Review of Literature

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Review of literature

 Harris, (2013) of the 46 chromosomes in the human genome, 45 are unisex (Harris, 2013).
Harris further said that female and male are for that reason similar in many physical and traits,
such as age of setting teething, and walking.  They are also alike in many psychological traits,
such as overall vocabulary, certainty, intelligence, self-esteem and happiness (Harris, 2013).
Actually, there are some differences and it is this difference, not the similarities that capture
attention and make news.

 Limp-man Blumen (2014) have argued that people first acquire gender through socialization in
childhood. It has been argued that people kin a large number of studies that boys act differently
toward girls from birth onward. In the first 24 hours after birth, according to one study, parents
described boys as more alert stronger and firmer and girls as less attentive, weaker and more
fragile, this go a long way in determining the behavior of the child in all aspect of his or her
development including assertiveness (Limp-man Blumen, 2014).

gender is virtually assessed in every study that evaluated treatment, retention and outcome
(Berrigan & Garfield, 2011). People expect woman to behave unassertively. Berrigan and
colleague opined that, women also avoid behaviours that do not fit the feminine role and when
they do engage in “masculine assertiveness” they are likely to encounter disbelief or even
hostility from others. Women tend to be very agreeable because they want to have good social
support and they may be hard to achieve consensus (Berrigan & Garfield, 2011).

Assertive behaviour means standing up for your rights and expressing your truths without
shrinking from what you want to communicate. Assertiveness also includes recognizing and
expecting the equality, rights and truth of other people (, 2008). Behavior
which enables a person to act in his/her own best  interest to stand up for herself, without undue
anxiety, to express interest, feeling, comfortable; or exercise personal rights without changing
the right of others, we call Assertive behavior (Alberti & Emmons, 2009)

Waller and Hill, (2014) maintain that family crisis resulting from instability is something that
makes one strive for a different and unusual solution of the problem. Any rupturing of family
relationships which forces reorganization of the family pattern not only constitutes a family crisis
but is also a threat to family unity. However, according to Agulanna, (2014) the cause of family
instability depends on the type of family each worker is born into, in this case negative family
pressures might quicken the breakdown of the family. Furthermore, polygamy has negative
effects and influences on mental health workers. It is confirmed that family structure has main
effects on mental health for human; so the biggest problem in polygamous families is families
will be more aggressive, have disorder sin conducts and behavior, difficulties in communication
and adjustment problems.

Additionally, family conflict is considered as usual pheromone in polygamous families (Berrigan

& Garfield, 2011). All such factors and problems have undoubted negative influences and
impacts on employees in their life in general. This might even lead to many workers having
mental problems, social difficulties and low educational level. In addition, client-worker
relationship may be poor and not effective because of some remembered conflict happening
often in polygamous families. Adika (2012) noted that conflicts are relatively easier to solve in
the monogamous than in the polygamous families. Moreover, less psychological disturbance is
envisaged in the former than in the latter. Workers from polygamous families are therefore more
likely to experience more problems than workers from monogamous families. This will
invariably influence their behavior (Adika, 2012).

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