Learning Activity 1

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ARC 2108

Learning Activity 1.1

1. What are the new things that you learned about the nature of Mathematics?
-Isn’t it amazing how mathematics can be the hardest subject of all and
still be one of the easiest? Mathematics has a vast level of layers and a lot of
branches that as the book says, cover everything that functions and processes in
this world. As a student, when math is included, the first impression is always
negative and a big let down cause that’s just it, math is math and the first thing
that comes into mind is “math is hard”. Well, math is indeed hard, but the thing is
math is just like your relationship. The first time you meet someone, you won’t
understand each other yet and the struggle to keep up with each other will be
present at the start. But as you progress and keep being engaged in this
relationship, there you begin to understand everything little by little and to big
giant steps. And that’s just how our math problem works. You won’t understand
the problem unless you familiarize everything within the problem. And you can’t
familiarize anything unless you take a look behind the layers of the problem. Or
basically saying that you need to know its process first before you do the process
There’s no lie that Math is the very one thing that solved everything, from
home chores to daily work to the lying secrets behind the cosmos. That’s why the
ones who understand math loves math and considers it fun. While the ones who
indulge more in cheating math stays stagnant. Math can be taken seriously and
in a fun way. For me, it does work both ways. There’s the serious math used for
calculating scientific predicaments, predicting future events, deducting numbers
and results, and many more. And there is the fun way used to help young
learners to be indulge to the wonders of Math and to show that math carries both
the light and heavy burdens that humans need to process everything.
The best thing that Stewart’s book has taught me must be that it reminded
me instead of how I loved math before and how I forgot the fun side of it. Math is
supposed to be exciting and a necessary exercise to help our brains get buffed. It
doesn’t always need to be numbers and symbols but it can also be use in things
that we love like video games or art and even music. And the best thing about
math will always be the feeling of getting the correct answer out of complex
problems that gives off that overreacting excitement.

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