Human Reproduction

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Humans reproduce to ensure the survival of their species. In this chapter students will learn more about human reproduction and the human
nervous system.

2.1  Human Reproduction

Humans reproduce through a reproductive process that involves reproductive cells called gametes from a male and a female. The male and
female reproductive organs form a reproductive system.
  The production of new individuals by living organisms  
Female reproductive organs
Organ Function

Vagina The place where sperms are channelled

Produces ovum and female sex hormones


The place where the fertilization process takes place between the sperm and the ovum
Fallopian tube Connects ovaries and uterus

A place for the embryo to develop and grow

Uterus Has tick muscular walls with numerous blood capillaries

Male reproductive organs
Organ Function

Testis Produces sperm

Transfers sperms into the vagina


The human fertilization process until the baby is born

Sperm begins to be produced when a man reaches puberty

Ovaries produce ovum when a female reaches puberty
Fertilization is the process of fusion between sperm from a man and an ovum from a woman
Sperm from the male testes are released into the female vagina through the penis
Sperm swim towards the ovum
Only one sperm will fertilize one ovum

The importance of reproduction to humans

Increase the population

avoid extinction

2.2  Human Nervous System

The human nervous system is a system that controls the functions of all parts of the human body. The nervous system tells the human body
how to react when receiving stimuli.
Functions of the human nervous system

Detects and reacts to stimuli that occur inside or outside the body
Communicate with other parts of the body through signal transmission

The human nervous system consists of

Spinal cord
Nerve networks throughout the body
The human nervous system is divided into two types:

The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord
The peripheral nervous system consists of a network of nerves

Ways to maintain human nervous system
Eat a balanced diet

  Enough sleep  

  Wear body protective equipment  

  Perform daily activities with proper posture  

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