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Product Name Acriflavine hydrochloride Product Number: Batch Number: rend: (CAS Number: MOL Number: ‘Quality Release Date: Recommended Retest Date! Test 3050 Spruce Street, Saint Louis, MO 63103, USA Website: www sigmaalerich com mal USA: uiside USA: eurtechserv@sial com Certificate of Analysi ‘A251 sHEPt444 ae SIAL “ 8063-240 ‘MFcD00069039 11 JAN 2022 DEC 2024 ‘Specitication Resuit ‘Appearance (Colot) ‘Appearance (Form) Solubility (Color) Solubility (Tui) 1 mgimL, H20 Water (by Kal Fischer) Infrared Spectrum % Aesilvine HCL. content 4% Protlavine HCL Recommended Retest Period 3 years Faint Brown to Brown and Orange to Dark Dark Red (Orange and Red to Very Dark Rea Powder Powder (range to Brown Dark Orange Clear lear 513% am Contos to Structure Conforms: 40-50 23 25-70 a Fe Larry Coors, Director ‘Quality Controt Miwaukee, WIS ‘Sigma-Alrich warants, that at the tine of the quality release or subsequent retest date this prodict conformed to the information ‘contained in this publication. The current Specification sheet may be available at Sigma-Aldrich com. For further inquiies, please contact ‘Technical Service, Purchaser must determine the sutabity of the product for Its particular use. See rovorse side of invoice or packing ‘lip for addtional terms and conditions of sao BA

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