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Test 2 Key Paper Reading and Writing Part 1 1D 2H 38 4A 5E Part2 6A 7B BA 9C 0A Part’3 1A 2A A 4G 1B 1B 17€ 1C 19H 2A Part 4 218 2C 2B MC BA BB ATA Part 5 wc CC WA HC 9B «9B A EB Part 6 For questions 36-40, spelling must be corrct. 36 ibrary 37 newspaper 38 message 39 board_—-40 postoard Part 7 For questions 41-50, ignore capitals / absence of capitals. Speling must be corect. at with 42 behum 43 ohisinext 44 have/ve 45 are 46 10 47 of 4B ot 49 Would 80 oF Part 8 For questions 51-58, speling must be correct. 1 train 52 Regent Hotel) 53 cathedral 54 (£)8.50/ five (pounds) (and) fity (pipence) 55 castle Part 9 Question 56 ‘The thvee pieces of information that must be communicated are: {which sport tho writer watched iL wo they watched with i why they liked the competition 122 Test 2 Key ‘Sample answer A Mark: 5 Mow are you? (watched a competition horse riding in the evening, 1 = competition with my fi nals ih called Tome. ike horse riding With my best wiches, Are prs fe message ae cer commun ‘tre lary communica wn ot occasional grammatical errors. ” samen , ‘Sample answer B Mark: 4 HIN, 2 — — 1 All three parts of the message are communicated wth some non-Impe merepunct bes «« Impeding errors n ‘Sample answer Mark: 3 [rise — goad gama like the spore the game was between A Thompson and E. Ni say gcd ii shia We. 1 Thompson played hat his game wl be replay ‘Two parts of the message leary tae sag0 ae clay communicated he respons does no adress ‘who you watched the competition with’) ‘ees 123 Tast 2 Key ‘Sample answer D Mark: 2 fH [ke wathed football My favorit tame Sheffield W. and Iam 80 happy the world —_ COnly two pars of the message are communicated (he response does not address ‘ho you waiched the competion with) The errors in expression may require interpretation by the reader and impede communication. ‘Sample answer E Mark: 1 (es ‘Emma Which Sport do you watch. wacht! tennis. And hau aid you wate with the compotion with. And something it why did you Ike the ition lve from Mill sl) COnly one part ofthe message is communicated. The response is very uncle. Paper 2 Listening Part 1 1A 20 3A 4A 5B Part2 6F 7B 8G 9D 10A Part 3 Wc WA 1B MC SB Part 16 WednesdayisyWedls). 17 (6)8.50 (each) 18 FERRET —19°7.45/1045/ (a) quarter to eight (p.m, (inthe evening) 20 136//one three six/ one hundred and thirty-six Part 5 21 aithree (nights) 22 FALKIRK (Hotel) 23 gor 24 Thursday 25 0208 66873. 124 Test 2 Key Transcript Tis the Cambriige Key English Test. Paper 2: Listening, Test number vo. ‘There are fve pars fo tho tat: Parts One, Two, Troe, Four and Five, Wo wil now sop fora momen blere we str the test Please ask ary questions row because you mus not speak during the tes, pause) PART 1 Nowlook tthe insets for Pat On, [pause] You wit hear five short conversations. You wil hear each conversation tc. Thor's one question for each conversation. Fr questions 1-5; puta tic under the right answer. ores an oxen How mary psope wore atthe meeting? Git Were there many people at the meeting? Boy: About iy. Git That not mary. Boy: No, butmore than last ie, (pause) Tho ansinor i hint, 80 thre a ok inbox . Now we are rad (pause) ‘Question 1 One, Where wil the man and woman meet? Man: 988 you outside he cinema ats ook Woman: why cant youmeet me atthe sation? Or better il the oa? Wel 0g 0 eat thee before the fi, arent we? Man: Yes, but wo need tobe ate cinoma a i to buy the tke, Thon ve can goto thecal Woman: Oh OK. ipause} ‘Now listen aga (repeat (pavso} ‘Question? Two, What's the dete of Emma's birthday panty? Woman: Are you going to Emma's twentieth bitay party inane? Man: Yes, lam, Butts in Jy actly, Woman: On yes of course. The twenty-first? Man: Tha’ ight Her bith ith day termine. That how remember, [pause Now listen aga, (repeat tpause} 128 Test 2 Key ‘Question Three, Where is Norah's watch? Gi: Have you seen my watch, Mu? ft ton the bookshot Woman: thinkin the ktchen, Norah, on the table. Girt Thats your wateh, Mum. ‘man: Oh, then 'm wearing yours! Sony, | thought twas mine. [pauso} Now ten agin. (repeat (pause) ‘Question 4 Four, How much I cet for tonights match? ‘Woman: Are you ging fo the basketball match tonight? Man; How much ar tho kets? Woman: Most weeks theyre ek pounds but I's a special price tonight — tee pounds ty ~ 50 do come. Man: ight ve gotten pounds hore, so that’s OK (pause) Now stn again repeat [pauso} ‘Question S Five, Which ithe boy's brother? Git Oh, he te one wih dark hair? Boy: —_-Mybrotne's got blond ait Gi Ohyes, and e's got he ame glasses as you. He looks rice, [pause) Now ston again, repeat [pause Thi tho end of Part One. (pause) PART 2. Now ook a Part Two, {pause} Listen io Amy tling her father about er shopping tip, What i she and her fiends buy? For questions 6-10, wile alter, AH, next to each person. You i hearth conversation twice. Ipause) Dac: Did you spend al your money, Amy? ‘amy: No, Dad, but we all bought something. Look, found the video | ‘wanted. Dad: Great! 