Cañete AssessmentTask WorkEthics Part1

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NAME: Kim Marie A. Cañete DATE: Nov.10,2021 SIGNATURE __________

Test 1: Answer the Questions Practically|

1. How would you define Workplace Ethics?

 Our workplace is where we are employed and where we go to work every
day. Ethics, on the other hand, is concerned with human behavior. When
dealing with people and work in the workplace, ethics is a necessary for
employees, staffs, and other company members. It's critical to recognize
that ethical workplace behavior can encourage beneficial employee
behaviors that lead to organizational progress.
2. Discuss at least 5 important benefits and importance of Ethics in the workplace.
 One of the most important traits of an employee is his/her ethics. The
importance of ethics in the workplace is that Ethics promote workplace
interactions by reinforcing cooperation and respect among employees.
Employee productivity and performance improve as a result of this, not only
for the employee but the company’s ethics can also have a big impact to
the relationship between its clients or consumers. Due to the appropriate
visible ethical behavior of the employee and the company there are
benefits they could gain, these are; (1) the producitivity of the workers will
increase. When the workers value the work given to them and then they
would process and finish in time there would be a great affect to the sales
and the productivity of the company. (2) team work will develop. These
personnel now work collaboratively for the benefit of the organization, for
which they will be compensated or accomplish their goals. Employees'
mutual understanding is a great sign that the company will be able to
withstand the local demand for a long time. (3) the workers would be
capable to adapt changes. Professional ethics in the workplace are
unquestionably the master key to the success lock. The team of people
who are understanding, trustworthy, reliable, motivated, concerned, and
responsible will defiantly adjust to any position and work they are given. (4)
it will be a trouble-free working environment. In a particular situation when
there is a minor disagreement amongst employees, it is resolved inside the
organization due to a greater and stronger understanding among all
employees. Even the company doesn't have to worry about those
minor issues because they know the staff will look after themselves.(5) the
company will achieve new level of success. By managing and
systematically managing everything in this way and deepening the
understanding of employees from good ethical standards, the company will
surely reach new success and the growth of the company will be
3. Give 2 sample situation of Unethical behavior comitted by Engineers and give
your recommendation.
 A trusted supplier sends you a case of wine each christmas and you
casually accepts it without hesitation.
Reccomendation: Whenever a trusted supplier or not you should still return
it and explain why you cannot accept it because honesty and integrity
avoids deception and prevent corruption practices and professional
misconduct. In other words, you reject and prevent accepting bribery or
improper influence.
 You are engaged in the design of a project that involves reclaiming land
from the sea. The particular area that you want to reclaim is inhabited by a
rare species of dolphin. The client have advised you that the reclamation
will have an adverse effect on the dolphins, but you ignore them.
Recommendation: You are headed accountable if a problem might occur to
that area that you reclaimed. This is for you to reflect respecting for life, and
the environment. This would allow you to recognize and promote public
awareness and understanding of the impact of engineering achievements.
4. How to develop strong work ethics among employees?
 Employee perceptions of an organization's ethical behavior can lead to
favorable consequences and greater financial results. To achieve and
develop strong work ethics among employees the company along with its
employee should have a clear goals and objectives, therefore, managers
need to align the workers with clear goals and objectives. The company
should also have proper mentoring for its employee this is for the employee
to understood and effectively apply what was taught. A company isn’t
successful if the company does not create a right work environment, this
stress-free and healthy work environment will be the door of every
employee and the company to gain clarity of thoughts and ideas and it also
increases the productivity of the employee. Lastly, to effectively develop
strong work ethics among employees everyone should have discipline to
others and their own. Discipline can bring stability and structure into a
person’s life, it teaches one of us to be a responsible and respectful person
and an employee; discipline gradually promotes good behavior to achieve a
better and healthy place to work, this makes the work more enjoyable for
everyone to stay.
5. If there is an Engineer employed who has an extraordinary skills and talent,
being a trouble shooter of the company problem but no discipline at all. Would
you retain him in the company? Justify.
 For me, for someone who is given an extraordinary skills and talent but do
not have discipline at all I would probably talk to him/her first personally and
tell him his excellent perfomace but poor ethical behavior, after that I would
give him his vacation for 2 months for him to reflect at his own actions at
work and then when he comes back I would assign someone to monitor his
behavior at work if there would be some changes. If it is still the same, then
that is the time I would not retain him anymore. I have given him his second
chance to improve and if he will take that for granted there would be no
more chance for him.
6. Referring from the role of work ethics, rank them and choose the top 3 ethics
which you like most and explain what it means. Give sample situation.
 If I would rank the 8 central characteristics of strong employee work ethic
based on my own choice it would be like this; (1) Dedication, (2)Punctuality,
(3) Focus, (4) Initiative, (5) Accountability, (6) Productivity, (7) Desire to
improve, and (8) Professionalism.
 My top 3 ethics which I like the most are the:
(1) Dedication – this is having a very strong support on to something.
Sample Situation: Once when I was in fifth grade I was embarassed by
someone because of my stupidity when it comes on my academic
performance. After then I was given the motivation to study really hard in
order to prove them wrong, I found what really am I capable of doing
and because of that incident I initially found a part of myself that I am not
that dumb. My dedication to be a better version of myself is not as bad
as I think and this dedication of mine will still continue until I achieve my
dream to become an Engineer someday.
(2) Desire to Impove – this is having the aspiration for self-improvement.
Sample Situation: I am someone who is an adventurous person. I love to
try various things and as much as possible improve myself, my skills,
and my qualities or abilities. Trying something I am curious at helped me
a lot in identifying what are my capabilities and limitations on that certain
(3) Focus - it the center of interest or activity.
Sample Situation: When I was in grade 12, it was already quarantine at
that time, I lost focus on my online class as we I was dealing with family
problems at that time, my grades droppes and I lost interests on the
things I usually like to do. This happened up until now but I am trying my
best not to be affected by anything for now because it is tiring. For now I
focus on studying and making myself busy to forget the problems.

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