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Exercises Unit 12

12. 1 Write for or since.

1r·s been raınıng S~nc..e. lunc hrıme.
· · ···-··················· ·
1 Sarah has li\'ed in Paris ....... __....._.......·-···· 1995.
3 Paul has li\'ed in london ·······-·-···-···..······....... ren years.
. d ot. wamng.
-.I ı· m tıre .. \'il{. •
~e ,·e L- . .
ucen sımng here ··-············· .................. an hnur.
5 ~e"in has been looking for a joh .................................... he lefr school.
6 1 ha,·cn't been ro a party ········--·....................... ages.
7 1 wonder where Joe is. 1 ha\'en'r seen him ······-·--········.............. lasr week.
8 Jane is away. She·s been away ................................. _. Friday.
9 The wearher is dry. it hasn'r rained ................................... a few weeks.

12.2 Writc questions wi t lrı how long and when.

1 lt's raining.
ı ho"' long; ı ....Hc....... l.oııg ... 1-ıo..s ...ı.t.. bun ...rıti.rıuıı? ...............................................................................................................................
ı \\•hen? 1 . .~t.~!.1 ...~....~...;ı.~t..r~~gl .....·-··••· .. .................·-········· ......·-······....-....._......................................._........................
2 Kate is learning Japanese.
(ho\\· long / learn ? 1 ........................ ................ .............. . .... .•. .. ... ........................ ·····························-·-·········..················-·········................
ı \\·hen / sra rt?ı ............................................................... -·· ..................................._.............................................................................................
3 1 know Simon.
(ho,v long / you / kno\\'?) ·--·····--···························-··· -······ .........................._..........................-.................................................................
t when / you / first / mect ?ı ......._._................ ......... -·. ··-·-··............................................................._................................................................
4 Rebecca and Da\'İd are marricd.
(ho,v long?) .......................................................................·-···· ·- ..... ...................._................................ _ _ ....................................................
(when ') ............. ................................................. ............. ........ ....... ...................................................................... _ .......................................................
12.3 Read the situations and complete the sen tenccs.
1 1t •s raınıng.
· · 1t•s Lucen - raınıng
· · · sınce
· 1unchrıme. · sta.r-ted. -rc.tini.ııg
1t ............................. .............. ...................................... at Iunc htıme. ·
2 Ann and Sue are friends. They first met years ago. They'"e .....~.!:19.r.:'.r.)ı.?.r......... years.
3 Joe is ill. He b«amc- ili on Sunday. He has .................................................................................................................... Sunday.
4 Joe is ili. He b«ame ili a few days ago. He- has ...............................·-········........................._....................... a few days.
5 liz is marric-d. She's been marric-d fora ye-ar. She got ............................................_................................- ....................... .
6 You ha"e a hc-adachc-. lr srartc-d when you woke up.
ı ·,·e ................·-····..·····•..............................-...............................................- ......... 1 \\•oke up.
7 Sue has hec-n in ltaly for rhe lasr rhree weeks.
She \\·enr ...........- ........................................................................................................................- .........................- ..................................·-······················· .
8 You're working ima horel. You started six monrhs ago.
ı ·,·e ·················-····.......................................................................................·-·····..............................................................- ..............................·-······...- ........... .
12.4 Write B's se ntences using the words in brackets.
1 A: Do you often go on holiday?
~....!....b.?.:Y..~ .'.Ç,...b..~ ...'b....~..9.~ ...:fur... .f ~Y.~.:~ ~ .~..:.........·-················-····..····...........................
B: (no / fi,·c- years) ......ti.Q
2 .-\: Do you oftc-n see Sarah?
B: (no / about a month ) No. ··--···..-...·············-····-····-··············- -
3 .\: Do you oftc-n go ro rhe cinc-ma?
B: ı no / a long time ) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
4 .\: Do you often ear in rc-sraurants?
B: ı no / ages) No. 1 ...... ... ............................................................................._..............................................._.......................................................

