2008 Torres-Hernandez CIEP

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Hierarchical control of Hybrid Power Systems

Conference Paper · September 2008

DOI: 10.1109/CIEP.2008.4653837 · Source: IEEE Xplore

21 375

2 authors:

Manuel Eduardo Torres-Hernández Miguel Velez-Reyes

Mexican Institute of Social Security University of Texas at El Paso


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Hierarchical Control of Hybrid Power Systems

María E. Torres-Hernández, Student Member, IEEE, and Miguel Vélez-Reyes, Senior Member, IEEE.
Center for Power Electronic Systems, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
E-mail: maria.torres@ece.uprm.edu, m.velez@ieee.org

Abstract two-level hierarchical controller for a hybrid EPDS. At

the lowest level, local nonlinear sliding mode control is
This paper presents a Hierarchical controller for a used to control the renewable sources and the battery
DC bus configuration Hybrid Power System consisting storage system while the second level is a supervisory
of a Wind Turbine, Photovoltaic Panels, a Battery controller that changes the set points and sliding
Bank, capability for connection to grid, and load. The surfaces according to the load demand and available
proposed hierarchical control system consisted of lower generation capability. The structure of the supervisory
level controllers for each generation and storage system allows the potential implementation of different
component designed using Sliding Mode Control and a modes of operation to meet different control objectives.
supervisory controller that had the objective of The work presented here builds on the work of [1].
maximizing use of the renewable sources while In this paper, the proposed supervisory controller has
minimizing connection to the grid. The supervisory five modes of operation that maximizes use of
controller changed sliding surfaces and set points renewable generation capability while minimizing
according to the operation conditions and performed connection to the grid with an improved battery
load shedding based on load priorities when available management scheme [2]. It also provides capability for
generation is insufficient. The functionality and the system for load shedding when the system is
performance of the system is studied by means of islanded and the generation capability of the renewable
simulations. The paper will present HPS model resources is not enough to supply the demand.
development, hierarchical controller design, and
simulation results under the different operating
scenarios. Simulation results show that the proposed
controller has the capability to meet the design
objectives with acceptable performance.

1 Introduction
Hybrid Power Systems are power systems that
combine different electric power energy sources. An
important problem in hybrid power systems is the
control and supervision of the power distribution
system. The dynamic interaction between the Figure 1. Hybrid Generation System
renewable sources, the grid, the loads and the power
electronic components and the system low inertia can 2 Hybrid power system
lead, to new system, critical problems stability and
power quality different from those in conventional
The Hybrid Power System studied in this work
power systems.
combines wind energy, photovoltaic system, and is
Electronic Power Distribution Systems (EPDS) are
connected to the grid. A schematic of the overall
power distribution systems where the electric power
hybrid system studied here is shown in Figure 1. The
flow is controlled using power electronic converters.
HPS can be divided in six components: (i) generation
EPDS are present in many applications such as ship
(Wind turbine, PV Panels, and the Grid), (ii) energy
power systems, electric hybrid vehicles, and hybrid
storage (Battery Bank), (iii) power bus, (iv) electric
power systems among others. Advanced control
load, and (vi) power electronic converters. The dc bus
techniques can improve the performance of such
collects the energy generated by both units and delivers
systems by improving energy management capability
it to the load and, if necessary, to the battery bank. ; the
and its capability to adapt to faults and other significant
converters control the operation point of the wind
changes in operating conditions. This paper presents a
turbine and PV Panels. The loads served consist of