126 Test 2 Key Amy: We spont hours inthe depariment store. Alison wants to take aller shoes on holiday, and her sitase i oo smal. She bought a new ‘one, but tok Hee age! Deck Then what you do? ‘Amy: We went with Helen ta look at mobile phones, Her parents aro {geting her one for hor bitsy, 2 che bought a magszine that had infomation about al the diferent kinds to show thom, Dee: That’ 2 good Idea. Did Lucy fd present or her mans bith? ‘Amy: Yes, she looked at come beaut shoes, but they Were too ‘expensive. But nk her mum i ike the sweater she bough Das Oh good. What dd Kory buy? ‘Amy: Aplcture of our favour band playing ata concer. Dac: Is that ho band you saw with Jo? ‘amy: Yes. She got he new CD today. The music magazines say its excellent ad: YoU must allbe tre. [pause] Now tiston again, repeat Ipause) This the end of Part Two tpause} ‘Now lok at Pat Thve. pause} Liston 1 Jamie taking to his mother about FC. You will hear the conversation wie Look at questions 11-18 now. You have 20 seconds, (pavso) Now stn to a. For quastons 11-15, Wk A, Jamie: Hi, Mum! ve decided ta move from my room at the university and Inf a fat wih some trond, ‘Mum: Is the at oar tha university, Jamie? Jamie: About wenty mines by bieyle and here are buses every hal hour ‘But Ml walk though the park and havo breaklst a a ea there with iy tends Mum: Wile lat be quot so you can study? Jamie: There's shoe shop downstate, buts never busy, and here's not much rate Jamie: Two hundred pounds @ week, but hore are five of ue, 6 tha’ ory pounds ah, wich int bad Mum: God, Dee the fat have ance chen? Jamie: Wel he fdge Is old and he cookers abt smal but that dosent mater —we cant cook! Can sl use your washing machine, Mum, cause thre fn one there? 127 Test 2 Key 128 Mum: Jami Ipause} of course, When will you move? ee (On Saturday Htyu can wait unt the nex! day, ad an wl ep you, £0 you're ready lr classes on Monday (OK. Thanks, Mum! Now isten again Trp [pause Tie the and of Part Theo. {pause} oo at Pa Fe | [pause) You wit hear @ woman asking about teks forthe theatre, Listen and compte questions 16-20. You wal haar ho conversation tice. F; tpause} Man ‘Queers Theatre. Can hop you? ‘Woman: Yes, do you have two okats fr his week's show? Saturday's Dost Man; Wella he tickets have gone thon, but we il have few fr ‘Wednesday evening or Thursday atemoon, _ Man.” Lotme see. Ive got wo seats, bu thy’ near the bac, Fm ata ‘Woman; How mich ae they? Man Toye eight pounds ty each Woman: OK. take them. Man: "Then habe seventeen pounds altogether. Collet your kets from the tet ote in Fert Road, Tats FE double R ET. Tho ‘ick fice open al ay. Woman: OK. When does the show begin? Man. At seven fry-fvo in the evening ass two and a half how Woman: That sounds fine, Can we get tothe thoato by bus? Man. Yes, there's abus top jst outside — take the onethree-sc rom the town cote, They go avery eight to ten minutes. ‘Woman: Thank you fer your hel. [pause] "Now listen again, repeat tpause} This is the end of Pat Four [pause] Test 2 Key (pavse] You wit hear some information about a competition to win a holy. Listen and pause} Here's some good news fra ou stoners, Wouls you tke o win are holiday in Scotland? Yes? Wel, the lucky winner of The Travel Programme's noicay ‘competion wl wi a tree-ight say, oro people, i the wonderful Sotsh countryside. ‘ie have chosen a fine hotel for you called the Falk — that F ALKA K, and ifs anol casi in the mountains "You won't have to ay for anything during your stay. The hotl has excellent food, and the compattion winners can even use the beaut ota gol course when bey aretha ‘All you have todo to win thi great holy call The rave Programme and answor the simple questo wo will ack you. Dont delay, because the Competition closes at michight on Thursday, and wel tel ou the name of th winner next Saturday. The umber to calls of-two-o,eight-doubo six olght-2oven tree {Good luck, everyone. Now, heels the qu ton for you Ipause} Now Bsten again. repent) Ibause} This is the end of Pat Five Ipause} You now have eight minues fo wnt your answers onthe answer shoe Note: Teacher, stop th recording hare and ime elght minutes, Remind the students wen tere one misul remaining Ipause] Thi the endo the fst 129

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