4ºESO Unit3 Test

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Name: Group:

Listening Reading Use of English (Voc. & Gram.) TOTAL

Crit: 1.1, 1.4, 1.5 Crit.: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 Criteria: 3.5, 3.6, 4.5, 4.6

LISTENING (25 points)

1. Listen and order the events in the story. (10 points)

a) The prince went hunting with his dog, Gellert.

b) The prince killed Gellert.

c) The prince found his son alive and well.

d) The prince thought Gellert had killed his son.

e) The prince returned to the castle.

2. Listen again and circle the correct option. (15 points)

a) Lizzie has to do a history .

b) The story of Gellert is a legend is from ____________________.
c) Gellert killed the wolf to ____________ the baby.
d) The prince never ________________ again.
e) ______________ of people visit Gellert’s grave every year.
f) The of the story is to think carefully before you act.
g) Gellert was known as “Gellert the __________________”.
READING (25 points)

European myths and legends

Mount Olympus, Greece

Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece. According to Greek mythology, 12 gods lived on Mount
Olympus, including the father of all the gods, Zeus, and his daughter Athena. Zeus had 92 sons and
daughters, but his favourite child was Athena, the goddess of knowledge and war. One day, when Athena
went down to Earth, she gave the people a beautiful gift. It was the first olive tree.
Corfu, Greece
On this beautiful island you can find the palace Achilleion, which was home to the god Achilles. According
to the legend, when he was a baby, Achilles’ mother wanted to protect him from harm.
She held him by the heel and washed him in a river with magical powers. Although Achilles became a great
soldier, his heel was his weakness because it hadn’t touched the water. In the Trojan war, enemy soldiers
killed him by shooting him in the heel.
Avalon, England
King Arthur was a legendary king of Britain who defended the kingdom from invasion. When Arthur was
fifteen, he pulled his famous sword Excalibur from a stone. He was a brave and good king and was finally
injured in battle and taken to the island of Avalon to die. Historians are not sure whether he really existed or

3. Read the text and complete the sentences. (10 points)

1) __________________gods lived on Mount Olympus.
2) Zeus had children.
3) Achilleion is on the island of .
4) Achilles was killed by soldiers.
5) Arthur was injured in and taken to Avalon to die.

4. 3.Read the text again and find words for the definitions. (10 points)

1 Having a lot of courage: b

2 A battle: w
3 A large building: p
4 Land surrounded by water: i
5 Something you give as a present: g

5. Read the text again and answer the questions. (5 points)

1) Where did Zeus live, according to Greek mythology?
2) Where is the palace Achilleion?
3) Why was Achilles’ weakness his heel?
4) What was the name of King Arthur’s sword?
5) Which word in the text refers to the back of the foot?
VOCABULARY (25 points)

6. Complete the text with the words. There are two extra words. (10 points)

fairy hero myth plot resolution setting theme villain

a) The central idea in a work of fiction is the .

b) A is a story that explains the world around us.
c) The sequence of events in a story is the .
d) The is a character in a story who is brave and has good qualities.
e) The solution to the problem in a story is the .
f) The place and time in which the events of a story occur is the .

7. Complete the text with the words. There are three extra words. (10 points)

creation evil fact fictional Greek languages legend themes traditional

More than 2,500 years ago, the ¹ philosopher Plato wrote the story of
Atlantis. This ² is well known in many different cultures and has been told in many
different ³ . The inhabitants of the city of Atlantis were half-god, half-human
and they created a beautiful city without hunger, unhappiness or ⁴ . But the
city disappeared under the sea one night because of a flood. Many people believe that it is a
⁵ story, but others think that it is based on ⁶ .

8. Circle the correct option. (5 points)

1) I like reading biographies / novels of famous people and learning about their lives.
2) The Greeks won the battle / legend of Troy.
3) A common theme / conflict in myths and legends is the fight between good and evil.
4) In the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, a giant lives in a land / setting above the clouds.
5) In Norse mythology, Thor was the god / prince of thunder.

GRAMMAR (25 points)

9. Write the following sentences in reported speech. (20 points)

1 “I will help you with your computer,” said Bill.

2 “I am doing my homework for tomorrow,” said Molly.
3 “I can phone my mother now,” said Paul.
4 “Someone is following me now,” the boy said.
5. “The police don’t know anything,” she said.
6. “All the students will have a meeting next week,” Peter said.
7. “My parents are very proud of my good marks,” Lucy said.
8. “I didn’t buy this book,” my father said.
9. “We need to learn more grammar,” the students said.
10 “Pedestrians must stop now,” the policewoman said.

10. Write the sentences in direct speech. (5 points)

1 They said that they were going to visit some friends.
“ ,“
2 Mum said that grandpa was sleeping
“ ,“
3 Dad said that I could go to the cinema with my friend.
“ ,“
4 She said that she had bought a new jacket.
“ ,“
5 Peter said that he would help me.
“ ,“

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