: Front Row: New members, Tina White, John Gay, Betty Gay Back Row: Sponsor Kay Barretto, President Sheryl Parsons, DG Celeste, Sponsor Annette Cooke



Chairperson: Jack Helie (Dot) 108 Brentwood Rd., Exeter, NH 03833 Res: 603-772-6203 E: nhjack@comcast.net or The Hampton Area Club

New grandson of RC Jerry and CST Marilyn Vaccaro and to proud parents Jay and Melissa Vaccaro John Anthony Vaccaro 8lbs 1oz 20 inches Born 8:38pm 1/5/2010

Donations to help with shipping costs are welcomed and may be sent to Jack or to the Hampton Club 7

The Hudson Lions Club Invites you to celebrate with us The Homecoming of District Governor Celeste Saturday April 17, 2010 Nashua Hotel Radisson Balsam Room Social at 6:00PM & Dinner at 7:00PM

Save the Date More Information Forthcoming

On Monday January 25 the Hudson Lions Club President PCC Roger Latulippe along with DG Celeste Ricupero, Lion Ann Mason, Lion Steve Middlemiss and Lion Will Young visited Lion Lin Hancock at St. Josephs hospital in Nashua. They represented the Hudson Lions Club and presented Lion Lin with a Granite State Fellow Award. Congratulations Lin THE HUDSON LIONS CLUB 100% ENDORSEMENT FOR DISTRICT 44H CANDIDATE FOR VDG ZC DEEDEE LATULIPPE 2010 - 2011


During 27-Jan-2010 visitation with the Sandown Lions Club, King Lion Robert Davison presented DG Celeste with donation for Camp Pride.

Our prayers and condolences go out to their families

Nashua Dr Frank Gaimari Chester June Chiaradonna Saddleback mountain

Condolences to Lion Ellis Ring for the loss of his closest friend Joanna McIntosh

A sincere thank-you goes out to everyone who donated yarn for a blind Vision Weekend participant over the past year. I delivered many bags of yarn to Heidi and shes been knitting for months with your generous donations. But as of early December she has run out of yarn and would appreciate any left over yarn you may have. If you have any skeins of yarn that you would like to donate, I will gladly make arrangements to pick it up and deliver it to her.


Rock and roll classics of the 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s
50/50 drawings

Free Coffee and pastries

Thank You ! PDG Terri McGrew terrimcgrew@charter.net Tel: 603-673-2322

HAMPTON AREA LIONS CLUB WINTER AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2010 AT THE GALLEY HATCH CONFERENCE CENTER AT THE INN OF HAMPTON BID ON: Red sox, Celtics, Timberwolves, Monarchs, Fisher Cats, Portland Sea Dogs and other sports tickets, Biplane thrill ride tickets, photographic services, day passes at New England ski areas, rounds of golf, goods and services from area merchants, furniture, jewelry, auto service, art, clothing, car washes, fuel oil, dry firewood, dining packages, computer stuff, passes to JFK presidential library, deep sea fishing trips, whale watching trips, Capital Center for the Arts & Seacoast Repertory Theatre tickets, Isles of Shoals Steamship Company sightseeing, Water Country tickets, DOORS OPEN AT 6:00 PM $10.00 ADMISSION Include Hors Doeuvres Buffet CASH BAR HARVEY WEBBER AUCTIONEER



Join us for a Valentines Day themed concert Proceeds to benefit High School Scholarships. Local sight and hearing, Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets Date: February 13, 2010 Lions Hall Mammoth Road, Londonderry Time: 7:11pm Gift Entertainment Cost:: $15 per person $25 per couple Certificates Reserve tables available For tickets and information call Jerry 603-434-5307

Free Chips and popcorn

Beer, wine and soft drinks for sale Please no alcohol brought in from outside

Soda and Water for sale



Please reserve the evening of April 24th for the Homecoming Dinner for District 44-N Governor, Don Potter. We are excited to be celebrating with him and hope you will plan to join us. The location for the dinner will be: The Executive Court Banquet Facility South Mammoth Rd, Manchester. Further details will follow. Thanks, Jeff Ghannam, Amherst Lions, District N Homecoming organizing committee

On January 5 the Exeter Lions held a Candidates Night. VDG Bill Brown and Candidate for Vice District Governor Deedee Latulippe were the candidate speakers. Thirteen members of the Hudson Lions Club made a visitation that night.