978-1-4244-2718-5/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 169

three similar zones. Each zone is connected to the bus where and are, respectively, the quadrature and
by a DC/DC converter. direct currents; is the electrical angular speed; L and
The wind generation unit comprises a windmill, a are the per-phase inductance and resistance of the
multipolar permanent-magnet synchronous generator stator windings; J is the total inertia of the system; P is
(PMSG), a rectifier, and a dc/dc converter to interface the number of poles of the PMSG; and is the flux
the generator with the dc bus. The solar unit comprises linked by the stator windings.
several panels coupled to the dc bus through a DC/DC The voltage is externally imposed by the DC/DC
converter. The dc bus collects the generated energy and converter as a function of the duty cycle, ux, and is
delivers it to the load and, if necessary, to the battery described by:
bank. (6)
The voltage of the dc bus is set by the battery bank,
which comprises lead-acid batteries coupled in a If we assume an ideal static conversion, the current
serial/parallel array; the converters control the operation at the output of the DC/DC converter is given by:
point of the wind turbine and PV Panels.
The loads served consist of three similar zones. (7)
Each zone is connected to the bus by a DC/DC
3.2 Solar subsystem
3 Energy sources models The photovoltaic power model was proposed in [4].
This model depends on several cell parameters an on
3.1 Wind subsystem variable environment conditions such as the
temperature over the solar panel T, the characteristic
The wind generation unit comprises a windmill, a constant for the I-V curves b, the percentage of
multipolar permanent-magnet synchronous generator HIIHFWLYH LQWHQVLW\ RI WKH OLJKW RYHU WKH VRODU SDQHOV Į
(PMSG), a rectifier, and a dc/dc converter to interface the open circuit voltage Voc, the short circuit current Isc,
the generator with the dc bus. The mathematical model and a shading linear factor Ȗ7KLVPRGHOZDVVHOHFWHG
used in the simulation was obtained from [3]. because it uses the electrical characteristics provided by
The mechanical power and torque generated by a the manufacturers in the solar panel data sheet, and its
WXUELQHLVSURSRUWLRQDOWRWKHDLUGHQVLW\ ȡ WKHSRZHU electrical behavior could be modeled by a nonlinear
coefficient of the rotor (Cp), the cube of the wind speed current source connected with the intrinsic cell series
Ȟ DQGWKHVZHSWDUHD $ DVVKRZEHORZ resistance. The I-V relation of the solar panel is:
The power coefficient Cp( ), depends upon the (8)
aerodynamics of the rotor blades, the blades angle, and where
the wind velocity. Cp is a function of the tip-speed
ratio , where is the blade length, and is (9)
the angular shaft speed.
The torque produced by the wind turbine is given
where, , is the torque coefficient of the
turbine. (13)
The PMSG dynamic model in a rotor reference The PV panel is connected to the DC bus through a
frame is given by: DC/DC buck converter [5] described by

(4) where is the battery voltage, is the current injected

on the DC bus, is the voltage level on the PV panel
(5) array terminals, and is the control signal.

3.3 Battery bank power demand. We denote this mode as the Sufficient
Wind Regime.
The Li-Ion battery model that used here was (17)
developed by [6]. This model is capable of modeling The second mode of operation occurs when the
the steady state and the dynamic behavior of the maximum energy captured from the wind is not enough
battery. to satisfy the total demand. In this case, the output
power reference is the optimum power extracted by the
turbine minus losses.

Figure 2. Battery model adapted from [6].
The battery model is described by two circuits
coupled via a current controlled current source and a is the tip speed ratio that maximizes the power
nonlinear voltage controlled voltage source as shown in extracted from the wind. We denote this mode as the
. Insufficient Wind Regime.
The state of charge (SOC) of the battery is The boundary between the operation modes for the
represented by a large capacitor ; the model of the wind subsystem is given by the angular shaft speed at
transient behavior and voltage-current relationship of the boundary point that is obtained by equating the
the battery was represented by two RC circuits and mechanical power references for both modes of
series resistance on the right hand side of the diagram. operation.
The state space model of the circuit is given by [8]:

Figure 3 shows the operation points of both sliding

surfaces. The decision to work in one mode of
operation or the other can be taken by comparing the
measured speed with the boundary speed as

where and are the capacitance and resistance in

the long transient RC circuit, and are the
capacitance and resistance in the short transient RC
circuit, is the series resistance, and g is the nonlinear
SOC function. The input u is the current entering the
battery, and the output y is the voltage across the
battery terminals.

4 Operation modes

4.1 SMC of wind subsystem

The main control objective for the wind subsystem is

to control the power produced into the DC bus to satisfy
the total demand (the load plus the battery charge
requirements ). Figure 3 Operation Points of both sliding
For this subsystem, there are two modes of operation surfaces [7].
as described in [3]. The first model occurs when the
wind turbine produces enough power to satisfy the total 4.1.1. Sufficient wind regime. In this mode, the main
objective of the wind subsystem is to regulate the
power produced by the wind turbine following .

