KET5T1 Answers+Script

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Test 1 Key Paper 1 Reading and Writing Part 1 1£ 20 36 48 5A Part 2 6A 78 BC 9c 108 Part MA 2A BC 14C 158 1%6C 17F WH 19E 2B Part 4 MA 2B BB MC BB 2A WC Part 5 wc 2c 9B C6 RA A MB 8B Part6 For questions 36-40, spelling must be correct. 36 tent 37 guitar 38 magazines 99 boots 40 video Part7 For questions 41-50, ignore capitals / absence of capital. Speling must be correct. 41a 42 thanbecause 43 wih 44. go. 45. up 46 to 47 melanyonatus 48 it 49 her 50 ihwhen Parte For questions 51-58, speling must be correct. S51 Storm 82 11(.00}/ eleven (o'clock) (am /in the morning) NOT pm 53 (Sunday) 23a) /twenly(hird Jue 84.3 $5 (£)6(.00) six (pounds) Part 9 Question 56 “The three pieces of information that must be communicated are | what the writer likes about the mobile phone ii whatit cost ts colour. 114 Test 1 Key Sample answer A Marke: 5 st 400: " Now [have to buy ee you 600%, 10K Hi Mike! My new mobi All thoe parts ofthe message are clearly communicated with only minor speling errors. ‘Sample answer B Mark: 4 Dea Wik, my new mobile phone Nokia 6500, it ard Vike, My nar sts $49.00 and it's a black | ye, Jan [Ailthroo part ofthe moceage are clearly communicated with come avlwardnoee of expression. ‘Sample answer C Mark: 3 'Y NEW MOBILE PHONE IS VERY B ‘Two pars ofthe message are leary communicated (the response does not address how much the phone cos) 115 Test 1 Key ‘Sample answer D Mark: 3 Ter Ml Jt your mobile phone. (Would ike It because it's very ur about 1 hope you wl ‘Allthree pats ofthe message are included but the context is incorrect. Sample answer E Mark: 0 Tox Mike Thanks my rend, like playing ‘The question has not been attempled Paper 2 Listening Part 1 1A 20 30 4A 5B Part 2 6G 7C 8 9F 10D Parts 15 wA $C fC 6B Part 4 48 JAGGARD 16 7/7thiseventh (September) 419 (11) Park (Road) 20 photosiphotograph(s) 17 Saturday Parts 21 March 22 (The) Vsitor(s)'s)(s) (Centre) 23 2.15/14.15 (pm, (in the attemoon)/ two fiteen/ (a) quarter past 180 24 Amany citferen!) toys)(and books) 25 (2}4.25 / four pounds (and) twenty-five (pfpence) 116 Transcript Question 1 ‘Question2 ‘Tis the Cambrige Key English Test. Paper 2: Listening. Test number one. There aro five parts 10 the es Pars One, Tw, The, Four and Five We wil now stop fora moment belore we stat the feat. Please ask any questions row because you mus! not sposk during the tos, (pavso} Now lok atthe inaction for Pat On, ar five shor! conversatons, You will hea each conves Tore i ane question far each conversation. Far questions 1-6, pu right answer Here san example: ow many people wore atthe meeting? Git: Were there many people at the meeting? Boy: About tity. Git: Thats not many. Boy, Na, but more han ast ime Ipauso} The answers thy, 50 there is 2 ok box C. Now we are ready to star. Look at question one Ipaus} (One, How Wit Ji go fo the football match? Man: Are you going to dive tthe football match, J? Women: 1 was going to, but think parking wil be afew ‘Man: Thats what | thought. m gong te walk you want to come wth me. Woman: OK then that's cheaper than the bus, adits always ite anyway [pauso} Now teten again, [repeat [pause} Two, Who's gain o vst the woman? Woman: My sete’ con i coming to stay with mo tomorow: Man: 06, thats nce. Imet him a longtime ago, whon he was ton years 6, dent? Woman: Well he's father now, you know. But he's not bringing the baby with him Man: On, what a yt [pause] Now ston apain. (ropoat [pause] Test 1 Key ‘Question 4 118 Three, What wit by do tonight? Git; Mumm, Kat’ jut phoned. She wants me o ge othe cinema this evening Woman; You cant go ou. Ruby, you haven shed your school work, GG: _BuLI havo! And ve even cleaned my shoos Woman: That al ght then. [pause] ‘Now fiton again, (repeat pase] Four, How much dd the woman's dosk cost? Man: Ive just spent sity pounds ity ona now desk Very expensive! Woman: Well, | paid ity pounds iy for mine. Man saw one fo five pounds, but Ran’ very good Woman: A good ek costs more than ity-ve pounds. {pause} Now istn aga (repeat Ipause PART a Five, Wher tho man's Watch? Woman: Did you ako off when you cS the washing-up last night? Man: Te looked inthe kichen anit’ nother. ‘Woman: Hare. You tion te bah before you went to bed ipause] Now fston aga rect [pause] This isthe ond of Part Ove. [pause] Now lok at Pat Two, (pause) Liston Lona taking fa end about ome restaurants. Whats the problem twin each ona? For quosons 6-10, wie altar, A-H, net fo Bach restaurant, You wi hear the conversation tice [pause] Man: We've goto choose restaurant for our class party net Saturday, Lena, What about