Hi Lions of New Hampshire, the cameras are slowly movinggreat work. I want to remind the clubs that a donation of two dollars per child is the cost for the use of the cameras. MAKE check's out to H.S.B.-O.K.S. and mail it with the camera screening to me. This helps to keep my records on track and from that I send a thank you with the results of your clubs screening

It's time again for the Meredith Lions Club annual winter raffle. First prize is a $250.00 gift certificate for Irving gasoline. Second prize is a $100.00 gift card at Hannaford's Supermarket. Third prize is a gift card worth $50.00 at any Common Man restaurant.

The ticket price is $1.00 for one or $5.00 for six. Drawing will be at their dinner meeting on Tuesday March 23rd. Members will be selling tickets at Heath's in Center Harbor on the 23rd from 10 a.m. until 2 Vision is important in the growth of a child. Keep up the good p.m. work. Thank you for being Lions They will also be inside Chase House on Meredith Bay during the Pond Thank you Hockey Classic on Friday February 5th and Saturday February 6th. Sandy Hill o.k.s. coord. 45 Whitten Rd. Tickets may also be purchased through the mail at: Milford ,N.H. 03055 Meredith Lions Club, 673-8075 P O Box 1720 Meredith, NH 03253. For more information you may call Lions Sue or Marie at 279 - 6016.

Monthly Membership Reports (MMR) for Lions Clubs International must be completed each month whether or not the club had activities during the month. If no changes in membership you need to check the box for no activities in MMR system. LCI MMR does not contain many details regarding projects and events as in the past. District reports contain many of the details recently eliminated by LCI. The completed MMR and district reports are to be sent to the DG, CST, VDG, RC and ZC. The district Reports can be found on line on the district web site:



Lions Youth Services has the packets in stock to start you on your way. These are the same packets that LCI sends you, we just asked for some to have here in NH. We also add a little extra help in each one (and no, none of us fit in the envelope but we are available anytime to help online, in person or in a phone call.) Please contact Linda Ribolini if you would like a packet or just to ask questions. Linda Ribolini Tel: 424-1901, E-Mail: riblet51@yahoo.com


Membership: July report: 1140 New: 50 Transfers: 6 Reinstated: 1 Dropped: 100 Total: 1097 District Goal: 1250
Salem John Gay Gerald Spindel MD Robert Genest Christina White Portsmouth Raymond Drapeau Wolfeboro William Crawford



THE POWER OF PEACE was the theme for the 2009-2010 peace poster contest. Pictured above is the winning poster from the District 44-H entries. The submission was sponsored by the Saddleback Mountain Lions Club. This poster has been sent to MD-44 and the winner of the multiple-district will be sent to Lions International for the final judging. Christie McQuesten

VISION 2010 WEBSITE Prayers & Get Well Thoughts To

PDG Bob Miller Lion Lin Hancock......Hudson Lions Club PDG Ken Mason.......Hudson Lions Club Lion Doug Cady.....Wolfeboro Lions Club

Want more information about the Vision 2010 project Check out our new website:



To Benefit Annual Recreational Weekend for the Blind ONE WEEK VACATION CONDO RENTAL Overlooking Paugus Bay (minutes from the Wiers) (Valued at $1,500) Available Rental Dates: May 30, 2010 through June 5, 2010 or October 2, 2010 through October 9, 2010 Donation: $10.00 Make checks payable to: Vision 2010 Drawing held at Vision 2010 ~ April 24, 2010 (You need not be present to win) For tickets ~ please contact Terri McGrew at terrimcgrew@charter.net or at 603-673-2322 11

Citizenship & Patriotism Contest NH Lions Multiple District 44 ......................................................... For: New Hampshire Middle School Students in Grades 5 through 8

Citizenship & Patriotism Contest NH Lions Multiple District 44


For: New Hampshire Middle School Students in Grades 5 through 8 Theme: The American Flag The Essay: 300 words or less (minimum of 100 words). Essay may be
typed or hand written (if hand written the essay must be legible and written in ink). List sources and references used in the essay. Criteria: Essays will be judged on originality, creativity and facts.

