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Cyber Security



Introduction Page 3


Advanteges & Page 5 ,6
Disadvanteges for
cyber securitiy
Tybes of Page 7

Most Alarming Cyber Page 8

Threat Facts That You
Wish to Know Early

Conclusion Page 9

: Introduction
On the Internet, information is widespread—and business operators, alike,
risk data theft. Every year, technology becomes more complicated—and
so do cyber attacks. The world of digital crime is expansive—and it isn’t
exclusive to any particular Internet-accessible platform. Desktops,
smartphones, and tablets may each carry a degree of digital defense—but
each has inherent ‘weak points’ to which hackers have become attuned

Fortunately, some digital security tools and services run parallel to their
ill-intended tech counterparts. Even though our digital landscape’s
complexity obscures advanced threats, most can leverage network-based
assaults with digital disaster prevention tools

Why is Cyber security Important?

Cybersecurity is important because it protects all categories of data from theft and
damage. This includes sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII),
protected health information (PHI), personal information, intellectual property, data,
and governmental and industry information systems. Without a cybersecurity
program, your organization cannot defend itself against data breach campaigns, which
makes it an irresistible target for cybercriminals.

Both inherent risk and residual risk are increasing, driven by global connectivity and

usage of cloud services, like Amazon Web Services, to store sensitive data and
personal information. Widespread poor configuration of cloud services paired with
increasingly sophisticated cyber criminals means the risk that your organization
suffers from a successful cyber attack or data breach is on the rise

Business leaders can no longer solely rely on out-of-the-box cybersecurity solutions

like antivirus software and firewalls, cybercriminals are getting smarter and their
tactics are becoming more resilient to conventional cyber defenses. It's important to
cover all the fields of cybersecurity to stay well-protected.


Cyber Security is a process that’s designed to protect networks

and devices from external threats. Businesses typically
employ Cyber Security professionals to protect their confidential
information, maintain employee productivity, and enhance
customer confidence in products and services.

The world of Cyber Security revolves around the industry standard

of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, or CIA. Privacy means
data can be accessed only by authorized parties; integrity means
information can be added, altered, or removed only by authorized
users; and availability means systems, functions, and data must be
available on-demand according to agreed-upon parameters.

The main element of Cyber Security is the use of authentication

mechanisms. For example, a user name identifies an account that
a user wants to access, while a password is a mechanism that
proves the user is who he claims to be.

Another definition of cyber

security :
Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers,
mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from
malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology
security or electronic information security. The term applies in a
variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be
divided into a few common categories

Advanteges & Disadvanteges

for cyber securitiy

: Advanteges

 Freedom to work independently as a part-timer or full time after a cyber security


 Attractive perks and remuneration

 Diverse areas and a range of job positions to choose from upon completing the cyber
security course

 Professionals in cyber security are the harbinger and providers of digital security
which is highly valued

 Cyber security professionals will be engaged in constant upskilling to remain

dynamic and relevant with regular technological breakthroughs


 The High -Cost of Cyber Security.

 The need for constant monitoring.

 Cyber security can be of massive risk.

 Slows down the system even more than before.

 Short Supply of resources.

What can you do with Cyber Security?

It allows us to secure our network or system, which has to work with

critical or sensitive organizational data

 Data protection: The primary role of Cybersecurity is to

protect the confidential data that is supposed to be accessed

by the authorized user only.

 Enforcing CIA: The three features of Cybersecurity:

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, could be enforced by

the mean of internet security


Tybes of cybercrimes

1. Malware

AI-based malware is more efficient in hiding from the reach of the anti-
malware software. Thus, when the software finds and eliminates malware,
the hackers would have already gained potential information from the user’s

2. Botnet

Bots are pieces of software that run automated tasks on a compromised

system. Malware authors often use them for malicious purposes like
attacking websites or other computers and stealing information from
infected systems.

3. Phishing

ML-based spoof emails are more effective and successful in stealing

credentials. It is mainly because ML algorithms are reasonably successful in
creating instant messages and emails that look like they are from trustworthy

4 . Identity Theft

According to the FBI, identity theft occurs when someone “unlawfully obtains
another individual's personal information and uses it to commit theft or

fraud”. Not all identity thefts are a result of cyber attacks, but malware such
as trojans and spyware are often used to steal personal information

Most Alarming Cyber Threat Facts

That You Wish to Know Early

• 2017 saw an 8500% of explosive increase of cryptocurrency-mining attacks.

• In every 39 seconds, there is one hacker attack.

• 99% of computers are vulnerable to exploit kits.

• 600,000 Facebook accounts are compromised every single day.

• 60% of small and medium-size enterprises are victims of cybercrimes.

• 59% of employees steal company data when they resign or are fired.

• 54% of new mobile malware variants emerged in the past 1 year

• 46% additional Ransomware variants like WannaCry appeared in the

• Most often-seen types of cyber threats consist of advanced persistent threats,

phishing, trojans, botnet, ransomware, wiper attacks and DDoS attack.

• New cyber threats continue to expand the list as technology evolves.

• According to Baker & Hostetler, the causes of cyber security threats can be
various, which mainly include malware, employees’ action, external and
internal theft, vendor and so on.

Even the believe-to-be most secured software supply chain suffers from more
implanted malware attacks.


Finally,Cyber Security is a process that’s designed

to protect networks and devices from external
threats,it used for several things such as u can use it for
defending yourself from cybercrimes , and it also have
many advanteges such as working in you home and also
it have disadvanteges such as the high cost of cyber
security , cyber security is now one of the most important
jobs because there is a lot of crimes in the networks or
even the banks.

: Sources


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