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Name: Group:

Listening Reading Use of English (Voc. & Gram.) Writing TOTAL

Crit: 1.1, 1.2, Crit.: 3.1, 3.2, 3.7 Criteria: 3.5, 3.6, 4.5, 4.6 Criteria: 4.1, 4.2,
1.4, 1.5 4.3, 4.4

/20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /100

LISTENING (20 points)

1. Listen and decide if the sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). (6 points)
a) Leo is from London.
b) A meteorite hit the Earth 60 million years ago.
c) The word ‘dinosaur’ means ‘large animal’.
d) There are eight planets in our Solar System.
e) Sputnik 1 is an artificial satellite.
f) NASA is in Russia.

2. Listen again and choose the correct option. (14 points)

a) The game show is called Over the Moon / On Top of the World.

b) This week’s prize includes a trip to space / a planetarium.

c) Zoe says she feels nervous / enthusiastic.

d) The word ‘dinosaur’ comes from Greek / Latin.

e) Sputnik 1 was launched in 1957 / 1958.

f) President Eisenhower / Nixon created NASA.

g) Zoe / Leo wins the competition.


This week, our reporters interviewed astronaut Bud Warlow about his career in space.
How did you become an astronaut?
Well, I had always dreamt about being astronaut. Even before I went to school, the
Universe had always interested me. I studied Computer Science at university and when I was
twenty-four, I trained to be a pilot and flew planes for five years. When I was twenty-nine, I
joined a space research programme and started to prepare to go into space. I’ve been working
as an astronaut for twenty-five years now!
What is your favourite part of the job?
That we still don’t know everything about space. Our Solar System is still full of puzzles to be
solved. We may not find the answers to many of our questions in our lifetime, but I think that’s
What has been your greatest achievement?
Working for six years on the International Space Station (ISS) has been the best part of my
career so far. I was in my thirties and it was incredible. The views of Earth were the best thing
about working there. Oh, and you float because there’s very little gravity, so that’s fun too!
What are the benefits of space research?
There are so many. We conduct a lot of experiments that help with advances in medicine and
other fields. The ISS has a system that takes up to 1,000 images of Earth on a daily basis, too.
This can help us respond quickly to things like floods, fires and earthquakes.
Finally, what advice would you give to teenagers who are thinking about a career in
space exploration or research?
If you work hard, you will most certainly reach your goals. Move heaven and earth to achieve
your dreams and don’t give up!

3. Read the text and complete the sentences with numbers. (12 points)
1 Bud trained to be a pilot when he was years old.
2 Bud worked as a pilot for years.
3 Bud joined the space research programme at the age of .
4 Bud has been an astronaut for years.
5 Bud worked on the International Space Station for years.
6 The International Space Station takes up to images of Earth every day.

4. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. (8 points)

1 Bud didn’t want to be an astronaut when he was young.

2 Bud studied Computer Science in secondary school.

3 Bud worked as a pilot after he joined a space research programme.

4 Bud’s favourite thing about his job is that we still don’t know everything about the Universe.

5 Bud didn’t enjoy working on the International Space Station.

6 Bud was in his twenties when he worked on the ISS.

7 Space research can help us to deal effectively with natural disasters on Earth.

8 Bud believes that if you work hard, you will reach your goals.

5. Complete the sentences with the words. (10 points)

astronaut float ice meteorite Moon planets revolves

a) There are eight in the Solar System.

b) The has a lot of craters.
c) We in space because there is no gravity.
d) A hit the Earth about 65 million years ago.
e) An travels and works in space.
f) Comets are made of and dust.
g) Everything in the Solar System around the Sun.

6. Add vowels to complete the words. (5 points)

a) The Earth is the only h__sp t bl planet in the Solar System.
b) Dinosaurs became xt nct before the first humans appeared on Earth.
c) __lg first released oxygen on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.
d) One of the oldest groups of land plants are f rns.
e) A large area of salt water is called an c n.

7. Circle the correct option. (5 points)

a) She hates talking in front of people. She’s really shy / assertive.
b) Lisa told her boss to listen to her. I wish I was modest / assertive like that.
c) They’re convinced they’ll win the match! How arrogant / humble!
d) I’ve studied hard all year so I’m quite modest / confident about my exams.


8. Complete the SECOND CONDITIONAL sentences with the verbs in the correct form. (5

Be live not explore not learn

a) If we ____________________ space, we ____________________ about other planets.

b) If I _________________ an astronaut, I think I_______________________on the International
Space Station.

9. Complete and match the parts of the sentences. (5 points)

1 If you (travel) in space, you would float because there’s no gravity.
2 If scientists (send) more satellites into space, they will get more information.

3 If you (heat) snow and ice, they melt

4 If aliens (come) to our planet, do you think they would look like us?
10. Complete the sentences using FIRST, SECOND and THIRD conditionals. (10 points)

a) If I ____________________ (be) stronger, I would help you carry the piano.

b) If we had seen you, we ________________________________ (stop).
c) If we _______________________ (meet) him tomorrow, we will say hello.
d) He would have repaired the car himself if he ____________________ (have) the tools.
e) If you drop the vase, it _______________________ (break).
f) If I hadn’t studied, I ____________________________ (not pass).
g) I wouldn’t go to school by bus if I _________________________ (have) a driving license.
h) If she ____________________ (see) him every day, she would be lovesick.
i) I _________________________ (not travel) to London if I don’t get a cheap flight.
j) We would be stupid if we ___________________ (tell) him about the secret.


11. Translate into English. (5 points)

a) Si yo fuera tú estudiaría más (2nd conditional)

b) Si miras a la luna puedes ver los cráteres (zero conditional)

c) Si ella tuviera dinero, compraría un coche (second conditional) 

d) Si ellos no hubieran bebido, no habrían tenido un accidente (third conditional)

12. What would you do if you were 20 years old? Write 75-100 words. (15 points)

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