Now write B's answers again. This time use lt's ... since ... .
5 1 ı ı •••••NoJ 's.. f ı.ve ...J:j~ .. ı ...ho.d.. .. ,,.. ............................................................._._......................·-·····..··--................_
6 ,1 1 '10, ................... ......... ...... ...... . ..... .. ....... .........................................................................- ............................................................................................
7 ı 3 ı ......... ......................................... .......... .... • ....- ...................................·-··········... ......... .................... ....................... _ ............___..............................................
8 ,,., No, ir's .................. _. .............. .... ..... ····-··..·······........................................................................................................................-...............-..-................
Exercises Unit 13
13. 1 Complete thc: sentences usıng the verbs in brackets. Use the presenl perfrct where possible.
Otherwisc use the past simple.
Thc officc is cmptv now.
Evcrybody ··········-·-···-- ······························
(gol home.

1 can't get in.

ı 'vt....JB-~t - (IOS() my

3 4
>~it o
1 mcant to call you !ast night.
but 1 ... ';:;;:;
1 (forget). Mary ········-·····---··---·····--····-·--··
t::::= ~_,!~~ (go) to Egypl fora holiday, but
she's back home in England now.
\l •Hn

Ycs, 1 ..........
(havt) a headache. but I fceı
fın c now. ,_________ - - - - - - - -- - -i (b~ak) down.

13.2 Put the verb into the correct form , prescnt perfect or past simplc.
h raining for J while. hut now ir's rainıng again. (stopl
' The rown is ,·ery different now. it h°=5 01o..ngea. a lor. (ı:hangel
3 1 did GermJn .ır school. bur I mosr of it now. (forgetl
4 The pol iı:e rhree people. hut later they let them go. (arrest)
5 \X.hat do you think ot my F.nglish? [)o you think it ......... -· ......... ·······- ? (improve)
6 ..\: Are you stili rt>ading the paper?
ıı: :'\o. 1 • wirh ir. Ynu ,.ın han· ir. (fin ishl
- 1 for J joh as .ı tnurıst guide. hut I wasn 't successful. (apply)
8 Where's my hike? lr outside the house. hut it's not there now. (be)
9 Look! There·s an amhulan,e n\'er rhere. There ........... an acddem. (be)
10 .-\ : Hare you heard Jhout Ben? He his arm. (break)
ıı: Really? How that ; (happen )
.-, : He .. off J l .ıdder. (fo il 1
13.3 Are tlıc underlincd parts of these scntı:nccs right or wrong? Corrı:ct them whcrı: nı:cı:)sary.