To accomplish this objective, the sliding surface for the Maximum Power Operation Point (MPOP). In MPOP,
SMC was written in terms of currents on the battery the instantaneous and incremental conductance of the
bank. array has a different sign and the same absolute value.
This condition arises from [4]:
The switched control signal produces a deviation in (27)
Te, and a high ripple on the current of the DC/DC
converter. Following [3], we included an integrator
prior to the input ux to turn it into a new state variable (28)
and set the signal w as the new input to the system. As
The decision to work in one mode of operation or
a consequence, the algebraic dependence between the
the other is taken by comparing the power that the array
input of the system and the sliding surface is broken.
would generate if operating at the MPOP and .
The dynamic model of the extended system is shown
below [3]. This is illustrated on Figure 4, and could be expressed
as a fictitious power in the following
way [5]:

where the electromagnetic torque produced by the 4.2.1. Sufficient power generation conditions. In this
PMSG is given by and the mode, the cell temperature and the isolation are
switched control law w is given by: sufficient to satisfy . To accomplish this objective,
the sliding surface was written in terms of currents on
the battery bank [5].

where , ,
, and

4.1.2. Insufficient wind regime. In this mode, the

system is not able to operate on the sliding surface h1,
defined previously, and it is necessary to incorporate a
secondary sliding surface h2 whose main objective is to
extract the maximum power available in the wind.
and the switching signal is given by
Figure 4 Zones of operation for control modes
(25) under sufficient power generation conditions

4.2 SMC of the solar subsystem and the switch control signal is:

There are two modes of operation following [5]. (30)

The first occur when the PV array is capable of
4.2.2. Insufficient power generation conditions. The
generating enough power to satisfy the total power
control objective is to operate the PV cell at the MPOP
because the cell temperature and the isolation are
(26) insufficient to satisfy . In order to satisfy the
The second mode of operation occurs when the equation 27 the sliding surface must be [5]:
Panel is unable to generate enough power to supply the
power reference. In this mode, the PV operates on the (31)

and the switched control signal must be: Only through the Grid: if the battery bank is
completely discharged, i.e. , the Grid
(32) must supply the extra power needed. The strategy used
is called slope-on strategy (see ).
in this case, the battery bank recharging is made at
instead of .

4.3 Control strategy for the battery bank and

the grid

For the Battery Bank, we set two modes of

operation. The first occurs when the battery current, Ib,
is positive (charging mode), and the second occurs
when the battery current is negative (discharging

4.3.1. Charging mode. In this mode, the power

generated by the renewable energy system is higher
than the power required by the load, so the extra power
is handled as follow [2]:

The extra power will be stored in the Battery Bank Figure 5 Implementation of slope-on
as long as SOC is less than and is a strategy [2].
smaller amount than .
If , then the Battery bank is charged The grid start level occur when the SOC is equal to a
level higher than Qmin, defined by the battery; when that
by , and the extra power is reduced from the
level Qmin*X is reached, the grid starts taking the load
PV and Wind subsystems through the individual progressively from the battery. The grid current starts
control units. increasing with the same slope so that the total current
If , means that the battery bank is contribution from in cooperation battery bank and the
fully charged and the extra power must be reduced grid making .
from the PV and Wind subsystems, i.e. the
component of the reference signal related to the
battery bank input to the controllers is set to zero. 4.4 Load shedding
4.3.2. Discharging mode. In this case, the load demand This control mode was added to connect or
is higher than the power available from the Wind and disconnect a particular load or zone from the total
PV subsystems, so the battery bank and the Grid must power demand. The main reason to do that is to protect
supply the extra power needed. Depending upon the the generation sources when there is insufficient
SOC of the Battery Bank and the magnitude of , generation capacity to meet the demand. This occur
supplying the extra demand is complete according to when the system is isolated from the grid, the battery is
the next hierarchical order [2]: discharged, and the load demand in higher than the
Only through the Battery Bank as long as these maximum power that the wind turbine and photovoltaic
conditions are satisfied: panels can produce.
(33) If the total demand is higher than the total available
generated power, load shedding will be performed
based on a priority scheme. The criteria to disconnect
Through the Battery Bank and the Grid: this occurs
load three is described as follow:
when the load demand is higher than the battery
discharge limitations, so the Grid is able to provide the
extra current. The conditions that have to be satisfied (35)

