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UNIDAD | Vocabulary BRAWDS brand 12 « particular moke of product te brand v. - branded aff "ve tried lots of other brands of shampoo, but this one's sti my favourite, consumer 1. the person who buys and uses a product or service - te consume v. Most consumers don't care where the products they buy come from. cost ¥.[e0st, costed, costed] fo estimate the price of making a product - costing n, ‘Many inputs like labour and materials must be costed before @ product's retail price is set develop v. to cteate a new product or improve an existing one - product development n. To sucoeed over the lang term. we have fo keep developing new and better products, tf]? digital ‘A. marketing through digital devices such as computers end smart phones; includes markeung TViadlo by sume Gefitions -aisy eamarneuny We now spend far more on digital marketing than on traditional marketing, term distribution ‘meaning | 1. the delivering of products to end-users, incl. advertising, storing etc Has your company ever handled distribution of luxury goods for a top intemational brand? end-user image label 1. the person, customer etc wha is the final and actual (or "veal) user of a product, end-users aren't happy with the quality or price, they won't recommend it to their friends, ‘nthe concept or perception the general public has of a company or product - public image n. I only took one media story about child labour in a factory overseas to destroy the company’s positive image. 1. small piece of paper, cloth etc on a product giving information about it To find out how much sugar a drink contains, check the nutrition information on the label. launch ¥ to introduce a new product, with publicity etc - product launch n, If Kim launches 2 new line of clothing, sho invites heaps of celebrities to the product markot research n. study of consumers’ needs & preferences, often for a particular product We only launch new products if our market research shows high consumer demand, online packaging point of sale adj. while connected to the Intemet or other computer network - also adv. to shop online Our ontine sales are increasing mow that more people are shopping online, 1. the wrapping or container for a product | —__—_— —__. Ifa product's packaging is made of plastic, environment buy it. 1. the place where a product is actualy sold to the public - point-of-sale adj. The auvertising of agarettes (st alowed, even at the poine of vale, product 1n. something made to be sold; merchandise [includes services] - to produce v. When cresting produets for teenagers, use cool designs that ft with today’s teen culture. [ea ee a 1. creation and maintenance of a good public image - public relations officer n. i § 3 term +4 +~— ‘meaning SWOT, public When their CEO was caught sending racist e-mails, the company faced a public relations relations nightmare, rogistored ‘aj. officially recorded or listed (eg. as in “registered tracemark" and its symbol ®) - to register v. Ourlawyors have advised that we must register all new products for our own protection. sponsor 1. fm supporting an organisation in return for advertising space and brand recognition Pq total product | 1. in marketing, the whole product, inc. name, packaging, instructions, reliability, after also v. The sponsor of a Premier League football club has their brand or logo on the team's abbr. Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats a i ‘Anyone who's studied marketing knows what the letters $:W.0.T. sland for sales etc This is a total product issue and you should raise it with Marketing, not Advertising. trademark 1. special symbol, design, word etc used to represent a product, brand or company term ‘meaning Have you registered the trademark yet? Vocabulary for Meetings term meaning AGM. abbr. Annual General Meeting at which directors of a company or association present their annual report to shareholders or members How many shareholders attended this year's AGM? abbr. Any Other Businoss [usualy the last item on a maeting's agenda, for raising ‘Add @ heading for AOB at the end just in case someone wants to raise something AoB. topics not listed elsewhere] else. brent ‘adj. not here; not present [at a mecting, in a class, at work ate] If someone doesn't come to the meeting, white “absent next to their name, agenda ‘n, a wttten schedule or lst of topics for a meeting meaning a ees The first item on the agenda is to make a brief statemen of welcome. ee | apologies: ‘tem on an agenda for announcing people who are absent; apologies for absence The second item is apologies from board members and office holders unable to attend, ballot 1. a type of vote, usually in writing and usually secret- secret ballot n. I the workers dont get a pay rise, they'l hold a ballot on whether to strike or not casting vote 1n.a deciding vote (usualy held by the meeting's cheir) cast only when votes are otherwise equal Itwas a ti, s0 the chair used her casting vote to decice the matter. chairman rn. the person who leads or presides at a meeting - also chairperson or chair [often preferred, esp. when referring to a woman} Tho chairman ended the meeting by thanking all those who'd attended. conference 1 formal meeting for discussion, esp. a regular one held by an organisation conference call consensus At this year’s conference, leading scientists will discuss the damaging effects of plastic waste. 1. telephone call between three or more people in different locations We've arranged a conference call for 2 o'clock, so please make sure you're availabe. 1. general agreement decision There's a growing consensus among shareholders thet the CEO's ten million-dollar performance bonus wasn justified. 