Time of Contest: February 1, 2010 to April 16, 2010



PDG Joe Caouette PO Box 8 Rollinsford, NH 03869 (Tel: 603-742-8721) or: Joan Lynch 3 Greenfield Drive Somersworth, NH 03878 (Tel: 603-742-0271)

Awards as follows: NH Lions District 44N NH Lions District 44H 1st Place in each grade level (5th through 8th grade) within each district will receive a certificate and medal and also qualify for the Multiple District contest and the following awards:

NH Lions Multiple District 44 1st Place 5th through 8th grade $100.00 Each

The American Diabetes Association is pleased to present the 29th Annual Winter Weekend at the Hulbert Outdoor Center in Fairlee, Vermont.. Forty-five young people, attending Camp Carefree last summer, signed up to possibly attend the 2010 Winter Weekend. For the last twelve years I have had a sign-up table at the Camp Carefree summer registration on the first Sunday of their two week session. Each year we get 40 to 50 interested young people to sign up for an ADA packet, that they will receive in January, to fill out and send back if they are able to attend. Winter Weekend began in 1982 by the ADA, Vermont affiliate, as a weekend for adolescents with diabetes. It is a weekend event (3 days, 2 nights) held most often at the Hulbert Center in Fairlee, Vermont. The campers are young men and women between the ages of 13 and 17. There is usually an even split between new campers and those who have attended past weekends. The staff include healthcare professionals from all over New England, as well as counselors who also have diabetes. PDG Dick Elliott has been a counselor at four of these weekends. ADA volunteers are crucial to the success of this program. The campers participate in various outdoor winter activities including skiing, sledding, snow shoeing ice skating, use of the high ropes course, and even snow football. There are also discussion groups led by experienced professional staff related to coping with diabetes successfully. Evening activities include Karaoke, dancing, and other fun things. GOALS: Provide a positive camp experience for adolescents with diabetes. Provide a setting to which adolescents with diabetes are able to share their ideas, problems, and concerns with experienced staff and peers with diabetes. Provide an opportunity to become more self-reliant, independent, and gain self-confidence in a safe environment outside the home. Cost for this weekend is $150.00 ($75.00 for Vermont young people - Vermont Lions have a fund that pays half of the cost for Vermont young people with diabetes). PDG Dick Elliott, 44-H Diabetes Awareness Chairperson 12


President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Directors

Tom Reynolds (529-0042) Bob Laferriere (Immediate Past Chairperson) Marilyn Vaccaro Lillian Bellisle, Becky Brown, PCC Charlene Provencal

Voting members PCC Peter de Moya, Sandy Hill, Sandra Hurd, PDG Terri McGrew, DG Don Potter, Joanne Pouliot, MCC Forrest Powers, DG Celeste Ricupero The Health Service Board meets the 4th Tuesday of the month. Dinner is at 6:30p.m. at the Airport Diner, Brown Avenue, Manchester. Meetings are open to all Lions. OUR SERVICES AND CONTACT INFORMATION (All area codes listed below are 603 unless otherwise noted.) VISION and HEARING TESTING: machines for Lions Club use within schools and communities. Sandra Hurd 424-8922 axstewart@comcast.net (Southern NH) David Ash 444-2652 dash280@juno.com (Northern NH) OPERATION KIDSIGHT: Digital eye screenings of children ages 6 months through 6 years of age ONLY. Director: Sandy Hill 673-8075 Phone/Fax: 673-8075 Associate Director: Dr Don Kaplan dockaplan@earthlink.net Associate Director: Dr. Matthew Norman sandrahill42@comcast.net

