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W1 Embryology - Prenatal Development 

Describe the key event s that occur during the period of the ovum
Morula formation
Blastocyst formation

2.Describe the key events of fertilization

Germination- Day 0 ZYGOTE FORMATION
1. Fusion of haploid gametes (sex cells).
2. Forms a diploid zygote (2 sets of DNA)
3. Nuclear membrane breaks down, DNA replication commences (mitosis).
Fertilization occurs at the distal end of the fallopian tube (Ovi duct) The newly formed zygote then
travels via motions generated by microscopic cillia and contracts towards the uterous

3.Describe the key events of clevage

Germinal period - day 0-3.

Rapid cell division without cell growth. Cell size rapidly decreases as number of cells increases.
4.Describe the key events of Morula formation.

Germinal period. Day 4.

Now a ball of 16-20 cells flattened again the zona pellucida. The morula is now located at the proximal
end of the oviduct

5. Describe the key events of Blastocyst formation.

DAY 5 A cavity forms within the morula, and the ball of cells is now termed blastocyst
6.Describe the key events of implantation.

Germinal Period. DAY 7

Motility slows, adhesion to uterine epithelium, as the cells of the blastocyst digest the uterine endomet-
rium permitting deeper penetration and attachment.

7.Describe the key events that occur during embryonic development.
1) Bilaminar disc: Epiblast, Hypoblast.
2) Gastrulation→ trilaminar embryonic layers develop ectoderm, mesalderm, endoderm and differenti-
3) Embryronic folding

8.Define Bilaminar disc

On Day 8-7
Epiblast: gives rise to future germ cell layers.
Hypoblast: (transient), gives rise to some umbilical tissues!
9.Identify 4 embryonic membranes

1. Amniotic sac/amnion
2. Yolk sac (nourishment for disc)
3. Chorion: this will eventually become the chorionic sac, which will, along with the uterine wall, become
the placenta
4. Allantois (connecting stalk): contributes blood vessels from the embryo to the placenta; eventually
becoming ambilical cord

10.Briefly state the events of gastrulation

Gastrulation Begins:
Emergence of the Primitive Streak (caudal) & node formation. *Induction and migration of cells into 3
layers to become the trilaminar (3 layered) embryonic disc.
11.List the 3 embryonic layers and what they give rise to

 Ectoderm
 Mesoderm
 Endoderm

12.Provide two examples of structures in the 3 embryonic layers that will develop from each

Ectoderm: CNS, PNS, oral mucosa, teeth enamel

Mesoderm: BLood, bone, muscles
Endoderm: Epithelial lining of stomach, lungs, bladder

13.Describe embryonic folding

On the establishment of the trilaminar embryonic disc, the embryo then undergoes Embryonic FOlding
to establish the bodies axis. This allows for the formation of body cavities as a series of tubes.

14.What are the three periods of human development?

Germinal Period 0-14 days Embryonic period 3rd week 8th week Fetal Period 9th- 40th week
15.What are the key event in formation of a bilaminar embryo

Epiblast: gives rise to future germ cell layers, Hypoblast: Transient - gives rise to some umbilical tissues

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