the Rose Garden? Woman: It be to cold, because al he labs are outside. | suppose Carl's Cate i ti lace, Test 1 Key Man: Its open again now butts not bg enough for all of our cass. What do you think about Puza Place? The foods goee, but they tum the Hghts solo 's poe to read the menu, What about the Curry House? The waters are relly fondly and everyone kes Incan food Man: phoned them yesterday ~ they fully booked on Saturday 2 there won be any abies tee. Woman: Oh doar! ¥e just boon to that new ch resturant ~ Capain Crab The musle was so loudit was impassbie to have a conversation, Man: Weil want otk, £0 that's no good. | syppace there's the Caron Hota Woman: Even snack there cost lot of monay. We needa cheaper restaurant, Les lookin the newspaper [pause] Now liston aga repeat (pause) ‘Thi i tho oof Part Two, {pause} Now lok at Pat The. (pause) Lista to Helen taking © her hriend Sam about bong hy arock band. For ‘questions 41-18, tle A, Ror You wil hear the conversation hon Coola questions 11-15 now You have 20 seconds Ipauso] Now listen othe conversation. Helen: Sam, you know Ising in Nek bana? ‘Sam’ Mmm. He playe crums, doesnthe, Holn? Helen: Yes, Wel, we need another quia player How about you? Sam: Sure! Hoon: Nick wants o near you play fist. Ar you feo on Wednesday? Sam: Sony. How abou he next day o Fray? Helen: Let's say Thursday ~ Nick's busy on Fridays. Sam: Fine, Where and what time? Helen: Come to my fa at sovon thity and we can walk o Nk’. The band uses hls dass garage because his becroon's too sm Sam: Should bring anything? Food? Music? Helen: Nek’ mum makes us sandwiches and | always bing CDS. A wat sweats a good idea, because it gos ol sam: OK. When's he band's nox concert? Avot you playing at your brother’ sightoonh bina party? Helen: Yes, andthe eolege has booked us forthe Saturday beore that. We ‘want to play atthe Staright Club, but they fly booked tthe Sam: Do you get pad for singing, Helen? 119 Test 1 Key Helen: Ofcourse — the band get a hundred anton pour & night and we teach have tweniy-ve pounds Wek keeps fon pounds for hings tke advertisements sam Great. (pawso) ‘Now tston again. (repeat pause) This is the end of Part Tee {pause} PART 4 Nowlookat Par Four Ipause} You wil ear a man taking onthe telephone about a party Listen and completo ‘quostons 16-20, You wil hear te convorstion tice [pause} Tons: Hols that Say? aly: Yes? Tony: Thisis Tony Basso We were at Romford Schoo! together Sell; Onl, Tony |ernamber you wal “Tony: Theres going tbe a party for the pupls in our year at Romford schoo! Say: Oh when wi tbo? “Tony: Well, wa started a tha schoo! onthe fourth of September, but he pay has tobe onthe seventy ~ almost exactly ton years ler. Sally; That's a Saturday, gr? | know our ist day a stool was a Tuesday ‘Tony: That's oh. Do you remember my sister, Margaret? Its a her house, Sally Ohyos -.. she got mari, cn she? ‘Tony: Yes. She's Margaret Jaggaré now Sally, Is thatJA double GARD? Tony: Tha’ rgh. She vee in Park Road at umber eleven, ner the parc Sally: That easy to nd. Gan bxng something to et or ink? Tory: There wll be enough fod, but everybodys going to bring some polos — we'l enoy looking a hem. Sally; Mput ho dato ay cay. tpause} Now listen aga repeat [pause] Thi the end of Pat Four pause] 120 I EIEE”T SS Test 1 Key Now look at Pat Five, [pause] You wil hear some info complete questions (pause) tation about a place caied Sea World. Liston and "1-25. You wil bear the information twice. ‘Sea Word snot open atthe momen, bu hare is sme inormaton. We are open six days a week, fom Tuesday to Sunday, tom ine am. nl ve tty ps Visto are welcome from Api to February, but we have to else in Mare for pining and ropa, very moming st eleven there Isa shor fim about tho sea. Goto the Visor (Cente to watch is. The fms folowed by a shot ak about the cferont animals ving in the ea, The doiphin show begin at two fiten every afternoon, but fo make sure we ‘an stat on time, we ask everyone tobe inher seas by tw o'lock The shop at Sea Wort is open al day. Chicren wil tke tho many ferent toys and books on sale there. There is also aca, where you can el cinks and sacks ‘Adult tickets cost seven pounds and ket or chien are fur pounds ‘wont ve. There are special prices for schoo groups, Thank you or cling Sea Word, [pause} Now ston again, (ose) This isthe ond of Pat Five, pause) You now have eight minutes fo wn your answers onthe answer shoot Noe: Teacher, slop the recording hare and tine eight minutes, Remind ho students when thee one minute remaining, [pause] This is the endo he lst. 121

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