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Name: Group:

Listening Reading Use of English (Voc. & Gram.) TOTAL

Crit: 1.1, 1.4, 1.5 Crit.: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 Criteria: 3.5, 3.6, 4.5, 4.6

/20 /20 /25 /35 /100


1. Listen and write the correct number. (12 points)

1 % of people in the study use email to communicate with people.
2 % don’t feel confident with their computer skills.
3 % of people think that we spend too much time sending emails.
4 % of teenagers got their first mobile phone when they were seven.
5 % of people don’t like using a mobile phone.
6 % of people send letters nowadays.

2. Listen again and complete the sentences. (8 points)

1 They decided to find out about people’s favourite ways of .
2 60% of people said that they usually communicate with friends, and
work colleagues through email.
3 The mobile phone was the most popular option, with % of people
choosing it as their most used form of communication.
4 People said that new ways to communicate will be .
5 People also think that virtual reality technology will be in the future.
6 Not , 99% of teenagers believe that online platforms and chatrooms
should be used in class.
7 A very low percent of people use letters to friends and family
8 Teenagers said that spelling and is a problem for them.


Cybersecurity: How to be safe online

The internet is a place where you can practise new skills, make new friends and even learn in a
different way. E-learning is an example of this. It is helping to improve education all over the world.
Students who can’t get to a school can access online platforms and download the material they need
to complete courses. However, it is always important to use the internet safely. Read on to learn about
top tips to keep you safe online.
Protect your password: Passwords should be created carefully. Your password for important accounts,
like your email, should be at least ten characters long. They should include letters, numbers and
symbols. Don’t share your password with anyone.
Keep important information a secret: Let’s get straight to the point: personal information like your
email, home address or phone number must not be given to strangers. Even if you meet somebody in
an online chatroom and you think that you are on the same wavelength, you mustn’t share personal
information with them.
Download with care: Be careful when downloading something. Sometimes viruses are created to look
similar to popular apps, but the software has been created to steal your personal information. Most
data is ‘encrypted’, which means that it is converted into code to keep it private, but always check the
safety of your connection before downloading.
Check, check and check again: Don’t open emails from people you don’t know. Always check the
address of the sender before opening the message. Never click on links that you don’t recognise
because they could contain a virus.

3. Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T), false (F) or there is no information (NI). (8 points)
1 Passwords should contain more than one type of character.
2 You shouldn’t use chatrooms.
3 Some software has been created to take your personal information illegally.
4 You don’t need to check your connection before you download anything.

4. Read the text again and answer the questions. (12 points)
1 What advice does the article give about opening emails?

2 What should you not share online?

3 Why do people click on suspicious apps, according to the text?

4 Why is data sent online converted into code?

5 What expression means you understand someone well?

6 Which expression means you will start with essential information?

5. Match the words with the definitions. (8 points)

1 drag a A physical object you can connect to a computer.

2 file b Unwanted emails that are usually sent for marketing purposes.
3 hardware c Taking someone else’s ideas and presenting them as your own.
4 junk mail d The moment when an action or event happens.
5 online community e To select an object and move it to a different location.
6 plagiarism f A personal account where a person posts short videos.
7 real time g You create this when you save information on a computer.
8 vlog h A group of people who interact online.

6. Complete the sentences with the words. (8 points)

apps communication computer engineers

feature social media virtual reality vlogs

1 Nowadays computers are not only used for and new

generations of children are at a young age.
2 like Instagram are very popular and
continue to invent new technologies for us.
3 allows us to experience email worlds. Perhaps it will
be a common of smartphones in the future.
4 platforms like Twitter have become very popular.
, or regular videos that a person uploads to a website,
have become very popular too.

7. Circle the correct option. (4 points)

1) Turn on your desktop / platform computer and check that your connection / click is secure.

2) Log on to the email platform / hardware. You don’t need to download / app new software.

3) Click on the ‘New Account’ install / link and enter your new address and password / link.

4) Make / Click the ‘Save’ button and then check / drop that your new password works.

8. Write the meaning of the following text messages. (5 points)

- RU OK? - Yes, Im gr8 thx __________________________________________
- I need 2 CU asap __________________________________________
- Sorry, Im l8. Can we meet 2nite @ 8:45? __________________________________

9. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets to write sentences in the passive voice. (10 points)
a. Too much time __________________________ (spend on) sending emails every day.
b. WhatsApp _____________________ (buy) by Facebook in 2014.
c. How many websites _______________________ (create) since 1991?
d. They discovered the product while something else _____________________________ (investigate)
e. Virus protection _________________________ (not invent) until 1980.
f. By the time Sarah arrived, the house ___________________________ (steal) by the thieves.
g. In 2003, a law ______________________ (pass) to control junk mail.
h. I didn’t know that my account _______________________ (hack) until yesterday
i. New apps____________________ (develop) right now.
j. “Hamlet” _________________________ (write) by Shakespeare.

10. Complete the sentences using the passive voice and the pairs of words. (10 points)

can / see may / affect must / establish must / show should / teach

1 In my opinion, important skills such as fact checking and communication skills

_________________________ in schools.
2 Students _______________________________ how to use the internet safely.
3 Any picture you send _____________________________ by anyone on the internet.

4 Things you download from a website ______ by a virus.

5 Rules for using the chatroom by the teacher.

11. Transform these sentences from active to passive voice. (15 points)

1) People throw away tones of rubbish every day.

2) One of the students broke the window.

3) British astronomers have discovered a new planet.

4) All the teenagers in my country are watching this reality show.

5) The technicians were repairing the computer all day long.

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