1A. a conclusion or resolution to do something - to decide v. All decisions made at the meeting must be communicated to our members immediately. item ‘matters arising 1n. a separate point for discussion [as isted on an agenca The next item on the agenda is a proposed wage rise forall fulltime employees. rn. item on an agenda for discussion of what has happened as a result of the last meeting meaning The firstitem is matters arising, beginning withthe wage rise proposed at last month's meeting. minutes ‘na wilten record of everything said ata meeting You can read the minutes of last month's meeting if you want to know what everyone. said. proxy vote show of hands unanimous ‘na vote cast by one person for, or in place of, another person who isn't present How many proxy votes were cast on behalf of absent committee members? 1 raised hands to express an opinion in a vote Voting will be conducted by a simple show of hands. adj. in complete agreement; united in opinion After another year of losses, there was a unanimous vote of no confidence in the CEO. videoconference 1. conference of people in different locations using video links and videoconferencing software to see and hear one another Before the videoconference begins, make sure your webcam is tumed on and your video link is up and running. ¥. to express an opinion in a group by voice, hand, in yiting etc - also n. - to cast a vote v. Guess how many executives voted in favour of a pay nse for their workers. Money Vocabulary pints term meaning ATM. abbr. Automated Teller Machine; cash dispenser You didnt leave your credit card in the ATM again, di you? banknote 1. a plece of paper money; bil’® They've got some old $5,000 banknotes in the museum if you want to see one. ‘a. a banknote; a piece of paper money term meaning black market bureau de change 7 - Can you change this twenty-dollar bill for a ten-dollar bil and two fives? 1. illegal traffic in officially controlled commodities such es foreign currency I you change money on the black market you!l get a botter exchange rate, but it's riskier ee eee ‘2 business where currencies of different countiies may be exchanged alse eurreney exchange Don't use the bureau de change at the airport. Tho exchange rate's temible. ———$ | cash 'n. 1 coins or bank notes (not cheques); 2 actual money paid (not credit) You can pay by cash, credit card or smartphone, cash 1n. automatic machine from which clients of a bank may withdraw money; ATM dispenser fp |s there another cash dispenser nearby? This one's out of service. — cashier 1. person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, store et Please pay the cashier at the counter over there. 10 meaning coin 1a piece of metal money My dad collected old coins whon he was a kid currency 1. the money in use or circulation ina particular country Eurozone counties had their own currencies before they switched to the Euro debt fn. money that's owed by one person to another Jenny's father is salling the family home to pay off his gambling debts. exchange rate inthe rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another - also rate of exchange n. Would you mind checking today's official exchange rate on one of those currency websites? 1 the currenoy of other countries The tourism industry isthe country’s main source of foreign exchange. hard currency 1. currency that will probably not fallin value and is ready accepted i term meaning The govemment gets hard curreney from oil exports, then ovsepors: 1e8 it when buying inflation interest invest legal tender petty cash NN 1n.a general increase in prices as a country’s currency loses value If your bank's interest rates are lower than the rate of inflation, your savings will be worth less overtime. _n. money that a lender or bank depositor is paid for the use of their money, often at an ‘agreed monthly or yearly rate You get more interest from a fixed-term account, but youl lose the interest if you take ‘money out before the term's up. v.put money into @ business, buy shares or lanc, ete in order to make a profit investment n. 11 invest half my savings in the stock market, and put the rest into low-risk govemment bonds. rn currency that cannot legally be refused in payment of a debt Printed banknotes nave only been legal tender in Britain or a couple of hundred years. ‘na cash fund for emall, everyday expenses 2 meaning Itwe need some milk or whatever, get the money from petty cash. soft currency ‘speculate, transaction Pf 1, cattency that will probably fll in value and is not reacily accepted I you'e exporting, stioulate payment in a hard currency like the Euro or you might get soft currency instead. ¥. to make high-risk investments in business, foreign currency, land etc in the hope of Quick profits - speculation n. Hedge funds use investors’ money to speculate in the stock market. 1n.a (usually commercial) exchange; any deal involving a buyer and a seller -to transact v. Salling a house is a complex transaction, so you'll need a real estate fawyer to do ne legal work Newspapers Vocabulary article = = roi 1.8 text or pioce of writing in a newspaper, magazine, news website, etc on any non-fiction subject ‘There's a groat article on doing business in China in (oday’s Washington Post. broadsheet"* censor chequebook Journalism correspondent 1n.a large-format newspaper, especially one with reliable news reports and opinion pieces by qualified experts and experienced contribuiors - see tabloid | The New York Times is a dally broadsheet famous for its quality joumalism. ra state official who can stop publication of articles they find morally or politically offensive - censorship n. Articles that cntcize the goverment don't get past the censor these days. 1. the obtaining of exclusive rights to a story by payment of large sums of money Why shouldn't a woman who was abused by some rich politician make some money from chequebook journalism? 