44H Coordinator: Bob Laferriere 329-8230 f.laferriere@comcast.net 44N Coordinator: Tom Reynolds 529-0042 (c) 494-2690 tcreynoldsjr@comcast.net Pilot Hearing Equipment testing for children 1 to 6 years only are now handled by the OKS Coordinators EYE CLINICS: Free quality eye exams & referrals for cataract removal for those who qualify through income limits. Coordinator/scheduler: Joanne Pouliot (r/f) 497-8028 jmp266@comcast.net THE DOGSIGHT PROJECT: Provides information about owning a guide dog and raises grant money for the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation. HSB Rep: PCC Peter de Moya 357-3749 pvdemoya@myfairpoint.net

VISION 2010: Raises money to provide a fun weekend of activities for the blind members of our communities. Chairperson: PDG Terri McGrew 673-2322 terrimcgrew@charter.net


Lions Quest Updates: Please share with your schools and educators New energizer books available from Lions Quest: There are many reasons to use games as part of your youth development plan, one of which is that games help people learn more about themselves. In play, groups practice and gain social, emotional and cognitive skills as well as explore life lessons in teachable moments. Find ideas in the book, Great Group Games: 175 Boredom-Busting, Zero-Prep Team Builders for All Ages by Susan Ragsdale and Ann Saylor. The book promotes a collection of creative activities that are designed to gently disband group-busting cliques, help newcomers feel welcome, and turn participants into friends who can count on each other. $16.95. Order from Lions Quest at 1-800-446-2700. Energizers: Calisthenics for the Mind by Carl Olson provides 71 energizers, games and initiatives to jump start the learning process for all ages. Energizers are designed to activate the emotional nature of the group. Games are organized play that includes competition on an individual or team basis. Initiatives go one step further. They are exploratory in nature, creating more in-depth analysis of thoughts, feelings, impressions, and reactions. $10.95. Order from Lions Quest at 1-800-446-2700. The Complete Guide to Service-Learning on sale now just $20.00! This comprehensive K-12 service learning guide by Cathryn Berger Kaye provides cross-curricular activities, ideas, and resources that will help educators inspire the desire in their students to become active, engaged, and contributing members within their communities. Lions Quest Heroes in the Community contest is in full swing! Get your applications in today and partner with your local school/Lions club to implement your community service project. Final project submissions are due March 16, 2010. For details visit the Quest website: www.lions-quest.org Lions Quest announces first Educator Award : The Educator Award is an opportunity for teachers to share their Lions Quest implementation strategies and success with other educators and to receive recognition for the very important work they do with our future leaders. The award application and details can be found on the Lions Quest Web site. Applications are due May 30, 2010. One finalist from each represented U.S. state will receive a set of 25 student materials. One U.S. K-8 and 9-12 grand prize winner and a guest will be flown to Milwaukee, WI for a ceremony on September 23, 2010 where they will receive a $500 grant to be used in their classroom. Sprint Character Education Grant Program The Sprint Foundation is accepting applications to award grants that will support Character Education programs that promote student leadership, youth volunteerism, school pride and a positive school culture. The program is open to all US public schools and districts. This is a fabulous opportunity to gain funding for Lions Quest materials. Deadline for the application is February 5, 2010. Visit Sprint http://www.sprint.com/responsibility/education/character/index.html to learn more or to download the district and school application.

