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Mairena Castaño

Speech. The importance of physical activity and the dangers of the lack of it.

Good morning everyone, my name is Mairena. Today, I'm going to talk about the benefits of
physical activity, and the repercussions of the lack of it. From my experience, the sport has
been a very significant aspect at my young age. I have always been influenced by it because
my family has a very sporty lifestyle.
I must confess that I do not practice any sport on a daily basis. However, since I'm trying to
get back into it, I have been noticing small changes. I am in a better mood, my energy in the
morning is more powerful and the most notable is the hours of sleep that I get.

Have you ever wondered how doing sports can help release the growth of factors in your
brain? Society tends to believe that this discussion is irrelevant. No matter what experts say,
we are not conscious of the dilemmas that the lack of exercise can produce. It can end it all.
However, not only sports can help you to be stronger, or stop being in the worst of wear.
They can also improve your brain's activity. They can help boost your memory and improve
your concentration. Therefore exercising regularly, in the long term can make a meaningful
Mental health, no matter what people say, is and will be one of the principal things an
individual has to care about.

A scientific study demonstrates that women who were physically fit in their middle ages were
88% less likely to develop Demetria than their peers that only were moderately active.
Moreover, they had a slower cognitive activity decline. This is the perfect example to take a
wake-up -call, and start being a clean bill of health.

On the other hand, the harmful effects of not getting enough physical activity are immense.
Not doing enough exercise can raise the risk of developing diabetes, type two. Regular
physical activity can help to delay or prevent the development of diabetes by 60%.
This is due to controlling blood sugar(glucose); training can be very beneficial to this
Also, the lack of exercise can lead to cholesterol problems. Regular exercise is effective in
lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Doctors recommend aerobic training or resistance
training to ensure that healthy cholesterol levels are achieved.

In conclusion, taking a global perspective, in my opinion, is essential to try to include

physical activity into our daily routines. Considering that just doing a certain amount of sport,
your body, and your brain can make such a difference, I think it is worth the effort. Not only
to improve our image, but also to prevent disease, create a healthy lifestyle, and also to be a
better version of ourselves.

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