1n.2 journalist who covers a particular topic (e.g. politics, foreign news, sports etc) for a newspaper or other news media Jonathon's bean a foreign correspondent for the BEC for many years, mosty in Asia critic in. a person who ites reviews of things like books, films, plays, food, wine ete Bob Halliday was a great music and food critic who wrote reviews and special Features for the Bangkok Post. desk 1n.a department of a newspaper (eg: the travel desk Unless youve spent years following lots of ciferent sports, you're not really qualified {0 take over a sports desk. edit v.to check, modify and generally prepare written material for publication If you've got an eye for detail and excellent written English, you could apply for a job editing newspaper articles. editor 1h. a person who edits 2 the head of a newspaper or newspaper department 1 contain newspaper editors hadnt supported hin, the president mightrt hove editorial 1n. an article written by the editor stating his opinion Today's editorial says anyone guilty of massive wage theft should be jailed, especially top executives and billionaires. exclusive righte Ene 1 legal permission for one newspaper only to publish a story It! be worth paying for the exclusive rights if we can get them for a reasonable ‘amount. feature 1n.a spacial or regular article in a newspaper, usually displayed prominently On Saturaays the paper publishes special features on sports and sports stars. 15 1. the first page of a newspaper, usually carrying the day's mot important story ‘Have you seen the hieadline on the front page of today’s paper? headline 1.1 the title at the top of an article 2 headlines the most important stories Whiting a catchy headline that grabs people's attention isnt as easy as it looks. journalist 1n.a person employed to write articles for a newspaper - journalism n. 1've wanted fo be a journalist ever since I was in school fn. the media all the means of mass communication (newspapers, TV, radio, websites, eto) Why does the royal family get so much attention in the media? news website 1n.a place on the Internet where news is reported, usually as written articles with supporting images andlor video footage ‘Some news websites are online versions of printed newspapers or broadcast news media, while others exist purely as websites. opinion ‘n. what a person thinks about a particular subject; a subjective point of view 16 Reporters aren't supposed to express their opinions unless they're wnting a column or an opinion piece. paper 17.1 thin, flexible material on which you can write or print something 2 a newspaper The train used to be full of people reading the paper, but these days they just look at their smartphone: 1. low-quality journalism with stories made more shocking or exciting to attract more readers - sensationalist adj. ‘News websites hnad trouble making money at firs, so they used sensationalism fo boost traffic and income. story 1n.a news article or report Who wrote that story on the next World Cup in today's paper? tabloid ‘na smal-format newspaper, especially one with sensationalist stories, = 520 broadsheat Tabtolds aro emailer than broadshoots, 20 the pages are easior to tur 7 Presentations Vocabulary term ‘ausiience rapport meaning ‘A. relationship of presenter with audionee, ep. when Have you got any tis on developing audience rapport when making a presentation? body language flip chart for example... 1n. body movements, facial expressions and other non-verbal signs of a person's feelings and attitudes | could tel from his body language that fie was nervous and self-conscious. ‘Typical word used to signal the last of several points o° subjects Finally, les end with a quick recap of the main points rn. a pad of large paper sheets on a stand for presenting information 1 you're using a flip chart, make sure your writing is big enough for people at the bback to read, Typical phrase used to signal an illustration or sample ofa particular point When greeting people in Japan, for example, bow your head while bending forward, 18 meaning handout 1n. anything (report, sample etc) handed or given to people at a presentation Print your handouts well beforehand in case you need time to replace an ink cartridge ‘or fix some other problem. ‘Typical phrase used to signal the summing up or final pert of a presentation 1rd tke, in conclusion, to thank everyone for coming and wish you all the very best for the future. Ladies and Gentlemen Polite phrase often used to address an audience of men and women Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in giving tonight's speaker a warm round of marker microphone applause. 1. whiteboard marker a pen with a broad, felt tip for writing on whiteboards It youte using @ whiteboard, make sure you've got plenty of spare markers. fn. electrical device that one speaks into for amplification of the voice etc Why riot use one Of those Ite microphones that car be clipped onto @ shirt or Jacket? | 19. term one. overhead, projector pointer PowerPoint™ ‘abbr: ovechead (raneperensy, strat’ fm thle used iit ai overhosd prejester If you're wnting on an OHT, stand to one side so you don't block the projected light. 1. device that projects an overhead transparency onto a screen - O.H.P. abbr. Will you be using the overhead projector ora fip chart? 