This newsletter is E-Mailed to all District 44-H club presidents and secretaries who have e-mail addresses in the MultipleDistrict directory. Presidents and secretaries, please coordinate and forward the newsletters via E-Mail to all club members who have E-Mail accounts and make a copy available to members that to not have E-Mail. If the club president and secretary both do not have E-Mail accounts, please designate a member of your club to receive and forward the newsletter to the other club members. Send the designated persons name and E-Mail address to ZC Wayne Auger lionwayno@comcast.net

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Deadline for submitting articles to be published in the newsletter is the 20th of the Month. Articles should be E-Mailed to ZC Deedee Latulippe: liondeedee@comcast.net And ZC Wayne Auger: lionwayno@comcast.net

MELVIN JONES WEEKEND Friday, February 26, 2010 through Sunday, February 28, 2010 Double Tree Hotel, Milford MA Sponsored by - New England Lion Council Hosted by ~ Massachusetts Lions Special Guest ~ Immediate Past President of Lions Clubs International IPP Al Brandel from New York
Friday Night: 7:30 - 10:30 pm Dance to the Oldies, Hors Doeuvres, Soft Drinks, Cash Bar, Raffle $20.00 per person Saturday: 8:00 am Breakfast $12.00 per person 12:00 noon Lunch $15.00 per person 2:30 pm Melvin Jones Fellowship Presentations Keynote Speaker: IPIP Al Brandel 6:00 - 7:00 pm Cocktails 7:00 pm Dinner $36.00 per person Sunday: 8:00 am Breakfast $12.00 per person 9:30 am New England Lions Council Meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Melvin Jones Registration Award Recipient____________________________________ District_______________ Club_________________________ Please Check Appropriate Items: _____First Award _____Surprise _____Progressive Award If Progressive, What Number________ _____Previously Presented If Previously Presented, What Date____________ Contact Person Info: Name_____________________________________________ Phone____________________________ EMail____________________________________________ Date Ordered From LCIF________________________ All MJF That Are Being Presented On Saturday Afternoon Need To Be Given To The Committee By Saturday Morning At 10:00am. Please Return Completed Form To: Pct Floran Rozzelle 100 Village Lane Wellfleet, Ma 02667 Floranr@Yahoo.Com ________________________________________________________________________________________________ New England Lions - Melvin Jones Weekend Friday, February 26, 2010 through Sunday, February 28, 2010 Double Tree Hotel, Milford, Ma Lion/Lioness/Leo________________________________________________ District________ Title____________________Club_______________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________Tel#_________________ City__________________________________________State__________Zip____________ Lion/Lioness/Leo/Guest________________________________________District________ Title___________________Club________________________________________________ Please Indicate Your Selections Friday Night Social @$20.Pp Saturday Breakfast @$12.Pp Saturday Lunch @$15.Pp Saturday Banquet-Prime Rib @$36.Pp Saturday Banquet-Baked Scrod @$36.Pp Saturday Banquet-Chicken @$36.Pp Sunday Breakfast @$12.Pp Total Due # Of Persons __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Total $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________

Hotel Reservations Should Be Made By Calling The Doubletree Hotel At 1-508-478-7010. Rooms Are $89.00 Per Night. Please Mention Lions, Melvin Jones Weekend When Reserving Your Room. Send Completed Form And Payment (Make Checks Payable to NELC-Melvin Jones) To: IPDG Nolan Rozzelle 100 Village Lane Wellfleet, Ma 02667


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wolfeboro Inn 90 No. Main St Wolfeboro, NH 03894
$15.00pp inclusive with reservations 9:00am 9:45 am Social - 9:45am Call to Order & Breakfast Buffet Style Breakfast scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, Assorted Donuts, muffins, coffee cakes, coffee, tea, fruit juice, fruit cup. Deadline for Reservations: February 28, 2010 Send to: CST Marilyn Vaccaro 74 Chase Rd Londonderry, NH 03053 NAMES ________________________________________________________________________________________________

CLUB ______________________Number Attending:__________Total Amount:_________



Alexis Anderson displays to Lion members her jacket laden with pins she received from students she met from all over the world while in Turkey. Alexis Anderson, a junior at Moultonborough Academy who spent time in Turkey as an exchange student, took many digital photos while there and wrote a book titled How to be a Hero. Alexis gave a power point presentation relating her experiences in Turkey with Greg Mortensons mission to promote peace in the Middle East. She looked like a little kid, but when she started talking she spoke with the poise and confidence of a junior in college. Without a doubt, Alexis is going to make a difference in this world.


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