Do you know ahnut Sue? She's ıı.in:n up her jnh. Qk. ...... ····-···-························---··-·--···-···············-
., ~ly mother has lı!CoWO up ın Scntland. gr.~ ...... -··· ··· ...... ....... -·········-···············-······-
3 How many plays has ShakespeJCe wcirren? . .. ·······················--····--····-········--···-
4 Ow! l\-e ,ur my fınger. lt's oleeding. ..... ··········-··········-··-·......_..........._... _
5 Drugs have be@me a hig prohlem e,·erywherc. . .... -···. ·••·················-··································-·····-····-··········-·····-
6 The Chinese han: inn:nred paper. -···· -·············· ······-····-·······-················--·-·········-·····--
- Where ha,,e rou heen born? ····--····· ···· ····-····----- ···-·-······-······-·-··--···-···-···-
8 ~lary isn·t at home. She's ıı.ooe shopping. . ....... ·- · ····································--···-·····--·-··-
9 Al bert Einstein has heeo the scientist who -·- ··························-·····----··-··········--···-
has deyeloped the rheory ot relativity. ···-························----······- ····--
Exercises Unit 14
14. 1 Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
J'velost my key. 1 can·t find it anywhere. .....Ok ..........- ..- ..-···..···..........- ..··-·-···..-··-··········.....
2 Have you eacen a lot ot sweets when you were a child? Di.d.. !;i..................................................................................
.................. Ol,( w.t .
3 1\-e bouiht a new car. You must come and see it. ......................................................................................_...............
4 r\'e bouiht a new car last week. ....- ............................................................................·-············.....
5 Where have rou beeo yesterday e\'ening? ........................................................................................................
6 Luc\' has left school in 1999. ........................................................................................................
- rm looking for ~like. Ha\'c rou seen him? ........................................................................................................
8 ·Have yoy been to Paris?· ·Yes. many times." ........................................................................................................
9 l"m very hungr~·. 1 haveo·r earen muı:h today. ................................................................._....................................
ı O \X1hen has rhis book been published? ...........................................................................................- ..........
14.2 Make sentences from the word s in brackets. Use tlıe present perfect or past simpl e.
ı ir / not/ rain / rhis week ı .....1t ..t1~n1...r.W..~ ....;:!'.ı~ş.....~.~..:...............................................................................- .................
.2 trhe wearher / be / cold / recently ı The wearher ...............................................................................................................................
3 , it / cold / lasr ,,·eek ) it .........................................................................-......................................................................~··••n••···-····..·-..-·.............._..........
4 ı t / not / read / a ne,,·spaper yesterday ) 1 ...... ........................................................................................................................................
5 t 1/ not / read / a newspa per roday ı ...............................................................................................................................................................
6 ı Emily / earn / a lor ot money / this year) ..................................................................................................................................._.........
- ı s he / not / earn / so much / last year ) .......................................................................................................................................................
8 ı you / ha\'e / a holiday recently ?) ................:...................................................................................................................................- ..........

14.3 Pul the verb in to the correct form, present perfect or past si mple.
1 don ·r know where Lisa is. .....H.~Y..~...~9:½....~.~..... tyou / see) her?
2 When 1 ......................................................... .... (get l home last night. 1 ........................................................................ (be) very
rired and 1 .................................................... ................... (go l srraight to bed.
3 A: .................................................................... (you / fini sh) painring rhe bedroom?
B: :,.;ot yet. rıı finish it tomorrow.
4 George .......................................................... .......... (not/ be l ,·ery well last week.
5 ~tr Clark ...................................................................... (work l in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
6 ~tolly lh·es in Dublin. She ........................................................................ (li\'e ) rhere ali her life.
- A: ....................................................................... (you / go l to rhe cinema last night?
B: Yes. bur it .......................................................... ı be l a misrake. The film .......................................................... (be) awful.
8 ~ty grandfacher ...................................................................... tdiel before I was born . 1
...................................•.............................. ı ne\'er / meer ) him.
9 1 don·r lmow Carol's husba nd. 1 ...................................................................... (never / mcet) him.
1O .-\: Is ~tarrin here:- B: :,.;o, he ........................................................................ (go) out.
.-\: When exactly ...... ....................... ...................................... (he/ go l out? 8: Abour ren minures ago.
11 .-\: \\:'here do ~·ou li\'e ? B: in Bosron .
.-\: How long .................................................- .................... (you / live) there? B: Five years.
.-\: Where ...................................................................... (you / live) hefore that? B: in Chicago.
.-\: :\nd how long ....................................................................... (you / live) in Chicago? 8: Two years.
14.4 Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets.
ı something you ha\'en·r done roday) .....!....~~ye.n t')....~~...frt,(i.t t o ~..- ........

.2 ı something you ha,·en·t done roday) ......................................................................................................................................................- ..

3 t somerhing ~·ou didn ·r do ~-esterda~·) ...................................-,...............,.,....................,,__..,...... u . ... . . ... . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . .- , . , • .• Hoo

4 ısomething you dm d yesrerday e,·ening) ........................................................- - - · -.........................- ........- ..........- ................

5 ısomething you hawn·r done recently) ...................._........- ....- ...- - - - - - - · · - ···---··..........................._.............- •
6 tsomething you \ ·e done a lor recently) ........................-.......................................................................- .............................- ................

- Additional exercises 2-4 (pages 303-04), 14-1 5 (pages 310-11) 29

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