1. device (rod or electric torch etc) for indicating things on a map, screen etc Have you tried one of those spotlight pointers that magnify whatever they're pointed at on a monitor? fe 1. software for designing and making digital presentations that can include projected pages, slide shows, videos etc Did you know that the first version of PowerPoint™ was released in 1987 and was only for Macs? screen 1. large, flat, reflective white surface on which films, slices ete are projected | ieee a aeciaaae How big is your overhead projector's screen? term meaning Turning now te... visual aids signal ¥. to use a gesture or sign to communicate something (such as where one is in a presentation) How can | signal to the audience that the presentation is coming to an end? slide 1.1. presentation page with any mix of text, images, video, sound etc forming part of "slide deck" 2. small (usually 35mm) photographic transparency - slide projector n. We used to use 25mm slides with projectors, but these cays we make our slides with presentation software and display them on monitors. Typical phrase used to signal the beginning of a particular subject or topic _— —____, To start with, ios put ourselves in the shoes of a customer and imagine the features we'd want the most. Typical phrase used to signal a change from one subject or topic to another Turing now to after sales service, how would we want to be supported as customers? 1. things that one can show the audience in a presentation (eg: films, maps, charts, etc) Good visual aids are especially important in technical and data-based presentations, 2a whiteboard 1. large, flat, white surface or board on which to write or draw with markers If youre elicting ideas from the audience, list them on the whiteboard as you go. Word list of sales and marketing vocabulary in business English ‘* Agent: a person or company that acts for another and provides a specified service ‘© B2B: Business to business '* B2C: Business to consumer © Benchmarking: Comparing the products with the competitors for quality and performance © Buyer: Any person that makes a purchase ‘* Cash refund offer: Offer to pay back the purchase price of a product to customers ‘+ Chain store: series of stores owned by the same owner and sell similar lines of merchandise '* Client: a person or organization who is using the services of a lawyer or other professional person ‘or company # Close: to fnish a sale or deal + Convenience store: small shop with extended opening hours and in a convenient location + Coupon: A voucher offering a discount for a particular product ‘+ Deal: A business transaction + Department store: a large store with many varieties of goods in diferent departments + Discount: price reduction + E-commerce: Buying and seling onthe Internet + Emarketi romoting products and services over the Internet ‘+ Follow-up: keep contact after the sale for customer satisfaction «Franchise: dealership + Guarantee: promise or assurance that the product will be repaired or replaced if faulty = nwa i A oval notwroth within company ‘¢ Joint venture: to join with 2 foreign company to manufacture or sella product or service ‘* Market leader: the company selling the largest quantity of a particular type of product 22, ‘Mark up: the amount added to the cost price of goods to cover overhead and profit Packaging: putting products into containers Product line: A group of similar and related products or services Prespect: A possible customer Representative: A person representing and selling for a company Retail: To sell to the public in shops Shopping centre: a laroe building with shops with a common car parking area ‘Trade fair: An exhibition where companies can show or demonstrate similar products, Wholesale: Selig in large amounts at low prices for resale brand: particular product ‘consumer: a person who purchases goods and services for personal use cost: estimating the rice of making a product develop: making @ new product or uparading an existing one digital marketing: marketing by means of digital devices distribution: the giving the products to customers end-user: the final user ofa product image: the impression of general public for a company or product labo: small piece of paper or cloth ona product wth information launchy introducing a new product to public market research: making a research on consumers’ needs and preferences online: being connected to internet point of sale: the place where a produc is sol to the publ product: merchandise public relations: the professional maintenance of favorable public image register recorded of listed on an offcial list or directory ‘sponsor: a person or organization that provides funds. sw Ts Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats trademark: brandmark, a symbol, word, oF words representing @ company oF product Buying habit: Tendency to buy the same brand again and again Buying motivation: stimulating factor to buy a product Corporate image: the view of public for a company Customer: buyer of goods or services Market niche: Specific segment of a market that a company is a specialist 23 Market sha ercentage of sales of a product or service captured by a brand Market size: the amount of buyers and sellers in a speciic market Marketing strategy: plan that inaicates the marketing goals Marketing mix: marketing strategies; product, price, place, promotion Soller: a person that sel a product portfolio: product groups Price boom: fast rising prices Price cut: decrease in price Price hike: an increase in pice Price war: decrease of prices in response to other fms Distribution channel: seling @ product directly or via distributors E-commerce: buying and seling the products or services online Advertising: to inform possible customers about products and services and to influence thes to take some action Public relations: maintaining professional public image by a company Sales promotion: encouragement to buy 24 AT THE RESTAURANT THE UNDERGROUND = ad wns ae Be

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