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The honorable judges and audience, Good Morning.

First of all thank you for having me here in this Erlangga English Speech Contest 2020. I
hope we are all in good health. My name is Rexy Sihombing from Assisi Elementary School
and Today I would convey “Why We Should Eat More Vegetable in my speech”.

Why did I choose this topic? Because there are still lot of Indonesian’s children that do not
like eat vegetable. According to the result of Riset Kesehatan Dasar Departemen RI tahun
2003 it showed that 93.5% Indonesian Children aged 10 years old and above still consume
less fruits and vegetables. This certainly needs to be a concern for all of us, especially dear
my friend aged 10 years old.

The honorable audience, let me ask you something, Why Do We Do Not Like Eat
Vegetables? What Is The Reasons? Some of us might answer, because it tastes bitter, and
tastes bad, not delicious. But, dear my friends, do you know the impact to our body if we do
not eat vegetables?

The impacts are

1. Our body will easily get bruised

Have you ever experience getting lot of bruised even though you don’t hit something
hard nor fell down? If yes, that might be because deficiency of vegetables that contain
Vitamin C like paprika, broccoli, cauliflower.

2. Constipation

Is there anybody that often have constipation? If yes, that might be because deficiency
of high fiber vegetables like spinach and kale

3. Easily get tired

The honorable audience, do you easily get tired even though not doing physical
activity? If yes, that might be because deficiency of vegetables that contain

I strongly believe that all of us always want to be healthy, right? We don’t want our body
easily get bruised, having constipation, nor easily get tired. That is why today I invite all
the audience to start loving eat vegetables. We can start from eat vegetables that do not
tastes bitter like carrot, spinach, and broccoli. If we are accustomed to eating more vegetables
from an early age, this will certainly become a habit until we are old. By eating more
vegetables, of course our nutritional needs will be fulfilled and hopefully we can always be
So this is the end of my speech. I hope some of the points that I’ve conveyed today make us
eat more vegetables everyday, in order to stay healthy. Thank you for your attention. Have a
great day!

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