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Are you doing everything you

can to grow revenue?

Software is only getting more
difficult to sell.
75% of buyers say their average buying
cycle has increased over the past 24

Forrester/Outreach Buyer & Seller

Dynamics, 2022
Buying committees are expanding
Enterprise purchasing cycles are
longer than ever
Procurement processes are
becoming more rigid
And it’s only getting harder
Companies are
Your buyers are People are laser-focused
tightening their worried about on their
budgets their jobs bottom lines

As an economic recession looms,

efficiency is the name of the game.
Your software might save
companies - or Jobs

“If only we had the budget.”

Dollars are getting harder to
come by – but that doesn’t
mean they don’t exist
The ability to find and attach to
new/relevant budgets is critical.
Your value prop must be strong
AND aligned to your customers
current state
But…What is your customers’
current state?
Cloud budgets are growing
For the full year 2022, IDC is forecasting
cloud spend to grow 22%*

That’s $90.2 BILLION

*Compared to 2021 spend

Cloud Ecosystems and Marketplaces
are replacing traditional partnerships
Resell is predicted to make up a
smaller proportion of the
technology industry’s revenue 76 %
dropping from of business
leaders agree


66% current business models

to will be unrecognizable
in the next few years –
33% ecosystems will be the
main change agent.

–Forrester –Accenture
Those who speak Cloud and understand
how to effectively sell Cloud will win.

$700M “It cuts the sales cycle Within 2 years

down by almost
of the $1.2B 20%
in new bookings 50%
for Q4 was generated When we use the of Seeq’s total ARR was
through co-selling with AWS Marketplace.” transacted through
the hyperscalers. – George Kurtz, Marketplaces.
CEO, Crowdstrike
The dirty little secret:
It’s wildly resource intensive
to be successful
You’ll need…
Deep knowledge of the Clouds &
New GTM motions & enablement
Broad organizational
Not to mention…
Technical expertise - Marketplace
+ Product Integration
Operational scalability & efficiency
across Sales, Finance, Product, and
Engineering teams
But is that the best way to spend
your valuable time?
Great businesses focus on
building great products that
serve their customers
Yet - those who fail to adapt will
lose to lesser competitors at the
hands of convenience
Give your customers what they
fewer vendors and fewer bills
software that’s easy to purchase
to meet and exceed their committed
cloud spend with AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM
Let’s be honest:
Being easy to procure
IS a KILLER feature
Attaching to a growing budget
IS a KILLER feature
Landing on your buyers’ cloud
bill IS a KILLER feature
Embedding into trusted
ecosystems IS a KILLER feature
Cloud rules everything around us

Budget | Resources | Strategy

What is YOUR strategy
Cloud dollars?
Frankly, that’s why we built
You: Focus on YOUR business

Tackle: Helps you build, execute, and

operationalize your digital selling
strategy thru the Clouds
Decode Cloud Selling
Decode Cloud Selling
Derisk revenue streams
Decode Cloud Selling
Derisk revenue streams
Delight your buyers
Decode Cloud Selling
Derisk revenue streams
Delight your buyers
Sell where they buy
Tackle is THE way
to go to market with the clouds.

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