where is the maximum current generated by the battery bank is discharged. The supervisory controller
Grid, and and are the load currents for shifts load gradually from the battery to the grid to meet
each zone. the power demand [2]. On this mode, the battery
current is always zero. The On-Off control for the load
may be activated if the total current demand is higher
5 Supervisory controller than the total current generated by the system.
The operation strategy for the supervisory controller
The supervisory controller determines the operation of the HPS is shown in Figure 6 as a state transition
mode of each generation subsystem and sets the diagram for each mode of the supervisory controller.
corresponding ser point and sliding surfaces for the Figure 7 shows the transition criteria to perform load
SMC at each source. The operation modes are shedding. Load shedding can occur only if the system
determined by the energy balance between the total is operating in mode 4 or mode 5.
demand (load and battery bank) and the total generation
(wind, solar, and grid).
To design the supervisory controller, we selected the
wind subsystem as the main generator role and use the
solar subsystem and the grid as secondary and tertiary
sources respectively.
The five possible modes of generation are as
Mode 1: Occur when the wind generation is enough Figure 6 Mode transition criteria for the
to satisfy the total demand. The solar subsystem and supervisor control.
the grid are inactive whilst the battery bank is in
recharge mode at maximum charging current, and the
wind subsystem is set to power regulation. This mode
is running until the maximum available wind power is
exceed by the total power demand [1].
Mode 2: the wind generation is not enough to
satisfy the total demand, and it is set by the supervisor
control to operate at the point of maximum energy
conversion. The solar subsystem is set to follow a Figure 7 Load shedding scheme.
power reference required to complement the wind
subsystem and together satisfy the total power demand.
The battery bank is part of the total power demand,
because is in recharge cycle, and its current is always
the battery reference current [1].
Mode 3: The wind and the solar subsystems are set
to operate at their maximum energy conversion points,
and the battery bank is set to supply power to the load
instead to receipt energy. This mode is maintained as
long as the state of charge of the battery is greater than
a minimum required [1] or the battery current is higher
than a minimum discharging current [2].
Mode 4: The load demand is higher than the power
Figure 8 Control signals of Wind Turbine and
available from renewable sources, and the battery bank
PV array (Battery Bank Discharged).
current is equal or higher than maximum discharging
current. The supervisor control connects to the grid to
obtain the extra energy [2]. In this mode, the battery
current is always equal to the maximum discharging
current. On this mode, the On-Off control for the load
may be activated if the total current demand is highest
than the total current generated by the renewable energy
and the grid.
Mode 5: The total demand is more than the power
available from wind and solar subsystems, and the

Figure 9 Control signal and sliding surfaces of
solar subsystem
Figure 11 DC bus currents and operation
modes (Battery Bank Discharged).

6 Simulation results
The initial condition of the battery bank is totally
discharged (SOC = -0.75) which is the limit to allow
connection of the HPS to the grid. The battery reference
current for the renewable source to charge the battery
bank is set equal to the maximum charging current,
which in this case is 20A.
Figure 8 shows the wind turbine and the
photovoltaic panel control signals. The individual
control signals and sliding surfaces for the solar
subsystem and the wind subsystem are shown in Figure
9 and Figure 10 respectively.
Figure 11 shows the HPS DC bus current. The first
graph presents the wind current (Set-Point and
generated current). Between 2 to 6, 16 to 22, 24 to 31,
and 64 to 81 seconds, we can observe that the reference
signal is equal to generated signal. As shown before,
that means that system is operating at mode 1 as shown
in graph six. The second graph illustrates the solar
current with the same behavior as the previous
example. The third graph shows the battery bank
current. Because the initial condition was totally
discharged, when there are enough generation from the
renewable sources, the battery reference current is set to
Figure 10 Control signal and sliding surfaces maximum charge current (20A), and the system works
of wind subsystem under the first three modes. If the battery current
exceeds the maximum discharging current (-20A), the
system works on mode 4. If the SOC of the battery is
under Qmin, means that the system works under mode 5
as shown in graph six. The fourth graph shows the grid

current. This signal is activated only if the maximum 9 References
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In the supervisory control scheme design, we
assumed that the main generation role would be carried
out by the renewable energy, i.e., wind and solar
subsystem respectively, while the traditional generation
play a complementary role. The role of the solar
subsystem and the wind turbine can be easily changed
due to the modular design of the system.

8 Acknowledgements
This work was primarily supported by the ERC
Program of the National Science Foundation under
grant EEC-9731677.

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